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The Wholeness Process

The work – the whole thing simply put

This is about dissolving inner separation and coming to oneness or wholeness. It is all
about simple ways to notice inner separation, and inviting it to merge with the wholeness
that we are.

A. This is always about finding the easy way. When you are working with the right
layer of experience, it will want to relax and will do so naturally when awareness
is present there.
B. Force will never work.
C. This is about including everything, including all your reactions and responses.
Wholeness is not possible until everything is included. When we have
uncomfortable or unpleasant experiences we tend to think we’ll be better off if we
can just minimize or get rid of them somehow. But this is actually what creates
pain, dis-ease and suffering. Once we experience what emerges in us as undivided
awareness, nothing is fundamentally intolerable.

The Process –The General Schema

1. Begin by noticing anything separate in your experience. This can be a feeling
or response. It can be a perspective (an ‘I’). It can be a “persona” (an ‘I’ with a
body, usually doing something or attempting to do something). Most people find
it easiest to notice a feeling or tension first, but once you’re familiar with the
process you can just notice whatever is “there.” It can be any sensory modality.
Notice the location and sensation quality.
2. Experience the Awareness.
3. Find the ‘I’ (i.e. the perspective ) including the location and sensation quality.
4. Dissolve the perspective(s) first. (i.e. invite the sensation of the ‘I’ to merge with
5. Dissolve the Original experience. (i.e. integrate with Awareness).

Whenever something doesn’t easily integrate:

1. Check for another ‘I’ (a perspective from which something is being perceived or
2. Check for a reaction or response happening in the moment. (This can be a response to
what you are working with, to the process as a whole, or to anything else.)
3. Check for a “missing player”: an authority, an experienced need, an audience, the
“other”, etc.

You don’t need to complete anything. This work is very fundamentally changing the
structure of your experience and your mode of being in the world. Sometimes it is useful
to let things integrate for a while before returning to include what remains. In one
“session”, do what goes easily and comfortably.

©2013 Connirae Andreas handout for the Coming to Wholeness 2-day video training

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