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Book fair

A fair which is hel to displaying books on various subjects is called book fair. For those who
wants to aquire knowledge book fair is an ideal platform. In book fair we can find various kinds
of books such as book on science, books on geography, books on sociology etc. Book fair is for
every kind of people from child to old. Now a day book fair becomes very popular in our country.
In every year It starts on 1 february and keep continuing its journey whole mount. Every year
many authors and other prominent people come to pay a visit in our book fair. Many interest
people comes to book fair and buy their favourite books. People loves book fare soo much
because it provides all kind of knowledge and information in one platform. To build e education
nation we must have to arrange book fair in every year so people can increase their thrusty of
knowledge and build themselves as a brighter community.

Section 25
Obaidur Rahaman Naim
Id: 2021082

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