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 Read the power point presentation and discuss with your groupmates if competitiveness and
strategy are important to the success of an organization
Competitiveness and strategy are important to the success of an organization because
these are the ways in overlooking to the future in what do you want to achieve for your business
or organization. Competitiveness is how effective an organization meets the wants and needs of
the customer relative to others that offer similar goods or services. Through this we can identify
in how we will going to improve our products or services in order to have an edged to
competitors that has similar to what we are offering and to make sure that our product or
services will stand out from the rest. By identifying the needs and wants of the customer we can
assure the satisfaction of the customer that will result to their loyalty to our products or services.
Strategy on the other hand is the long-range game plan of an organization that provides a road
map on how to achieve our goals for the business. After identifying all the necessary things that
we need in order to improve the business we should create a plan in how to achieve and realize
our goals. This will serve as guide for the business or organization in how to maintain or
improve our products or services in order for us to assure the life or operation of the business or
organization. Effective strategy formation requires taking into accounts the SWOT analysist. By
identifying where the business is good and bad at, the opportunities that may improve our
business and lastly what are the possible events that may risk our business we can create a
concreate plan in how to manage and conquer those events for us control the course of our
business and to ensure the growth and success of the business. To be effective, core
competencies and strategies need to be aligned because your strategies will not work if the
required competencies exceeds the extent of the business capabilities or performance. You
should do it gradually to make sure the effectiveness of the growth of the business or
organization. Competitiveness and strategy will fuel the business to keep it alive and going until
it reaches its desired goal or success.

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