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Define these words:

- nek-aan-nek-race​ = its literal meaning is “neck-and-neck race” which implies that

Biden and Trump both have almost equal chances of winning.
- slakken gang in slalom​ = its literal meaning is a snail on a ski path, which implies
that the presidential race between Trump and Biden is going on very slow.
- De meeste ogen zijn gericht ​= this means that people are mainly focusing on
Pennsylvania because it has a lot of electors, more specifically 20.
- Democraat kruipt naar hem toe = ​in a literal sense, it means that Biden is crawling
towards Trump, but in this context, it implies that Biden is getting closer to surpassing
- In rap tempo ​= this means that the votes are being counted in a rapid pace.
- Biden verwacht nog steeds als winnaar uit de bus te komen​ = This means that
Biden still expects to come out as a winner, even though he still needs to catch up
with Trump
- zo hoort het ​= meaning that is the way it is supposed to be
- het vergt geduld ​= meaning “it takes patience”
- legt zich niet neer ​= this means that Trump is not willing to give in to a possible loss
- dat er gesjoemeld is​ = Trump claims that there has been a miscalculation in the
votes, and that he had been cheated.
- vermeende voorbeelden op van gerommel en fraude ​= This sentence explains
how Trump mentioned some alleged examples of fraud practices.
- Ze proberen de verkiezingen te stelen ​= This explains that Trump thinks that the
people supporting democrats are stealing his votes
- afgekapt ​= this means that Trump’s press conferences was cut off from several
news stations
- een aantal valse verklaringen ​= this implies that Trump has been giving false
- Voor zover we weten ​= it means, in a literal sense, “as far as we know”
- Ongefundeerde beweringen ​= this suggest that Trump has claimed things that has
not been proven to be right
- een politieke thriller met open einde ​= this means that the US will end up in a
political thriller with an open end,
- onontgonnen terrein ​= in unknown territories, not knowing where it will lead to
- die vergelijking gaat al snel mank ​= “that comparison goes wrong fast”
- in diskrediet te brengen ​= this means that Trump is trying to discredit the scores
and counts

This text starts off by informing its readers that because Biden has won the votes of Georgia,
he is one state behind Trump and is close to surpassing him. Because the difference
between their votes is extremely close, people watching around the world are on the edge of
their seats, anticipating to see who will win. Biden stays optimistic and believes he will win
but Trump is said to be suggesting fraud practices in the counting of votes, although does
not have any evidence of any sort. The text also mentions that his press conferences have
been cut off from many news stations because of his given false statements and accusations
and has been brought outlash in the media. Trump is now threatening lawsuits in swing
states, forcing them to recount the votes, which is said to possibly affect Pennsylvania. It is
mentioned that if this ends up at court, the outcome of the situation will be uncertain.

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