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A. Use the adverbs somewhere, anywhere, or nowhere to complete the sentences. 1, Have you seen my keys? I can’t find them 2. I think their house is near the base. 3. Have we met before? 4. Sandra always gets lost. She can’t drive without a map. 5. [have to leave at 11:30. I must be by noon. 6. David is going today. He has to stay home and work on his car. B. Write sentences giving advice or making suggestions. Use ought to, supposed to, should, or should not. Use the words in parentheses. Look at the example. EXAMPLE: It's getting late. (go soon) We should go soon, 1. Im tired. (go to bed) 2. Tom is really hungry now. (eat dinner) 3. You're driving too fast in this area. __ (slow down) 4, They have a big test tomorrow. (go to the party) 95 5. doe feels sick and has an earache. (g0 to sick call) 6. I don’t have any paper. (bring some to class) C. Make a sentence with must or must not. Use the words in parentheses. 1. Thaven't seen her for a few days. (sick) 2. The door won't open. (right key) 3. Pete came into class with a wet umbrella. (raining) 4, There are no lights on at Nancy's house, (home) D. Complete the dialogs with the correct modal. Use must, should, or would. Jeff. I'm sorry you didn’t get the promotion. You be upset. Carl: Treally am. I like to look for another job Jeff: You check with my office. They're looking for new people. Carl: Thanks for the advice. I'll call them in the morning. Ann: What did Carl say? Sam: He said that he call Jeff's office in the morning. Use must, ought to, or would. Susan: Diane not be home. Her car isn't here. Cathy: I'll go check to see if she left a note on the door. Sally: What did Cathy say? Susan: She said that she look to see if there's a note on the door. Cathy: Diane did leave a note. She wrote that she was going to the store and that she be back in a few minutes. The note doesn't say what time she left, but I think we wait for her. 96 E, Complete the following dialog. Use the words in the box. Change to the correct form if necessary. Use each word once. John: Paul: John: Paul: somewhere use to join attend postpone _ trainee before Excuse me. My name is John Barber. I think I've met you before. ‘Yes, I think we have met . I'm Paul Simpson. Did you go to the Davis Academy? Isure did. I classes there for a year. Then I my education and the Air Force. I just finished my basic training. You did? What was it like to be a 2 F, Make a sentence with must or must not. Follow the example. EXAMPLE: Mildred is crying. (upset) She must be upset. 1. That car is certainly beautiful. (expensive) 2, Nobody answers the phone. (at home) 3. Why isn’t Jack buying that shirt? (enough money) 4. All the students in my class are going to celebrate tonight. (happy) 97 G. Give advice about how to save money when you buy a new car. Use should or shouldn’t. EXAMPLES: Don’t shop when you're tired. You shouldn't shop when you're tired. 1. Watch the newspaper for news of sales, the newspaper for news of sales. 2. Don't buy a more expensive car than you can afford. a more expensive car than you can afford. 3. Talk to your bank about a loan before you select a car. to your bank before you select a car. 4. Check prices at different car lots. prices at different car lots. o Don’t buy a car without trying it out. a car without trying it out. H. Use supposed to or not supposed to and the words in parentheses to complete the sentences. Look at the example. EXAMPLE: Do you know where everyone is? (in the lab) ‘They're supposed to be in the lab. 1. Please be quiet in the library. (not talk) 2. Idon't have anything to write with (a pencil) 3. This dessert doesn’t taste very good. (serve it cold) 4. Are you bringing anyone to the reception? (no, no guests) 98 Ree o Complete the sentences with nowhere, anywhere, or somewhere. I think Paul is downstairs. Have you ever been stationed in Europe before? We stayed home last night. We went T have never lived outside the USA. Joe thinks he left his books in the gym. I've looked all over for my glasses. They are__ to be found. Write a word that has about the same meaning as the underlined words in the following sentences. Use the words in the box. guest anniversary celebration drop in cheese rolls chocolates _luncheon _drink __company 1. Josh was married ten years ago today. 2. Clara is inviting guests to a meal in the middle of the day. 3. Dan slices this food that we make from milk or cream and puts it on a sandwich. 4, Open the door, Christy. The people we invited to come over are here. 5. He was promoted! Let's have a special party. 6. You're the person they asked to come for dinner. 7. Mrs. Adams bakes these small, rqund pieces of bread. 8. Come to our house anytime. We're always glad to see you. 9. He gave her a small box of dark brown candy. 10. I'm thirsty. May I have a glass of water? 99 Read the paragraph. Use the information in the paragraph and circle the letter of the best answer. . Today was his first day in basic training. Howard was wearing new BDUs. He was part of a group of men who were listening to instructions from a TI Howard is a military trainee. Howard is a training instructor. Howard is worried about basic training. Howard is visiting the base. aeoe . She has a broom, a mop, a scrub brush, and a cloth for cleaning windows, There are many apartments in this building. It will be hard work, but maybe she can buy sofife food this week. a, The woman hopes to get money for cleaning the apartments b. The apartments are very dirty and need someone to clean them. c. That woman is very old and sick, and she has no food. d. ‘The woman doesn’t want to do this work because she doesn't like cleaning. Susan sliced the large, red strawberries into a bowl. She added some sugar and thick cream. She put the strawberries and cream on a slice of chocolate cake. The dessert was ready just in time—the doorbell rang. Susan didn't like cooking. Susan was at work. Susan was expecting company. Susan was eating when the doorbell rang. pore Put the sentences in the correct order. Number one is already done. Tm fine, too, Hey, the mountain climbing club is having a party on Saturday. Would you like to go with me? ______ Allright. Tl see you Saturday night. Bye. Good. The party starts about 8:00, so I'l pick you up at a quarter till. T'm fine, thanks. How are you? (Ring! Ring!) Hi, Mary. This is Harry. How are you? Oh, that club has great parties! I'd love to go. 100 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 4. Jim: “Where is the ? I want to sweep the floor.” 6. ‘Tom: “The floor is wet. It would be better if you used a ’ 7. Do you have any steak ? The steak has no flavor and I nee 14, something to make it taste better. The food here isn’t good. The bread is old and tastes A . The Military Police always have a at the gate of every military base. You can’t just walk or drive on base without being checked. Yesterday the weather was bad; it rained all day. But today it’s ; it isn't only raining, it's storming! 15. The roses so good! Open the windows, so we can enjoy them with the fresh air. 18. Would you like to eat a with butter for breakfast? 19. This is the score I've ever gotten ona test. A 45! How terrible! 20. The trainees can't leave this ! They must stay here. 21, I don't like the of coffee. It’s bitter. 26. Every year there is a big for his birthday. 27. Would you like to drink some white or some red with your dinner? DOWN 1. This bread is really . Ljust baked it. 2. You need a passport and maybe a visa if you want to travel toa country. 3. IfT had the money, I buy my wife a gold chain. 5. Hamburgers and hot dogs taste better with and onions. 9. Try some of the candy. The light brown are sweeter than the dark brown pieces. 10. Thank you, but I don't drink or wine. 12. The students must live in the during their first year. 13. I move into a new apartment next week. 15. In Argentina and the USA, the most popular meat is A 16. Always knock before you the commander's office. 17. The Spanish Heritage starts at noon. Dishes from Mexico, South America, and Spain will be served. 101 22. 23. 24. 25. Can you please the bread and the cheese? Here is a knife. Once a week we have lunch at the Officers’ Yesterday I washed my clothes and today Ihave to can wear them tomorrow. I'm sorry I had to _ your birthday celebration, but Ihad a fever that day. _— them, so I 102 A. Read the paragraph and select the topic and the main idea. Circle the correct answer. The problem of air pollution, or dirty air, is greater when there are a lot of people living together in an area. Large cities have a special problem with air pollution. There are several causes of air pollution, but the greatest cause is the automobile. The burning of gasoline and oil in automobiles fills the air with pollution. When you have a lot of people, you have a lot of automobiles. Also, the burning of oil, wood, and other things necessary for our homes and businesses is, another cause of air pollution. We burn our trash or garbage, the things people throw away, and this adds dirt to our air. A high amount of pollution in large cities is dangerous to plants, animals, and people. It causes headaches, injury to the eyes, and sometimes death. This is a problem all of us should think about and try to solve. ‘The topic of the paragraph is: a. cars today b. air pollution c. medical problems ‘The main idea of the paragraph is: a, Trains are the main cause of air pollution in cities. b. Large cities have a dangerous air pollution problem. c. ‘The burning of oil and wood causes pollution. B. Read the dialog. Select the sentence which tells what the dialog is about. Circle the correct letter. Dave: Did you have any luck, John? John: No, I've looked all over town, and I just can't find anything. I don'thave enough education. Everyone tells me to go back and get my degree or I won't have a chance without it. a, John was shopping. b. John was looking for a job. c. John was selecting a school. 103 C. Use a phrase from each box to make a sentence with was going to or were going to. Number one is an example. was (were) going to but go to a movie Tost my wallet work out at the gym missed the bus eat at the snack har ate at my friend's visit a museum had to study travel to Europe broke my leg go shopping went to the beach drive downtown took the bus EXAMPLE: I was going to go to a movie, but I lost my wallet. i 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. D. Read the paragraph. Use the information in the paragraph to select the best answer. 1 Cpt White met Ms. Green at a picnic. He thought that his English wasn't very good, but he tried to talk to her anyway. They both enjoyed the afternoon. Before he left, Cpt White invited Ms. Green to dinner. She accepted the invitation. a. Opt White didn’t let Ms. Green talk. b. Ms. Green is an English teacher. c. Cpt White probably likes Ms. Green. d. Ms. Green will not go to dinner. 2. ‘There were no cars in the parking lot. There were no lights on in the building. Sgt Smith tried to open the door, but it didn't open. He looked at the date on his calendar watch. He laughed and walked away. a. b. c. 4. He realized it was a holiday. He was confused and went home. He thought someone had the key. He came back later. 104 E. Read the story and fill in the blanks with the words in the box. applying around continent an application photographs certificate in addition to require visas overseas: unusual You have to have a passport to go . To get your passport, you need___form, your birth and some passport-size . There are lots of places where they'll photograph you. @ passport, some countries __ before you're allowed to enter. If you're planning to go to another don’t for your passport. It is not for it to take four weeks or more to get it. F. Answer the questions. Use was/were going to. Look at the example. Answers will vary. EXAMPLE" Dil oor ester iudy Spanish to study Spa 1. Did you go to the lake last weekend? 2. Did Betty and Mary study together last weekend? 8. Did you work late on Friday? 4, Did Dave repair his motoreycle*? 5. Did you read the book I told you about? *motoreycle: a bicycle with a motor (or gas engine) Answer the questions. Use was/vere going to and the cue in parentheses. What did John do last night? (study/watch TV) Where did you go last Saturday? (beach/movies) How did you get to Dallas? (drive/fly) What did you wear to the party? (suit/jeans) Read the paragraphs. Circle the letter of the best answer. Jack had to give a report in class. He had documents and photographs to describe a day many years ago. An important man died on that day. Jack’s report was in __ class. a. math b. history c. music d. typing Mary called ten of her friends. She told them not to come to her house on ‘Thursday for the party. The party would have to be sometime next week when the yard was drier. Mary postponed the party because of rain, Mary didn't want to have the party. Mary wanted to have the party indoors. Mary liked to give parties. aes Read the paragraph. Write the topic and the main idea, Ted and Ann are going to get married next week. They have been planning for many months. Now they have everything prepared for the wedding and for the honeymoon. They are going on a tour to South America. They're planning to travel by air. They had to get their birth certificates and some other documents so they could get their passports and visas. They filled 106 out the applications for their passports and visas about six months ago. It can take a long time to got the visas, Not all the countries they'll visit require visas, but some do. In addition to their passports and visas, they have their cameras and lots of film. They want to take a lot of photographs of all the places they visit. Their suitcases are all packed. They are going to leave right after the wedding ceremony and reception. Everything is ready for one of the biggest days in their young lives! Topic: Main Idea: 107 THEY WANT TO GO TO SAN ANTONI! LESSON 22 A. Fillin the blank with the correct word. 1. The of his cat was important to him. life/live 2, The cat was okay yesterday, but now it’s death/dead 3. How did it 2 die/death 4. Its was an accident, dead/death 5. He wants his cat to be again, but he knows it can’t be. alivellive 6. He going to get another cat, but he decided not to. was/is B. Select the best answer. 1, The Declaration of Independence is an important in the USA. A lot of famous men signed it. a. certificate b. application c. document 2. Hank and Helen got married and went to Europe on their — a. honeymoon b. holiday c. leave 3. He his keys in the car, and now he can't get it open. a. gave b. earned cleft 109 10. 1. He works very hard, but he good money. a. notices b. earns c. orders His plane leaves at noon. He's traveling a. by air b. onair c atair ‘The 4th of July is a in the United States. Most people don't have to go to work that day. a, holiday b. museum c. history Fred that Marge wasn’t feeling too well, and he asked her what was wrong. a. applied b. watched ©. noticed The captain the airman to report to the clinic at 0700. a. watched b. noticed c. ordered We saw clothes from the 1700's in the . It was interesting to see what people wore long ago. a. history b. museum c. restaurant What was his for wanting to postpone his trip? He never told me why. a. reason b. cause c. order ‘The weather seems cold for this time of year. a. usually b. unusually c. usual 110 12, 13. 14, 16. 16. When I was in school, my favorite course was because I enjoy reading about things that happened a long time ago. a. holiday b. history c. story Are his_____for Burope or Africa? Which continent is he going to? a. holidays b. lives c. orders ‘Travelers must have when they go from Africa to South America. a. photographs b. passports c. credit cards Let's take a in the country. It’s a beautiful day! a. visa bride c. life He will be gone quite a long . Idon’t think he's coming back until next winter. a. while b. day ce. trip Use a some-, any-, every-, no- compound + else to complete the sentences, I told you everything that the captain said. He didn’t say Mr. Chester isn’t in today. Would you like to speak to __s- % I brought my lunch, but went out to eat. ‘The room was empty when I got here. There was around. Do you like this movie or would you prefer to watch f ui 10. They only serve hamburgers here for lunch. Would you like to go 2 We did all the work. There's to do. ‘My jacket has to be in the lab. I've looked Write what each person said. Tom: They ought to do better next time. Tom said Sally: Doug should read this book again. Sally said . Lt Davis: Sgt Jones must be the one who did this. Lt Davis said Ben: I would go to the mountains every summer. Ben told me . Mary: I was going to travel to Europe last summer. Mary told us ee Betty: I will bring some strawberries. Betty told us Bill; Tought to earn more money. Bill said , Lt Lee: Capt Drake must be the one who ordered this. Lt Lee said Marge: used to read a book a week. Marge said . Flo: This must be where they live. Flo said 10. Select the best answer. John and his wife their trip. They'll go another time, a. postponed b. noticed Myson___five dollars yesterday. He cut our neighbor's grass. a. left b. earned Bill and his brother are going to travel abroad. ‘They for passports. a. postponed b. applied A_____dog was in the street. A car hit it. a. dead b, usual Bob and Mary took a lot of. during their trip to Africa. a, photographs b. visas I that the window was open. a. ordered b. noticed A birth certificate is a a. history b, document . Frank traveled from Europe to South America. He went a. alive b. abroad ‘That stamp isn't very common. In fact, it's very a. unusual b. dead Fred and Betty got married yesterday. They're on their a. reason b. honeymoon 13 11. Fred had a good for being late. His bike had a flat tire. a, reason b. order 12. Each of us has only one a. death b. life so we should try to enjoy it. Choose the correct word. Underline the adjective or adverb. He seemed very happy/happily about moving to Florida. Betty exercises regular/regularly. He walked very cautious/cautiously across the old bridge. Did he appear angry/angrily after the meeting? ‘They were proud/proudly of their father. Mrs. Hanson spoke calm/calmly to the student. Change the underlined time phrases to the -ly adverb form. They took his temperature and blood pressure every hour. Do you usually have a checkup every year? Mike is on a diet and he weighs himself every day. Does she have to take these pills every night? I wash my car every week. 115 These statements are incorrect. Correct them by using a word from the box. swollen pharmacy injury mirror examining _ social security number sulfa wrist ‘You go to the museum to have a prescription filled. The doctor holds your elbow to take your pulse. Blood is a type of drug. I can't put my ring on my finger; it’s dizzy. You can see your reflection in the medication. The military ID has a person's phone number. Mark received a head flu in the accident. When the doctor looks you over to find out what’s wrong, he’s signing you. 116 D. Put the sentences in the correct order. Write the number beside the sentence. Lt Lewis felt ill. ‘Then the doctor examined him. a He went on sick call and signed in at the clinic. a Then he went to bed for three days. After bed rest he felt fine. ___ He went to the pharmacy for his medicine. _____ The doctor wrote two prescriptions for him. yocpanies The corpsman took his pulse and blood pressure. E. Use the words in the box to complete the letter. bed rest proscription shot mirror treatment ill aspirin sick call dizzy clinic prescribed flu ‘Yorktown Naval Weapons Station Sunday, December 10 Dear Mom and Dad, Tm sorry that I couldn't write any sooner, but I had the for nearly a week. I felt last Sunday night. When I looked at myself in the ‘Monday morning, I knew that I must really be . Treported to as soon as the opened. When I finally got to see a doctor, he gave me a and a for cough medicine and a big bottle of ~~ He also four days of. so I've been lying down most of the time. The five days that I was sick seemed like five weeks, I kept remembering the good care that you used to give me when I was sick, Mom, but I guess the doctor's worked. I foel much better now, so don't worry about me. Love, Robert 17 Read the paragraph. Circle the letter of the best answer. Rosemary has been cleaning her house for several days. She has polished the furniture and washed and ironed the curtains. Yesterday she went to the grocery store and bought a lot of food. Today she has cooked for several hours. Now she is putting her best dishes on the dining room table and putting candles in silver candle holders, a, She's getting ready to take a trip. b, She wants to be ready if friends drop by. c. She is expecting guests for a dinner party. John was playing basketball when he twisted his knee and fell. The coach took him out ofthe game immediately. John was angry because he didn’t want to stop playing. The score was tied at 68, and the clock showed only three minutes until the signal that the game was over. a. The coach didn’t like John and wanted him to be out of the game. b. John was the best player on the team. c. The coach believed that John had an injury. Lula and Clint are standing on a corner in downtown Budapest. She has a camera around her neck, and Clint is looking at a map. Both of them are wearing shorts (short pants worn in hot weather). a, Lula and Clint are shopping. b, Lula and Clint are tourists. c. Lula and Clint are looking for a clinic. Match the sentences in Column A with those in Column B. Column A Column B 1, There's so much a. Iam, too, but I know we'll remain noise outside! friends. 2. I don’t know what’s wrong. b. I don't know how Bill can stay I feel very dizzy. asleep. 3. Ann was very confident c. Wait awhile. She appears to be when she spoke to them. very busy. 4, The Hansons never speak d._- You'd better not drive by yourself. to any of the neighbors. 5. T'msorry your family e. They really keep to themselves. has to move to Ohio. 6. Do you think I should £. Yes, she didn’t seem at all talk to Lt Jones right now? nervous in front of the generals. 118 H. Choose the correct answer. Circle a, b, or c. 1, You should lie down. You should 5 a. leave b. tell the truth ec. rest 3. Olivia is ill. a. She doesn’t feel well. b. She's never felt better. ©. She doesn't feel that way. 5. Ted's finger is swollen. a. His finger is dizzy. b. His ring keeps slipping off. c. He can’t take off his ring. 7. Jack is going to the pharmacy. He wants to get - a. some medicine b. an appointment c. acheckup 2. Have a seat. a. Please move this chair. b. Please sit down. ¢. Please carry this chair. ‘The doctor examined Ann's ankle. a, He fixed it immediately. b. He looked at it carefully. c. He gave her a prescription. ‘Tommy washed the dishes, and Tammy wiped them. a, She put them on the table. b. She put them on the shelf. ©. She dried them, When Tom gets a cold, he treats himself, He doesn’t___. a, go to the doctor b. take care of himself c. take any medicine 119 Complete the following paragraph. Use the correct form of the words in the box. Use each word once. mareh scrub complain firing range John is thinking: Well, [can’t . Inever had any time for , and for a while it seemed pretty awful, but all in all it wasn't, so tough. The first week we got shots, took tests, and drilled a lot. We spent lots of time _____to the mess hall, ___on the ground, and practicing on the When we weren't doing that, we were always or sweeping the floor. We had to and polish everything. We seldom had time with our friends. We spent more time Frequently, when I heard the drill instructor _ ‘Fall in,” and I was standing at attention, I would ask myself, “Why did you ever decide to enter the Air Force?” with our mops and Select the best answer to complete the sentence. You should keep your birth certificate and other important_____in a safe place a, photographs b. documents c. applications Twant to visit the two______of Africa and Asia. a. continents b. countries c. overseas My aunt likes to go to art and see the great paintings. a, areas b. certificates c. museums: 121 10. Joe is always smiling and happy Today he is very quiet and looks so sad. This is very a. unusual b. around c. dizzy Why did you the Air Force rather than the Navy? a. join b. attend ce. apply Capt Walsh has received his orders to go from Washington, D.C. to Germany. He's going a. around b. while ©. overseas I'm not sure if this job you to know how to drive. a, requires b. invites ©. appears In the Air Force T'll have a chance to travel; ___ that, Tl learn how to fly. a. at attention b. in addition to c. help yourself ‘My car had a flat tire, and thatis the Lam late. a. reason b. history ©. order Your brother to like his new job, He is always smiling. a. attends b. appears ©. examines 122 C. Match the word and its meaning. Write the correct letter beside each number, oo. il a, laboratory —— 2 dinie b. hurt 8B. wipe cc. seem 4 tablet d. alone ——— 5. drugs fe, not moving 6 injure f£. sick —_ 7. bleed g. part of body 8B. appear h. dean or dry ab penicillin and sulfa 10. still j. place to get medical care 11. by yourself k. pill 12, muscle 1. lose blood D. Complete the sentences with a reflexive pronoun. 1. When did John make a sandwich? 2. Mary burned when she got too near the fire. 8. Why are you so angry with 2 4, Did the children clean up the kitchen 2 5. Looked at the iron to make sure it was tarned off. E. Read the paragraph. Write the topic and the main idea. Do you ever sneeze or have a runny nose when you are near animals? Have you ever had red and swollen eyelids without knowing the reason? The cause may be a food, an animal, or perhaps a part of a plant. Thousands of people begin to cough and sneeze every spring when trees are in bloom. Many other people find that they cannot eat certain foods without feeling uncomfortable in one way or another. You might have an allergy if you sneeze when you are around cats or dogs. In many cities in the United States, you can visit an allergy clinic where doctors treat only patients with allergies. The 128 ere ee ee number of things that may cause allergies is very large. Dog hair, chocolate, detergent, cow’s milk (and the things that are made from it), wheat, wool, many grasses, and berries such as strawberries, are only a few of the thousands of things that can cause an allergic reaction. Topic: Main idea: Underline the correct word. Choose the adjective or the adverb. Paul appears nervous/nervously today. Mary should go to the dentist regular/regularly. This bread is really good/well for sandwiches. Why does he drive so careless/carelessly? This cheese smells very strong/strongly. Andrew remained calm/calmly after the accident. We heard a noise and went downstairs cautious/cautiously. Our team got lucky/luckily yesterday. We finally won a game. Use one of the linking verbs in the box to complete the sentences. Words may be used more than once. appear keep smell be seem stay taste Ann: I wish those people would stop talking. Jay: So do I. But I guess it's impossible for some people to quiet. Tom: Is Al sure of his promotion? Dan: He quite certain of it. Mike: ‘The strawberries sweet. Brad: They really good with fresh cream. 124 Todd: No one thought he would stick to it, but my brother finished at the top of his class at the academy. Fran; You must very proud of him. Larry: _ Is the major in his office? I need to talk to him about my leave. Denis: Heis, butit's not a good time to talk to him. He very angry when he came in this morning. Pat: Don't talk to Peggy. You get upset every time you talk to her. Sandy: usually do, but today I'm going to__calm. Select the best answer. . Jim went to the ____ to get some medicine. a. pharmacy b. record Joe broke his leg while he was playing basketball. He himself. a. operated b. injured . John cut his finger and ___ the blood with a clean cloth. a. treated b. wiped Ted looked into the and saw himself. a. mirror b. shot . Penicillin and sulfa are a. drugs ~ b. muscles Mr. James stood up suddenly and became very __. a. swollen b. dizzy Before Mary saw the doctor, the nurse took her . a. blood pressure b. injury 125 10. After he had lunch, Jim became He went to sick call. a ill b. flu ‘The nurse told the young boy to go to the waiting room and take a - a. pulse b. seat Bob can’t eat strawberries. He’s to them. a. allergic b. twisted 126 A. Write questions and answers. Follow the example. EXAMPLE: Ross; Ken: Jan: Mary: Ed: Greg: a headache/do Brad: Ihave a headache. What should I do? take/aspirin Fred: Why don’t you take some aspirin? or Why not take some aspirin? always broke/recommend try/spending less tired/not enough sleep/do go/early tonight not/enough exercise/recommend take up/jogging gaining weight/do cut down food/get more exercise cough a lot/after smoking/recommend quit/cigarettes 127 B. Combine the ideas between the lines (//) into one sentence. Write a paragraph with the new sentence. (What causes sleep? Can anyone tell you?/ /We know that all people need sleep. All animals also need sleep./ /Plants may also need sleep. Some people think so./ /What causes sleep? Not many people can say. But all of us need it./ C. Read the first sentence. Then write a question that makes a suggestion. Use why don’t and the words in the parentheses. EXAMPLE: It's too late to take the test today. (take tomorrow) Why don't you take it tomorrow? 1. You have a terrible cough! (quit smoking) 2 2, You could use more strength in your arms, ift weights) 2 3. Randy really wants to come to our party. (anvite him) 2 4. Daniel likes to play tennis. (play this weekend) 2 128 D. Read the first half of the dialog. Then write a question that makes it a suggestion. Use why not and write the words in parentheses. EXAMPLE: Jan: It’s too expensive to stay in a hotel. Ken: (stay motel) Why not stay in a motel? 1. Dina: I’m tired of studying; I want to do something else. Tina: (go movie) 2 2. Dave: I'm thinking about joining the service. Carl: (enlist Navy) 2 3. Troy: Where should I meet you? Gary: (meet parking lot) 2 4, Tom: I don't know where to go on my vacation. Joe: (abroad) ——————— E. Complete the sentences. Use the words in the box below. cutdownon relaxation possible suggestion fitness unnecessary regularly __little by little 1. It ean be done or happen. It’s 2. For we rest, read, or do fun things. 8. Not necessary is the same as 4. Tt changes a little at a time or 5. The feeling of being fit is 6. This is what I think you should do; it’s my 7. When you don't do something as much as you used to, you've doing it. 8. Something I do at regular times, I do F. Complete the sentence with some advice. Use had better and the word in parentheses. 129 EXAMPLE: _ IfMark feels dizzv, he'd better lie down. (ie down) 1. IfJane’s tooth hurts, . @entist) 2. Ifyou think it'll rain, . (umbrella) 3. IfAl thinks he broke his leg, . (emergency room) 4, Ifyou failed the test today, . (study harder) G. Write a question that gives advice. Use hadn’t better and the word in parentheses. EXAMPLE: Your plane leaves in an hour. (hurry) Hadn't you better hurry? 1, The doctor prescribed bed rest for you. (ie down) 2 2, Alot of people can't come to our picnic next weekend. (postpone) 2 3. My car is making a funny noise. (take/mechanic) 2 4. This shirt is really dirty. (wash) 2 H. Read the paragraph. Select the topic and the main idea. We need energy to do any activity. Have you ever heard anyone say, “I'm really tired tonight. I don’t even have enough energy to go to bed.” What is this thing we call energy? Energy is what we need to be able to do any activity. We use energy to do everything from eating to exercising. The energy that is required to do an activity is called work. We can measure energy and work, When we do, we might use distance or weight to decide the amount of energy used. We get our energy from the food we eat. We need energy to be able to do anything. 130 ‘The main idea is: a, “Pm really tired tonight.” b. “Work” is the energy required to do an activity. c. We need energy to be able to do any activity. d. We can measure energy and work. Read the dialogs; then circle the best answer. Bob: You look tired, Jim. What's wrong? Jim: T'm not sure, I just don’t have any energy. Bob: Are you eating properly? Jim: No, I never have time for meals. a. has a lot of time for relaxation b. has an important job c. doesn’t think exercise is necessary d. hasn't been taking care of himself Bob: You need some kind of regular physical activity. dim: I know. I'd like to take up weight-lifting. Bob: Have you ever trained with weights? Jim: No, Lhaven't. I was hoping that you could give me some suggestions. Bob: I'll be glad to. Why don’t you stop by the gym on your way home from work. Jim: Thanks, Bob. I will. Maybe I can join one of your fitness classes, too. Bob ’ a. is an instructor at a gym b. enjoys sports c. _ sells sports equipment d. just took up weight-lifting 131 Read the sentence; then make a suggestion or give some advice. . Larry smokes a lot. . Kim always skips breakfast. . Jay drinks only soda and coffee. . Alan jogs beside the highway at night. Carl can’t afford expensive sports equipment. Read the advice; then ask a question about it. You shouldn't swim alone. You shouldn't lift so much weight. You should drink several glasses of water daily. ‘You ought to walk instead of jog. . You ought to use less sugar. . You should eat more vegetables. 132 CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS eas ‘The child is very tired. He needs to take a Barbara exercises every day and that keeps her physically ‘The cat likes to sit on grandmother's : Brad is feeling . He is running a temperature of 105° and he's crying all of the time. 10. Ben can't enough money to live comfortably. He should go to college so he can get a better job that pays more. 11. The doctor needs to___ Mary. She hasn't been feeling well for some time. 13. What is the time you go to bed? Oh, normally I go to bed at 10 p.m. 14. The sales clerk asked Tom if he wanted anything 17. Ifyou want to visit Russia, you'll need a . 18. All his he’s lived in Chicago and now he's moving to Los, Angeles. 20. Don't worry. The doctors and nurses will give you good medical 21. Tim: "What did Fred give for being late?" Jim: “He said that his car wouldn't start." 28. Does the USA travelers from Mexico to have a passport? 26. Chris is a very person. He is always doing something. DOWN 1. [fell down, and now my ankle is so Ican't even get my boot on again. 2. Did you see Ken this morning? Did you ‘he's got another stripe on his sleeve? 3. The doctor said I had to take one three times a day. 4. Before putting that wet glass on my new table, please the bottom of it. 6. The door opened by . Noone was there. 8. Did Carl himself when he jumped off the wall? 12. [exercised so much yesterday that today every in my body hurts. 13. Linda is always on time. It is very for her to be late. 133 Calvin wants an__ assignment, so he asked the Army to assign him to Germany. He'll fly across the Atlantic next June. Carl Lewis runs faster than anyone else in the world. He broke the Chris likes to She runs every morning for at least an hour. We are all sneezing and coughing. There must be something in the __ No, I didn't see the dog__———_. He was dead when I got there. What's wrong with Bill? He doesn’t __very happy today Choose the best answer. . It’s raining and windy. I want to catching cold, so I'm not going out today. a. render b. cut down on ce. avoid . Ted takes a lot of when he goes fishing: a rod, camera, raincoat, lunch box, ete. a. naps b. equipment weights ._Idon’t think we should do that! I'm it, a. against b. close to ec. loyal . A person who lies or takes things which do not belong to him has no sense of a. custom b. honor ©. privilege . Some salespeople try to some customers. a. cut out b. put together c. take advantage of . We went mountain climbing in Nepal last summer. It was quite a. apuzzle b. anadventure c. a preference 135 10. iL. 12. 13. 14, He likes to go to the museum to see weapons, tools, and musical instruments. a. either b. doubtful c. antique Tm mad at Ed! He was 20 minutes late, and , he forgot to bring the tickets. a. furthermore b. for example ©. _ little by little Fred____ coffee. It doesn’t taste good to him. a. prefers b. dislikes c. installs Hey! It’s too loud. Could you the volume, please, by turning it down? a. assemble Db. adjust cc. avoid Sam can't drive a car or bus. He doesn’t know how. a. He drives to work every day. b. He doesn’t like to drive. c. He's unable to drive. Ted: The new swimming pool opened last week. Bob: Let’s go it this Saturday. a. check out b. shut down c. take apart Everyone likes behavior. a. gradual b. musical c. polite Don't tell me what to do! I have the to decide for myself. a. respect b. right c. suggestion 136 15. George always says the wrong thing. He doesn't have the to know when to keep quiet. a. honor b. privilege c. sense 16. Mary hates tomatoes, so she never eats them. John doesn’t eat tomatoes because he is allergic to them. a. likewise b. enough «. either 17. Frank can't go downtown, and can Gary. They must work. a. likewise b. enough c. neither 18. Bill likes map puzzles. He them faster than anyone else. a. tries out b. shuts off c. puts together B. Write questions and answers using the words. EXAMPLES: be/this problem/easy/solve Is this problem easy to solve? No, it. was pretty difficult for me to solve. be/gun/dangerous/use Is a gun dangerous to use? It would be wi 8. 1. be/this car/easy/drive 2. be/foreign language/harW/learn 137 be/questions/difficult/answer Choose the correct word to complete the sentence. Is it a good idea to take a every afternoon? sleep/nap Why is it so hard to completely all dessert? - cut out/cut down Hadn't you better some equipment to use? check in/check out Had the gym already when you got there? closing/elosed You'll become more fit with regular exercise. graduaVgradually He said it was for him to take the test because he felt so sick. possible/impossible “Are you getting your rest?” the coach asked. proper/properly Why not just on the amount of food you eat to lose weight? cut out/eut down Complete these sentences using the infinitive form of the verb. It’s fun It’s important It's usually a mistake It’s wonderful It’s convenient It’s impossible 138 E. Match a phrase from Column A to one in Column B to make a sentence. Column A Column B 1. When Betty found a. he had already begun to feel the museum, better. 2. By the time Ken b. Mary had always ridden a bus finished college, to work, 3, Before she bought c. he had never ridden a horse acar, 4. By the time Dan went d. it had already closed, so she to the clinic, couldn't go in. Before Harry visited a e. he had earned three degrees. ranch last weekend, F. Complete the sentences like the ones above. Use the past perfect (had + past participle of verb). Answers will vary. 1. Before he moved to San Francisco, 2. When Charles finally got to the dentist’s office, 3. By the time it stopped raining, 4, Before he started working on his degree, G. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. energy jor Taps health take wy to sleey fit cut out, 1. Mike likes to get up early every morning and ; he usually runs three miles. 139 Susan always has a lot of ; she does more work than we do. . You have had a bad cough! You'd better smoking. |. Ttry eight hours every night. . Betty will Spanish in school next fall. We all want to stay in good . Ted looks very . I think it's because he swims. . Rosa swims 207 in the pool when she exercises. Write a question or statement. Use Is it good to...?, or It’s good to.... . Swimming laps in a pool is good exercise. . Skipping meals isn’t a good idea. . Is exercising after class convenient for you? . Is reading good for learning new vocabulary? 140 WHAT'S HIS RANK? LESSON 27 A. Make sentences with have got to and don’t/doesn’t have to like the examples. EXAMPLES: __I/go to lunch/now T've got to go to lunch now. Mark/not study/for the test Mark doesn’t have to study for the test. 1. children/not bed early/tonight 2, Janet/pick up her children at 3:15 3. Bobby/not/get haircut before school starts 4, Lt Matthews/be at the airport by 0700 5. Major Jones/not/meet with the colonel at 1400 6. Sally/take the English test tomorrow 7. Walter/borrow his brother's car next Thursday 8. Weifind a gas station soon wu B. Change the sentences from active voice to passive voice. Write your answers. EXAMPLES: Dr. Roberts examines his patients in Room two. eo ke PP The patients are examined in Room two. Mrs. Green doesn’t give tests. Tests aren’t given by Mrs. Green. Jim recommends that new movie. Sgt Anderson checks ID cards at the front gate. The Smiths rent that house on the corner. ‘Those people write all the books we use, Jeff doesn’t clean the swimming pool. The postman picks up the mail at 11:30 a.m. Use the words in the box to complete the sentences. admiral behaves seniority. subordinate installation regulation senior junior Jimmy is a good boy. He Lt Col Edwards has more A rear admiral is Generals and colonels are Captains and lieutenants are ‘Travis Air Force Base is a military 142 well. than Lt Col Ashly. to an admiral. officers. officers.

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