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import UIKit

/*var str = "Hello, playground"


var population: Int = 100000

var message: String
var hasPostOffice: Bool = true

var unemployment: Int = 150

var numberOfStopLights: Int = 4

numberOfStopLights += 2

let townName = "Knowhere"

let townDescription = "\(townName) has a population of \(population), \(numberOfStopLights)
stoplights and \(unemployment) people unemployed."

if population < 10000 {

message = "\(population) is a small town!"
} else if population >= 10000 && population < 50000 {
message = "\(population) is a medium town!"
else if population >= 50000 && population < 100000 {
message = "\(population) is pretty big!"
else {
message = "\(population) is very large!"


if !hasPostOffice
print("This town has no post office!")

/*var sampleVariable = 1 // This is how you define a new variable

let sampleConstant = "Constant" // This is how you define a new constant

var sampleInteger: Int = 3 // Defining a variable with an explicit type

let sampleString: String = "Another Constant"

// Including values/expressions inside strings ("The sum is: 4")

let sumString = "The sum is: \(sampleVariable + sampleInteger)"

var sampleList = ["item1", "item2", "item3"] // Defining an array

var sampleDict = ["key1" : sampleList[0], "key2" : "value2", "key3" : "value3"] // Defining a

sampleList[1] = "Updated Item" // Setting the value of an element

print(sampleList[0],",", sampleList[2])
print(sampleDict["key1"]!, sampleDict["key2"]!, sampleDict["key3"]!) // Reading the value of
an element

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