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Disusun dalam rangka untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas mata kuliah
English 3
Dosen Pembimbing: Lia Febriani,M. Pd

Disusun oleh :
Farida Wulandari (108118037)



1. Identify Abstract
Internasional journal

Title :
Risk factors for distant metastasis of patients with primary triple-negative breast cancer
Background :
Objective :
Triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) involves higher rates of recurrence and distant
metastasis. The present study sought to characterize the risk factors for distant metastasis
of TNBC.
Methods :
The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database was exploited to
enroll patients diagnosed with TNBC from 2010 to 2015. The eligible patients were
dichotomized into locoregional and distant metastasis at the time of diagnosis. Patients’
demographics and tumor features, and treatment were evaluated to identify the risk
factors for distant metastasis of primary TNBC. The categorical variables were examined
by chi-square tests. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were used to
determine the risk factors for distant metastasis. Breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS)
and overall survival (OS) were estimated by Kaplan–Meier plots with log-rank tests.
Results :
We collected 26863 patients with primary TNBC, 1330 (5.0%) of them presented with
distant metastasis. In the univariate analysis, all the variables indicated statistical
significance. The significant variables were subsequently enlisted into the multivariate
logistic regression analysis. Age > 50, higher clinical stage T and N, and tumor size > 5
cm were independent risk factors for distant metastasis of primary TNBC. Moreover,
higher clinical stage T and stage N were independent risk factors for bone metastasis of
the patients. TNBC patients with either bone or visceral metastasis have poor survival,
with brain metastasis worst of all, though the OS difference was not statistically
Conclusions :
:TNBC patients with larger age, higher clinical stage, larger tumor size were more
predisposed to have distant metastasis. Great attention should be paid to the prognosis of
these patients with distant metastasis.

2. Jurnal Indonesia

Title :
Faktor risiko terjadinya metasis jauh pada pasien kanker payudara
Background of study :
Objective :
Mengetahui faktor risiko yang berpengaruh dan lokasi tersering metastasis jauh pada
pasien kanker payudara (KPD).
Methods :
Total 1.289 pasien kanker dari periode bulan Januari 2001 sampai Desember 2010 diteliti
secara retrospektif. Dari 913 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dikelompokan
menjadi tiga kelompok. Faktor risiko dengan uji Chisquare pada kelompok dengan
metastasis (Kelompok I+II) dibandingkan dengan kelompok bebas-metastasis (Kelompok
III); dan uji Cox-regression untuk mengidentifikasi kesintasan bebas metastasis (DMFS)
Results :
Total 1.289 pasien kanker dari periode bulan Januari 2001 sampai Desember 2010 diteliti
secara retrospektif. Dari 913 pasien yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dikelompokan
menjadi tiga kelompok. Faktor risiko dengan uji Chisquare pada kelompok dengan
metastasis (Kelompok I+II) dibandingkan dengan kelompok bebas-metastasis (Kelompok
III); dan uji Cox-regression untuk mengidentifikasi kesintasan bebas metastasis (DMFS)
Status T3 – T4, status pN positif, dan subtipe triple-negative yang bermakna secara
statistik pada metastasis jauh (p<0.05). Lokasi tersering metasis adalah tulang.

3. Identify Sctructure text in International Journal

Background of the study : (nothing simple present tense or simple past tense)

Objective : (nothing simple past tense or present tense)

Methods : (simple past tense)
The eligible patients were dichotomized into locoregional and distant metastasis at the
time of diagnosis. Patients’ demographics and tumor features, and treatment were
evaluated to identify the risk factors for distant metastasis of primary TNBC.
S + To Be + V2

The Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results (SEER) database was exploited to
enroll patients diagnosed with TNBC from 2010 to 2015.
S + To Be + V2

Breast cancer-specific survival (BCSS) and overall survival (OS) were estimated by
Kaplan–Meier plots with log-rank tests
S + To Be + V2

Results : (simple past tense)

Age > 50, higher clinical stage T and N, and tumor size > 5 cm were independent risk
factors for distant metastasis of primary TNBC.
S + To Be + V2

Moreover, higher clinical stage T and stage N were independent risk factors for bone
metastasis of the patients. TNBC patients with either bone or visceral metastasis have
poor survival, with brain metastasis worst of all, though the OS difference was not
statistically significant.
S + To Be + V2

Conclusion (simple past tense)

TNBC patients with larger age, higher clinical stage, larger tumor size were more
predisposed to have distant metastasis.
4. Translate Abstrak bahasa to English
English - Indonesia
Title :
Faktor risiko metastasis jauh pada pasien dengan kanker payudara triple-negatif primer
Objective :
Kanker payudara triple-negatif (TNBC) melibatkan tingkat kekambuhan yang lebih
tinggi dan metastasis jauh. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk mengkarakterisasi faktor risiko
jauh metastasis dari TNBC.
Methods :
Database Surveillance, Epidemiology, dan Hasil Akhir (SEER) dieksploitasi untuk
mendaftarkan pasien yang didiagnosis dengan TNBC dari tahun 2010 hingga 2015.
Pasien yang memenuhi syarat dikotomi menjadi metastasis lokoregional dan jauh pada
saat diagnosis. Demografi pasien dan fitur tumor, serta pengobatan dievaluasi untuk
mengidentifikasi faktor risiko metastasis jauh dari TNBC primer. Variabel kategori
diperiksa dengan chi-square tes. Analisis regresi logistik univariat dan multivariat
digunakan untuk menentukan faktor risiko metastasis jauh. Kelangsungan hidup spesifik
kanker payudara (BCSS) dan kelangsungan hidup keseluruhan (OS) diperkirakan dengan
plot Kaplan-Meier dengan tes log-rank.
Results :
Kami mengumpulkan 26863 pasien dengan TNBC primer, 1330 (5,0%) di antaranya
hadir dengan metastasis jauh. Dalam analisis univariat, semua variabel menunjukkan
signifikansi statistik. Variabel yang signifikan kemudian dimasukkan ke dalam logistik
multivariat analisis regresi. Usia> 50 tahun, stadium klinis T dan N lebih tinggi, dan
ukuran tumor> 5 cm faktor risiko independen untuk metastasis jauh dari TNBC primer.
Apalagi klinisnya lebih tinggi stadium T dan stadium N merupakan faktor risiko
independen untuk metastasis tulang pasien. Pasien TNBC dengan metastasis tulang atau
viseral memiliki kelangsungan hidup yang buruk, dengan metastasis otak yang paling
buruk, meskipun perbedaan OS tidak signifikan secara statistik.
Conclusion :
Pasien TNBC dengan usia lebih besar, stadium klinis lebih tinggi, ukuran tumor lebih
besar lebih cenderung mengalami metastasis jauh. Perhatian besar harus diberikan pada
prognosis pasien dengan metastasis jauh ini.

Indonesia – English
Title :
Objective :
To identify the risk factors and common sites of distant metastasis in breast cancer
patients (BC).
Methods :
1.289 breast cancer patients from January 2001-December 2010 are retrospectively
assesed. Of 913 patients that met the inclusion criteria; were grouped into three group .
Risk factors were assessed using Chi-square on Metastasis group (Group I+II) vs
Metastasis-free group (Group III); and Cox-regression analysis was used to identify 5-
year and 10-year Distant Metastasis-Free Survival (DMFS)
Results :
T3-T4, pN positive and triplenegative subtype were significantly related to distant
metastasis occurences in Metastasis group compares to Metastasis-free group (p<0.05).
The pN-positive (HR: 2.51; 95%CI: 1.65 to 3.83) and histopathologic grade-3 (HR: 1, 67;
95%CI: 1.06 to 2.64) were significantly associated to and could predict the 5-year and
10-year DMFS in Metastasis-free-on-admittance group. Common locations of metastasis
in Group I were: bone (n = 73; 64.6%), lung (n = 33; 29.2%), liver (n = 24; 21.2%), brain
(n = 1; 0.8%) and contralateral breast (n = 5; 0.8%); while the common location of
metastasis in Group II were: bone (n = 76; 62.3%), lung (n = 34; 27.9%), contralateral
breast (n = 26; 21.3%), liver (n = 22; 18%), and brain (n = 13; 10.7%).
Conclusion :
The T3-T4 status, pN-positive and triple-negative subtype were statistically significant
risk factors for distant metastasis (p<0.05). Most common sites for distant metastasis was

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