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List of ‘speed dating’ topics (class140)

1. If you had a time machine which time in the past or in the future would you like to travel to and why?

2. What is your Chinese zodiac sign and how does it describe who you are (and who you are not)?

3. Have you ever seen a ghost and do you believe in the paranormal?

4. If you are an alien and you could abduct any person on earth, who would you abduct and why?

5. If you won the lottery, how would you choose to spend that money?

6. What is one thing that you would like to accomplish in your lifetime?

7. If you were stranded on an island, what are the three things that you would want to have with you?

8. If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would that person be?

9. What would the title of your autobiography be and what would the titles of the chapters be?

10. What are three things about you that most people would be surprised to know?

11. Do you think that the glass is half empty or half full?

12. If you found out that you had six more months left to live, what would you do with that time?

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