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Each of the 50 States in the US is independent in the educational field.

This field is
managed by the board of education, which is a committee, made up of several
directors who are elected by the community. They meet up to see how they can
promote their students to be better by using strategies that they discuss in the
meetings. They are held once a year.

The classes start in September in most states, but this sometimes changes because, as
mentioned, each state makes their decisions separately.

There are two breaks,Spring Break, which is from March to April, and Summer Break,
which is held from June to mid-August.

The Academic levels are Pre-kindergarten, which is 3 years old of age through 5th
Middle school is 6th-8th grade, next we have the High School it is 9th-12th
grade.Finally you can go to the military forces , or to college or university. The
difference between College and University is that college is much smaller in size than
the university.

Credit hours It is the number of hours in which the student needs to attend classes in
order to pass the subject Ratings

Scale in numbers:
Fail: 6 Pass-7
Notable: 8
Outsanding: 9-10
Scale in letter:
Suspense: D, E, F
Aproved: C
Notable: B
Oustanding: A
Lessons If you want to receive good grades, you must actively participate in class and
answer the exams in the best possible way. Breakfast and bus. Pre-K through 12th
grade are free or reduced of priced as well as lunches.

The bus is free and available if you live within the school zone. You may also walk to
school if you live close to school, or you can get your parents to drive you to school. It
is very important you notify the school if you change your transport
The breaksfast and lunch are free from the prekindergraden.

English is necessary because we live in a globalized world, it influences the politics and
economy of the world. This has become a necessity because in most of the world it is
spoken, it also promotes interculturality, and cultivates us with more knowledge, it
also helps us want to learn more languages.
Cada uno de los 50 estados americanos es independiente en el ámbito educativo, este
ámbito es manejado por the board of states que es un comité, conformado por varios
directores que son elegidos por la comunidad, este se junta para ver como pueden
impulsar a sus estudiantes a ser mejores mediante el uso estrategias que comparten
en dicha reunión esta se lleva a cabo una vez al año.

Las clases comienzan en septiembre en la mayoría de los estados pero esto aveces
cambia pues como ya se dijo cada uno toma sus decisiones por separado.

Hay dos recesos

El de primavera de Marzo a abril
Y el de verano de junio a mediados de Agosto

Niveles académicos
El prekinder garden es de los 3 años hasta el 5to grado
La middle school es del 6to-8vo
Después puedes ir a las fzas militares, o al college o universidad la diferencia entre
estás 2 ultimas es que el college es mucho más pequeño que la universidad.

Horas de crédito
Es el numero de horas en el que el alumno necesita asistir a clases para poder aprobar
la materia

Escala en números:

Escala en letra:
Suspense:D, E, F
Aproved: C
Oustanding: A

Si quieres obtener buenas calificaciones debes de participar activamente en clase y
contestar los exámenes de mejor forma posible.

Desayuno y autobús.
De prekindergarden a 12vo grado son gratis al igual que los lunches.
El autobús es gartis solo si vives dentro del estado, también puedes ir caminando a la
escuela si vives cerca, o dejar que te lleven en carro esto ultimo es muy importante
pues debes notificar a la escuela cada vez que cambies de transporte.

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