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What is a Bitcoin Mining Pool

Bitcoin Mining Pool are a way for Bitcoin miners to pool their funds together and share their hashing
power while splitting the reward equally in line with the amount of shares they contributed to
solving a block. A "share" is given to members of the Bitcoin mining pool who present a valid proof
of work that their Bitcoin miner solved. Bitcoin Mining Pool started when the difficulty for mining
rose to the point at which it might take years for slower miners to generate a block. The solution for
this difficulty was for miners to pool their resources in order that they could create cubes faster and
therefore receive a portion of this Bitcoin block payoff on a constant basis, instead of randomly once
every couple of years. There are various fantastic Bitcoin mining pools to choose from. Even though
it's tempting to pick the most popular one, it is better for the health of the network to mine with
pools in order to prevent potentially damaging concentration of hashing power.

Mining pools are groups of cooperating miners who consent to discuss block rewards in proportion
to their own given mining hash power. While Bitcoin Mining Pool are desirable to the ordinary miner
as they smooth out benefits and make them more predictable, they sadly concentrate capability to
the mining pool's owner. Miners can, however, choose to redirect their hashing power to a different
mining pool anytime. For those who are new to cryptocurrency, mining pools are all groups of
miners who pool their resources together in order to create blocks more quickly. Miners then
receive more regular rewards than they'd mining solo, as rewards are shared among members.The
fees generally range from 0% to 4%. The typical fee for mining pools is usually 1%, so in the event
that you place a pool with a higher fee check its payment system along with other features.
Our duty is to assist YOU cash-in on Bitcoin since it turns into a mainstream global currency. BitClub
Network is a community of those who have come together to encourage Bitcoin and other digital
currencies (also called crypto monies or virtual monies). We're helping to teach, provide services
forsecure, protected, protect, and ultimately gain from this emerging technologies. So much this
community has created among the most significant mining pools in the world. Our primary hosting
servers and Bitcoin Mining Pool servers are located in the Netherlands with redundancies in Hong
Kong and Switzerland. Our developers work liberally, our support staff operates from their houses
and we don't have a demand for a physical location. How cool is that! We can completely operate
this provider virtually and thanks to BlockChain technology and other decentralized and dispersed
networks we also do not need a traditional corporate structure. This restricts our overhead and
allows us to pass these profits to our members.

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