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In the digital era of the latest revolution, the implementation of online learning has long been

practiced in developed countries because it is believed to provide various benefits. Along with
the Movement Control Order (MCO) implemented by the government to control the spread of the
COVID-19 epidemic, online learning methods are a necessity. Most local universities, both
public and private, including school have no choice but to use virtual teaching and learning
methods to ensure that the teaching syllabus can be delivered as well as possible and learning
sessions are not delayed. However, some problems that need to be faced among them are
communication and learning effectiveness .
Students taking online classes do not have the opportunity to interact face to face with
professors and other students. Communication via email or online discussion groups. It is very
difficult to develop relationships with classmates in distinctive courses. Instead, traditional
colleges have campuses so students can socialize, or study with other students. Students can
also be stopped by the professor’s office to ask question or get feedback.
Besides learning effectiveness is another. Student online programs provide more freedom,
which can be a problem for students who do not know how to operate. Also, online courses do
not have your professor hounding to stay on task, which means students are responsible for
their learning and they may not own up to it. It is easy to fall behind and not feel motivated to
chase them. There are no classroom tools to help students with their learning, so it can make
the learning process more difficult. Finally, students need to be self-motivated to progress
through their courses and programs on time.
Online learning is a very comfortable and flexible method that has allowed many people to
continue their training successfully and as an alternative to traditional learning. However, there
are still many important aspects that we need to continue to increase the benefits in the teaching

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