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Ice is: 

A.  Solid

B. Liquid

C. Gas

D. Plasma

2. A piece of code that is loaded onto your computer without your

knowledge and runs against your wishes is called:

A.  Software

B. Virus

C. E-Mail

D. Blog

3. A global network connecting millions of computers is called:

A. Search Engine

B. Internet

C. Blog

D. Netiquette
4. One example of a search engine is:

A.  Firefox

B. Safari

C. Internet Explorer

D. Google

5. Australia is located in which global region?

A. East Asia

B. Americas

C. North Pacific

D. Asia- Pacific

6. ICT (Information and Communication Technology) is a blend of

A. IT and telecommunication

B. technology and communication

C. codes and information

D. IT and social networking

7. In computer terminology, processed data is called

A. information

B. variables

C. communication

D. symbols
8. Who discovered the vast continent, later known as America?

A. Vasco da Gama

B. Christopher Columbus

C. V.S Naipaul

D. None of these

9. Who painted the Mona Lisa?

A. Leonardo da Vinci

B. Vincent Van Gogh

C. Pablo Picasso

D. Henri Matisse

10. Which planet is closest to the sun?

A. Saturn

B. Uranus

C. Venus

D. Mercury

11. What is the largest country in the world?

A. China

B. Canada
C. Russia


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