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v COUNTRY SUBJECT DATE OF INFO. PLACE, ACQUIRED teresa ‘MY :7B ved For Releasena@nG/OAit@ ::Gld_REPAZQ457R013900390010-9 068 QASSIFICATION —SECREL/CONTROL - U.S, OFFICIALS GLY SECURITY IAFORMATION 2x1 INFORMATION REPORT gcrorr! cD NO. Hungery DATE DISTR. 18 septenber 1952 Organization of Parachite and Airborne Regiments NO.OF PAGES =—OEFERENEE CU) issu ~DO NOT CIRCULATE ‘SUPPLEMENT TO REPORT NO. THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION 25x1 25X1 28X1 28x1 28x1 28K1 jthe treining«under Soviet supervision- of rac wisborne troops Has made great progrese in the lest fev months, ‘Tt ts stated)that the first Hungarian sirborne division will be activated boon at the Ksposvr—Taszér Mrfield. There are certainly preparations going on which support such a supposition. It is @ fact, that there are three regiments which could de analgensted in such a unit: the parachute regiment at Kaposvar—Tasz&r the airborne reginent et Bajo; end the airborne regiment at Tab. Regarding these units the following tnformation te known: ‘The Ist Hungerten Parachute Battalion vas at the Bzolnok Airfield until May-Jme 1950, Tt was aftervard transferred to the Teszar Airfield, near Kaposvar (comonly called Kaposvar-Taszir) where 1t is now, In between 4¢ fe itha, unttl the beginning of 1951. Its comander at that time waa Li Teves Wranferrel to Diapest | 7 wi Tapertant post I the eeronautfeal section of the | Defense Ministry. Upon his being relieved, comand of the battalion wae teken over by Captain Ferenc Godé, vho was a parachutist officer in the old Army, Ab the present time be bes the folloving officers under kim ut Tessar: Captain Zoltdn Kiss, training instructor} Lieutenant Pal Pados, tretning Wustructor; Second Lteutenant Perene Pados, training instructor; Lieutenant Karoly Csordas, company comander; Second Lieutenant Jen eth, company comander; Second Lieutenant Sal&ts (fmu), compeny commander. eoeeeeaen SECRET/CONTROL - U.S, OFFICIALS ONLY TavADPrO YER Ear REIEASE ZOUSMEHS GIA RDPBE-VOASTRYTIPOUSIOTY-S cae ts aaa Be x [aa By [x [ee ‘Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900390010.9, 25Kt SECRET /CONTROI, US OFFICIALS ONLY 3. The battalion 1e organized as follows: a. [Battalion commander Deputy comender Political officers Gniet of start “Depot Service comander (gersonnel of about Ko in this section), |. ‘Troops: Parachute Rifle Company-— Hach equad 19 equipped with a Maxin heavy machine gun, © light sachine gm, four machine pistols, end rifles. Company comanter anita oo} Deputy. commander. : Political officer ~./ Company staff Tight Morter Platoon: 25-27 men with tree 80 mm mortars Medium Mortar Platoon: 26 men with three 100 mu mortars Infantry Platoon: one rifle squad, one machine pistol squad, one heavy ‘machine gun equad vith a Maxim machine gm. ‘e. itizea Parachute Conpany--Information about this company is incomplete, ‘but tt probably is srganized ee follove Company comander Deputy commanter Political officer cveGompeny staf Comanications platoon, of tvo or three eqiads Engineer platoon ‘antitank platoon, with two 76.2 m, guns Mortar platoon, with four 100m, mortars. SECRET/COWTROL -- US OFFICIALS ONLY ‘Approved For Release 2006/04/18 : C1A-RDP82-00457R013900390010-9, 25xt 25x1 25K1 25K1 25Kt 25x41 Approved For Release 2008/04/1 1A-RDPB2-00457R013900390010-9 25x41 SECRET/COMIOL -- US OFFICIALS ONLY 3 4, Tn 1952, about 1,200 recruits vere called up to the battalion, from which ‘ovo new battalions similar to the first vere organized. ‘The staff of the ist Wattelion you enlarghd toe reginehtal stat ‘Tal battalion staf? apparently was uot greatly increased, The main Aitference was that ‘the depot service section received more personnel, and a number of new trucks vere placed at the service of the unit. ‘The reginental staff is considerably aaaller than thet of an infantry regineat, chiefly because the Sug staan Se grape sec ————— A former infantry reginent at Baja has recently been designated an airbome reginent. It works vith the parachute regiment, from which it is supposed ‘hat, Uiey wil goon be organized as a unit. Tide regiment 1x quartered tn | the new barracks ‘oa Vaskati Street, in Bada. Cy ase Eecred Tie Teetmmntal nature aede_oFTaG Teja w Girect Graiving there, The commnter at Baje is a major (name wi- nom); the political officer 1s Captain Kéroly Molndr. “6, At Tad, 50 KLlouetere northeast of Kaposvir, is an infantry regiment which also hes fub+ been deeimated on airborne reginent. ‘These three regiments WAIL constitute the lst Ruagarlan Alrborce Divieton Neither the parachute regiment nor the airborne’ reginénts have their om aizplane parks, Tie planes ore furnished froa.the Ferihegy Airfield by ‘the Himgerian-doviet airline competiy "Maszoviet” and by Hungarian air units from the Kecskanét Airfield. At one time six or seven Soviet LI: ‘transport planes were detailed. : 8. The bent parachutists are sent to Russia in musi] groups, vhere they com- plate their training in three to six nonths. 9. The Aiviston of the Defense Kiniatry vhich the yarachute and airborne troops axe under 19 headed by Generel Staff Major Béla Karsey. He is an scknovledged ‘expert, but has never been promsted because of hip classification as a re- actioanry: 10, ‘The parsehute troops fonserly vore vhite shoulder boards, as part of the Air Force. Bince' the end of 1949, they veer green epaulets on a white grout. Recruits anf geound personae). vear an insigne on the right breast of ailver~ gray material on @ green ground. Parachutists who have uade their firet six uupe receive a vite metal insigne, After 60 jumps they get a silver cross, vhich © bar 1s added after 123 leaps. SECRET/COMMOL ---US GFPICIALS' OMY Approved For Release 2008/04/18 : ClA-RDP82-00457R013800380010-9 Approved For Release 2008/04/18 : CIA-RDP82-00457R013900390010-9, 25K1 SHORE /CONTROL ~~ US OFFICIALS ONLY A parachutist's equipment consists of a helaet, an overall, « knife, boots vith rubber soles em thick, a pair of gloves, goggles, e chest-pack pare~ chute anda back-pack parachute. Parachutiete are given the regular infantry training for the first six weeks. Tien follove a theoretical schooling, supplenented later by practi~ ‘cal emmple. During the theoretical training they learn how to fold the Parachute, the correct bodily position for jumping, the theory of parachute Combat, the basic principles of partisan verfare behind the eneny's Line: umping from a tover, Jumping Troms scaffold with counterweights, end the Like. Jumping drills from airplanes are held at regular intervals over the Pusrta River between Szolnok ond Kecsken

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