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Université de Jijel

Faculté des Sciences & de la technologie

Département d’Électronique


Td  :ESE14

Présenté par :

1/Messalaoui Abdelaziz
Année Universitaire :

1. Adressage immédiat (Littéral) :
 C’est le type d’@ qui contient la donnée a traiter dans l’instruction.
Exemple :
Movlw 0x20 ;
Movlw 0x40 ;
2. Adressage Direct :
 C’est le type d’@ qui défini l’@ des données dans l’instruction,et la
donée est contenue dans un register ou une @ mémoire.

Exemple :

Movf 0x20 ,w;
Mov 0x3b ,0 ;

3. Adressage indirect:
 C’est le type d’@ intermédiaire entre les rigesters (fsr et indf) ,on utilisé
ce type pour lire ou écrire dans la case mémoire .

Exemple :

Movlw 0x40 ;

Movwf m ;

Movlw m ;

Movwf sfr;

Movl indf,w;
1. What does the word "literal" mean?

 A number loaded into W

2. Write the instruction to put 4Ch into W:

 MOVLW 4Ch;
3. Write the instruction to move 4Ch from W to file 1B:

 MOVWF 1Bh;
4. Write the instruction to move 4Ch from file 1B to W:

 MOVF 1Bh, 0;
5. Write the instruction to clear the value 4Ch in file 1B:
 CLRF 1Bh;
6. Write the instruction to move 4Ch from file 1A to file 1B:
 no instruction exists;
7. Write the instruction to decrement file 1B:
 DECFSZ 1B, 1;
 DECF 1B, 1;
8. After the instruction: BCF 06,3 the file will contain:
 1111 1000;
9. The TRIS file is loaded with 0011 1011. Name the output line(s) created by this value

10. A LED is connected to the 3rd lowest output. Write the instruction to activate the LED:
 BSF 06, 3;

11. File 1B holds the value 0000 1100. After the following instruction: BSF 1B,6 the file will

 0010 1100;

12. Write the instructions to make bit 3 of TRIS 06 an INPUT:

13. For any file, what is the maximum hex value it can contain?

 FF;
14. Write the instructions to make bit 3 of the input/output file HIGH:

 BSF 06, 3;

15. What value will be contained in file 1B after the instruction: BSF 1B,4:

 0000 1000;

16. Write the two instructions to carry out the following: Put 8E into file 1C

 MOVLW 8Eh; and MOVWF 1Ch;

17. A file containing 0000 1001 is AND with 1100 1010. The result is:

 0000 1000;

18. Write the "bit set file" instruction for bit 5 of file 06:

 BSF 06, 5;

19. A file containing 0110 1001 is XORed with 1100 1001. The result is:

 1010 0000;

20. The result of BCF 1B, 3; is:

 None of the above;

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