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English assignment on movie

The station (1990) and Steel Rain (2017) Urban Cowboy (1980)
The station
It starts as a studio theatre: a good-natured, bit pedantic
stationmaster performs his job at a railway station in the middle of
nowhere. Eventually a beautiful, obviously very rich young woman
enters the station and wants to buy a ticket. She has to wait, they
start talking, get closer - high-society meets petty bourgeois. Then
suddenly the mood turns around: the woman's fiance appears and
tries to prevent the girl from leaving with increasing violence. The
stationmaster interferes and the film becomes a thriller about a
fight to the death.
Steel Rain
A coup in North Korea forces an agent to defect to South with
unconscious "Number One". While operatives from North hunt for
both of them, the agent has to work with South Koreans to stop
the nuclear war.
Urban Cowboy
Bud Davis is a country boy who moves to the city to visit his uncle
and his family. He starts hanging out at Gilley's, the popular
nightclub owned by Mickey Gilley himself. He takes a job at the oil
refinery where his uncle works, hoping to save enough money to
buy some land. He also meets a cowgirl named Sissy, they dance
together, fall in love and suddenly get married. And then their
marriage is shattered when Bud sees Sissy allegedly seeing con
man Wes, who teaches her how to ride the mechanical bull... and
plans to rob Gilley's. When a bull-riding contest at Gilley's is
announced, Bud decides to sign up. Can he win the contest and
save his marriage to Sissy?
The cowboy Bud Davis moves from his homeland of Spur to
Houston to work with his Uncle Bob in a refinery. During the night,
they go to the Gilley's Club where Bob introduces his nephew to
his friends. Bud meets Sissy at the club and soon they fall in love
with each other and get married. Sissy is an independent working
girl and Bud is a male chauvinist that believes in the traditional role
of the wife, cooking, ironing and making love. When Gilley's buys
a mechanical bull for the clients, Bud likes to ride it and does not
allow Sisy to ride. However she goes to the club in the afternoon
and the ex-convict and operator of the bull Wes Hightower teaches
her how to ride. When Bud learns that Sissy lied to him, Bud
becomes jealous and has a love affair with the wealthy Pam and
Sissy goes to Wes' trailer. Along the days, they fight each other
and try to make the other jealous. When Gilley's announces a
mechanical bull's dispute, Bud wants to win Wes. Will he succeed?
Bud - short for his full name of Buford Uan Davis - has just moved
from his parents' home in rural Spur, Texas to the Houston home
of his Uncle Bob and Aunt Corene in order to earn more money
than he could in Spur. Introduced by Bob and Corene, Bud ends up
spending much of his after hours at Gilley's, a honky-tonk bar and
club. As the new guy in town, he could have his pick of most any
woman at the bar, but he ends up mutually falling for Sissy, a feisty
working class gal, the two who end up quickly getting married and
moving into a trailer Bud bought as a surprise wedding present. As
both Bud and Sissy are stubborn, headstrong, emotional,
passionate and prideful, the honeymoon phase of their marriage is
soon over as issues, including of jealousy, violent behavior and
roles within their relationship, arise. In their arguments, both Bud
and Sissy feel the need to hurt the other emotionally, the best way
they knowing how being to make the other jealous in each knowing
deep in his/her own heart how much each loves the other. They,
however, may end up crossing lines in their marriage, pass which
it may be difficult to turn back. Factored into that crossing lines are
the agendas of the two people to who they turn. For Bud, it's Pam,
an uptown girl with downtown sensibilities who has a penchant for
cowboys. For Sissy, it's Wes, an ex-con bank robber on parole who
gets a job at Gilley's and who lives in a trailer behind the bar. The
symbol of many of Bud and Sissy's problems is the newly installed
mechanical bull featured at Gilley's.

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