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8. He talked about the vacation when he got the biggest fish ever caught in the Atlantic Ocean. When or Where? Combine each pair of sentences with an adjective clause that begins with where or when. EXAMPLE: San Antonio is a city. The sun shines a lot. San Antonio is a city where the sun shines a lot. 1. Fred found a restaurant. The food is good and cheap. 2. Hawaii is a place. ‘The seasons never change. 3, July is a month. We can go swimming. 4, Ixemember the day. I scored two goals. 5. Spring is a season. Plants grow quickly. . | 6 We see the apartment. } John works there. 7. This is the day. Larry leaves today. 8. Jim forgot the time ‘The plane will leave. nae ASK FOR AND GIVE DESCRIPTIONS OF PLACES Read the dialogs with another student. In the dialogs, people are asking for and giving descriptions of places they've visited. Ask Paul: What's your uncle's farm like? Answer | Mark: Oh, it’s a beautiful farm. Describe It tas a two-story farmhouse and several other large buildings. In back of the house are large fields of crops. The wheat’s beautiful now because it’s time to harvest. Ask Anita: Have you seen the new bridge? What's it like? Answer | Pedro: Yes, I've seen it. I drove over it last week. Describe It’s a curved bridge that goes over the river. There's a thick forest on each end of the bridge. From the top of the bridge | you can see for miles around. Ask John: Did you enjoy your trip to the country? Answer | Maria: Yes, I enjoyed it very much. As a matter of fact, I spent the weekend there. Describe I stayed in a cabin in a deep valley. There were mountains all around me. Some of the trees around the cabin were as tall as buildings. There weren't any people for miles around. If you're looking for a quiet place, go to the country. Ask Ben; How did the farm look before the stor: Answer | Pat: Oh, it looked very nice Describe It had a new, bright red barn, And behind the barn there was a large silo, The fields were covered with tall corn and other crops. There were a lot of tall, green trees. 138 Ed: What did you think of the ranch near Reflection Lake? Answer Al: Well, we had to take a dirt road to get there, but it was great! Describe ‘The flowers by the road were in full bloom. The lake was extremely clear and reflected the mountains and trees. I also saw a few cattle. They were grazing on grass and plants in the field near the lake. When I was there, ... ‘These are pictures of places people visit. Your partner will ask you about one of them. Describe the place you visited by completing the sentences. EXAMPLE: Ask Answer Describe Sl: How was your ation? S2: Oh, itwas _great! I stayed in a small cabin in the middle of a forest. There was lots of snow. Because it was so cold, we had to build a fire every day. 139 Answer Sl: What do you think of. $2: It’s very Describe It'sa _. From the bridge, It 2. Ask Si: What did you see at Answer | S2: I saw Describe There was__ Isaw_ et ‘The fields 140 Ask Sl: What was it like at - Answer__| $2: Oh, it was Describe ‘The lake reflected When I was there I could see There was/were 4 Ask S1: How was your visit - - Answer __| S2; Well, it was = Describe ‘The field: And it had . ‘There wasn'tiweren't __ Ifyou want go to the country. 141 What's it like there? Describe a place you have visited. Use some words from the box in your description of it. Look at the example below. EXAMPLE: a mountain near where I live Student 1: What's the mountain like? Student 2: The mountain is very high. In the spring, when the sky was clear and the weather was warm and sunny, we used to climb to the top of it to see the forests and river below. house summer clear narrow cross fall dake big terrific behind city mountain sunny calm near face road quiet nice under hill temperature interesting _terribly across (from) spring fireplace curved indoors below mile weather favorite outdoors in front of river winter awful freeze next to water overnight exciting drive inside sky roof, large swim all over Make some notes here: 142 IT MUST BE JIM’S BIRTHDAY. LESSON 13 FUNCTION: MAKING DEDCUTIONS noe He didn't eat his supper. He must not be hungry. 8 | GRAMMAR: MUST (PROBABILITY) John's lights are off. He must not be at home, Betty isn't eating. She must not be hungr cy ‘VOCABULARY afford turn up be born wrap blow/blew/blown out broke come/eame/come over comfortable/comfortably drop by poor go/went/gone over pretty look forward to proud/proudly must rich sing/sang/sung soft/softly turn down uncomfort 143 ible/uncomfortably birth birthday candle sift present song tun take turns from now on Bet OB i yi ee Bh) op iy Repeat the underlined words, and listen to the paragraph. Then read the paragraphs. My father, my youngest brother, and my son were born in the month of May. Their births took place in the same city, but not in the same year, of course. Every year we have one party for all of them. Every ‘ar in April, the family decides who will buy a present for which person, Some of us buy presents for my father; some for my brother; and some for my son. We can't afford to buy three presents, so we each buy one instead. My wife likes to wrap the gifts in pretty paper. We usually have just one big cake and put candles on it only for my son. My son likes to blow them out. Before he blows out the candles, we sing Happy Birthd; opening their presents. My son is always the first one to open his, because he has to the birthday “boys”. Next, we eat some cake. ‘Then, they ke turns looked forward to getting new toys for a long time. My brother Paul is next; then my father. You've probably sung the song before, but here it is for you to sing at your next birthday party: Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday, dear __! Happy birthday to you! 144 Answer the questions. 1 2. 10. 1 Who was born in the month of May? What happened in the same city? What kind of party do they have every year? What does the family decide in April? Do you think it’s cheaper to buy presents this way? What does the writer's wife do? From the picture, can you tell how old his son is? What does his son like to do? What song do they sing? After the song, what do the birthday “boys” do? Why does his son want to be first? Frank: Hi, Steve. This is Frank. Can you come over? I want to show you something. 145 Steve: Right now? I'm resting. I'm sitting comfortably in my favorite chair, watching my favorite TV program. Frank: I know. Ican hear the TV from here. It's loud. Steve: Let me turn down the volume. ... You were saying? Frank: I want you to come over and see what I bought for Dad. Steve: Why are you speaking so softly? Frank: I've got a surprise I want to talk over with you Can you drop by my place tonight? Steve: All right-“Y'l come over in a few minutes. LATER AT FRANK'S HOUSE .. and Paul’s gift? Steve: What is it? Frank: A chair! The chair he’s wanted all these years! He won't be uncomfortable anymore when he watches TV. Steve: That's a great present. But how could you afford it? I thought you were broke. « Frank: Iwas. I didn't have any money, but my poor days are over. I got the promotion that I wanted. I'll be rich from now on. Steve: Well, congratulations! I'm proud of you. Dad will be proud of you, too. Frank: Yeah! He'll be comfortable and proud! What did you get for Paul? 146 Steve: One of those new radios with a headset. He can turn it up as loud as he wants. He won't bother anyone. Frank: — I’m pretty sure that he'll like it, but I think he wanted a stereo. Steve: Maybe next year I'll get rich like you and buy it for him. Check your understanding of the new words which are underlined. Select aor b. 1, Turn down the volume. I can’t do my work. a. increase b. reduce 2. Till drop by after work today. a. visit you b. call you 3. Come over tonight, and we'll watch TV. a. take turns db. visit me 4, Did you hear about Frank? He's rich now. a. He has a lot of money. b. He has a new job. 5. I can't afford a new car now. a. I don’t have enough money. b. I don't like new cars. 6. Could you please blow out the candles? a, make them stop burning b. serve them for lunch 7. Because he was poor, he couldn't buy new shoes. a, He didn’t have time to go shopping. b. He didn't have any money. 8. Jim: Could you lend me some money? Bob: Sorry, I'm broke. a. I don't feel good right now. b. I don’t have any money. 9. Betty's parents are proud of her. She was promoted to a lieutenant. a. They became uncomfortable. b. They feel good about her. 147 yo MUST AS PROBABILITY Must is used with the simple present tense or the present progressive to express probability. Steve is smiling. He must be happy. Ismell smoke. Something must be burning. Mu8t not is used for the negative. John’s lights are off. He must not be at home. Betty isn’t eating. She must not be hungry. George buys a lot of dog and cat food. He must feed his dogs and cats. Read these dialogs with must. 1 Alan: Jack: 2. Edward: John: 3. Kevin: Larry: 4. Sgt Irving: Sgt Carlson: 5. Sandy: Bobby: ‘Their car is at the side of the road. ‘They must be having car trouble John, do you understand what they are saying? No, I don’t. Let me look at their uniforms. Oh, they're from Oman. They must be speaking Arabic. ‘The traffic is really moving slowly today. ‘There must be an accident up ahead. Oh look! Someone forgot his jacket. It has the letters M.L. in it. It must be Mike Levine's. ‘This package from Grandma is very small. It must not be the bicycle that you wanted 148 She must be on the phone. Make sentences with must like the example. Use the words in parentheses. EXAMPLI 1 Helen's telephone is busy. It's been busy for two hours. (on the phone) She must be on the phone. My car won't start. It's very old. (need a tune-up) Jim wears blue shirts every day. (like the color blue) There are several presents, a cake, and a lot of decorations in Mr. Harris’ office. (be his birthday) ‘The Sinclairs live in a big house; they have four new cars; and they travel to other countries at least twice a year. (be rich) ‘There are twenty candles on Lori’s cake. (be twenty years old) ‘The Jacksons have three children. One is a doctor, one is a teacher at the university, and the other is a major in the Air Force. (be proud) Elaine wears those shoes almost every day. (be comfortable) Jane is going back to the office to get her umbrella. (be raining) 149 ess MAKING DEDUCTIONS We use the modals must, may, might, and could to make deductions and conclusions from the information that we receive. Must is used when we are very sure or very certain about something. May, might, and could are used when we are less sure or certain must —- very sure may —- less sure might — less sure could less sure This must be the one. Read these dialogs about people who are making conclusions from the information they have. 1. A: Which one is the key to the door? B: None of the others fit, so this must be the one. 2. A: She wears a big diamond ring; he drives an expensive car. B: They must be rich. 3. A: What's wrong with Lynn? She didn't eat any supper. B: Oh, she might not be hungry 4. A: Do you want to eat supper outside? B: No, the sky looks dark. It may rain 5. A: Are the children still awake? B: They must not be in bed yet; their lights are on. 6. A: Look at all the cars in front of the Smiths’ house! B: They might be having a party. Ive called three times, but no one answered the phone. They must not be at home Be 150 8. A: He's wearing a sweater. B: I guess he must be cold. 9. A: George isn't at home. B: He could be shopping at the mall. 10. A: ‘The mailman didn’t stop at our house today. B: He must not have any mail for us. 11. A: What language is she speaking? B: She's from Switzerland, so it could be German, Italian, or French. 12. A: Why is the baby crying? She just finished eating. B: She could have a stomachache. John must be at his mother’s. Read the sentences. Then complete the deductions from the statements and extra information. Use may, might, could, or must. Some of your answers may be negative. There may be more than one answer. EXAMPLE: statement —————+ John always visits his mother on Sunday afternoon. extra information ——+ (Today is Sunday.) deduction —————> John __must be at his mother's. Ralph sometimes goes to a baseball game on Friday night. Ralph isn't at home right now. It's Friday night.) Ralph be at the baseball game. Jan never drinks coffee. (This cup is full of coffee.) This cup be Jan's. Jean goes to bed every night at 10 o'clock. (It's midnight.) She be in bed. Alex ate a big dinner. (it's just a half hour after dinner.) He be hungry. 10, John always eats breakfast, but today he didn’t. (It’s noon.) He be hungry. Someone's at the door. (Ray's at the movie.) It be Ray. Tt be John. The door of the school is closed. (It’s 1:30 in the afternoon, and there's no one here.) There be any classes today. It be a holiday. Kevin is wearing a suit and a tie. He's getting into his car. (He never wears a suit and a tie to work.) He be going to a party. He be going to work. Karen's looking through her things, and she looks worried. (She's at the airport.) Her ticket be lost She be looking for her passport. She have any money. . There is a bowl of water on the floor of Don's kitchen. (A dish of food is beside the water.) Don have a pet. He have a cat. But the pet be a dog, too. As a matter of fact, he have more than one pet. 152 It must be raining. Look at the picture and the information that you get from it. With the cue under the picture make a sentence with may, might, could, or must. Look at the example. EXAMPLE: raining Tt must be raining. a ‘re 2) oo Le +S 1. birthday 3. burning 4. a good movie 153 6. \I/ 2 7. waitress x ae. 10. going to the airport 154 FLYING AIRPLANES IS HIS JOB. LESSON 14 JEN GRAMMAR: GERUNDS AS SUBJECTS OF SENTENCES/ OBJECTS OF PREPOSITIONS Walking is good exercise. Pat is tired of riding a bus MODALS (REVIEW) Could you help me? I'm sorry. I can’t. I have a backache VOCABULARY believe in blowout continue couple drop over microscope poorly scared underneath 4 Read the following dialogs with another student. 1. Sgt Fern Sgt York: 2. Pvt Hunt: Pvt Jenkins: Pvt Hunt: Pvt Jenkins: 3. Daniel Mr. White: Daniel: Mr. White: 4. Mary: Bob: Jan Sue 6. Ken Mark: HAVE THEY TURNED UP YET? Did you find your keys? : Yeah, they turned up in the washing machine. I found them with the clothes. How many days before your leave, Jenkins? Only a few more. What are you going to do these next few days? Istill have to pack. Which one is your son, Mr. White? The sergeant who's standing beside the Colonel. The one on the Colonel’s left? Yes. The one next to the flag. Ilike this music. Can I turn up the volume? No, please. I need to relax. What did you do at the beach besides swim? We went out to eat every day. How's your father, Mark? He was tired this morning. He said that he slept uncomfortably last night. He didn’t rest well Buying George’s Present 156 Repeat the underlined words. Then read the dialog. Rita: Beverly: Rita: Beverly: Rita: Beverly: Rita: Beverly: Rita: Beverly: Rita: Beverly: Hello? Beverly? Yes. Rita? ‘You wouldn't believe what happened to me this morning when I was going to the mall. What happened? Thad a blowout and almost had an accident. Was that the first time one of your tires blew out? ‘Yes, I was seared! The poor couple I almost ran into! was also frightened, but they stopped and tried to help. What did you do? Well, it all happened in front of a gas station. I believe in having my blowouts and flat tires in front of gas stations. Very funny. Do you know what caused it? ‘The attendant told me that my tire was poorly made ..., Beverly, can you hold on a minute? I'll be right back. Sure. Buying George’s present—continued Repeat the underlined words. Then read the dialog. Rita: Beverly: Rita: Beverly: Rita: Beverly: Rita: Beverly: Rita: Beverly: We can continue now. I'm back! Well, I'm glad you're okay. Did you get to the mall? Ofcourse. I had to buy a present for George. Besides, shopping is good medicine. What did you buy for George? A microscope. You know my brother believes in gifts that can help my nephew learn faster. Was that all? No, L also bought him some clothes. Your boy continues to grow out of his clothes, I'm sure. Yes, he does. Just be sure to hide them because the next time we drop over, he'll try to find his presents Don't worry. I've put them underneath all my blankets in the closet. Good. I'll see you later, then. | Run into = hit by accident 157 True or False? Circle T if the statement is true; circle F if it is false. 1. The blowout caused Rita to have an accident. 2. This was the first time one of her tires blew out. 3. A husband and wife were in the other car. 4. Rita was not scared. 5. The tire probably blew out because it was poorly made. 6. Besides the microscope, Rita bought some clothes. 7. Rita’s brother believes in buying gifts that help his son learn. 8. George's clothes got big, so he needs new ones. 9. Beverly and George might visit Rita soon. ee | 10. The presents are on top of the blankets. The Party Read these paragraphs. Write the correct word on the line. This year we had a party for my Dad’s, my youngest brother's, and my son’s at our house. George his candles and (births, birthdays) (came over, blew out) everyone Happy Birthday. After the cake, the birthday (sang, turned up) “boys” opened their . George liked his ; (books, presents) (microscope, chair) He immediately looked for small bugs the rocks in the yard. (outside, underneath) When Paul's came, he was happy with (turn, aunt) (pretty, not) his gift, but he also told his brother Frank about the stereo he wanted. 158 Paul's hoping that because Frank is no longer he can (rich, broke) buy him an expensive present. When Dad saw his (afford to, look forward to) (uncomfortable, comfortable) in it all evening. Frank felt very chair, he was very happy. He sat (uncomfortably, comfortably) of his gift. (poor, proud) My sister Rita told us she's not to drive. Now that she (scared, proud) has had her first __ (blowout, tire) worry, an ___, she knows what to do and doesn’t have to GERUNDS AS SUBJECTS OF SENTENCES AND OBJECTS OF PREPOSITIONS A gerund is the -ing form of a verb Examples: eating, playing, sleeping A gerund is used as a noun. The most ‘common noun function of a gerund is the object of a verb. Examples: He enjoys teaching English. She prefers swimming there. A gerund plus the words that go with it | Example: We finished working about an is called a gerund phrase. ‘hour ago. A gerund or gerund phrase can also be _| Example: Driving on wet roads can be used as the subject of a sentence. dangerous. A gerund or gerund phrase can be used _| Example: You can turn off the radio by as the object of a preposition. pushing this button. 159 Read the following sentences that contain gerunds as subjects and objects ‘The following is a list of common preposition combinations with verbs and adjectives that gerunds can follow: verb + preposition apologize for plan on believe in talk about decide on thank someone for finish with think of look forward to ive + 1m afraid of interested in bored with nervous about excited about proud of fond of scared of frightened of tired of happy about ‘worried about Studying English is hard work! of prepositions. 10, PRPAeA Rew ep Swimming in the ocean could be dangerous. ‘Are the children excited about going to the birthday party? Walking is good exercise. Danny is bored with listening to language tapes. Flying airplanes is Captain Taylor's job. Is Lt Andrews worried about failing his quiz? Living in New York City can be very expensive. Joan isn’t interested in buying Frank's car. Thank you for helping me. Instead of studying, John went to a movie. 160 Learning English is easy. Complete the sentences with a gerund like the example. EXAMPLE: Kim Soo was interested in __learning __ Spanish. (learn) 1. Mrs. Jeffreys was afraid of down the stairs. (fall) 2 = every day is good for you. (run) 3. Calvin talked to his parents about to college, (go) 4. Leslie is excited about one hundred dollars. (win) 5. late on Saturdays is fun. (sleep) 6 ____a foreign language is sometimes difficult. (earn) 7. Mike is tired of abus. (drive) I'm worried about flying. Use the words in parentheses to answer the questions. Use a gerund in your answer. EXAMPLE: What did you apologize for? (arrive late) Lapologized for arriving late. - 1. What's Mom happy about? (travel to Texas) 2. What is Terry worried about? (walk to work) 3. What are you afraid of? (ride an escalator) 4. What is Peter's hobby? (collect stamps) 161 5. What are you thinking about? (wash the car) 6. What is Willie nervous about? (take a test) What is Lt Matthews proud of? (serve his country) 8. What is Captain Sullivan so happy about? (receive his promotion) an MODALS (A REVIEW) Must and have/has to both express necessity and obligation. ‘You must have money to buy a car. Ican't go. Ihave to study for a test. Must not is used to express prohibition. ‘You must not smoke in the building. Don’t smoke in the building.) Not have/has to is used to express lack of necessity. ‘Tomorrow is Saturday. We don’t have to go to class. Will and be going to are both used to express future time. Frank will finish packing tonight. He is going to finish packing tonight. Could and would are used to make requests. Would you close the window, please? Could you please hand me the sugar? Must and have to Read the following expressing necessity. 1. Sgt Olson: Capt Smith: 2. Carl: Mom, do I have to w: logs. They contain the modals must and have to, Sir, when must I report to Travis AFB? ‘You must be there on the twenty-first of April sh the dishes tonight? Mom: Yes, you have to wash them before you can go out. 3. Alan: Johnny, does your little brother have to come with us? Johnny: Yes, Dad said I have to take care of him all day. 4, LtRichards: Do we have to wear our hats outside? Lt Ali: Yes, you must wear your hats outside. 5. Mr. Mitchell: When do I have to be at the airport? Mr. Franklin: You must be at the airport by 10:30 a.m. You must/you must not Don't drive faster than 55 on city highways. Keep your driver's license with you. Don't go on a red light Go on a green light. Don't make a U-turn on the highway. Always wear your seat belt. Always pass on the left. Don't drive faster than 20 mph near a school Always stop for pedestrians. 10. Always obey police officers 11. Don't fight with police officers. 12. Don't cross yellow lines to pass. Seren keyp Look at the information in the box. Use the information and make sentences with must or must not like the example. EXAMPLE: You must not drive more than 55 mph on city highways You must keep your driver's license with you. We don’t have to go to school today. Use must not or do/does not have to in these sentences. EXAMPLE: It’s Saturday, so Sam __doesn’t have to _ get up early. 1. It’s Saturday, and you go to class. 2. Aperson get married to be happy. 163 3. You go out into the cold and rain without a coat. 4, ‘There isn't a line at the post office, so we wait. 5. [told you that you play with these sharp knives. 6. We have alot of time. We rush, 7. Ifyou're a clerk, you be rude to a customer. 8. Ifyou're sick, you cut the grass. Yes, he will. Answer the questions with be going to or will and the words in parentheses. Look at the examples. EXAMPLES: When are you going to mail the letter? (after lunch) TH mail it after lunch. What will they do this weekend without their car? (stay home and read) ‘They're going to stay home and read 1. When will he see you? (tonight) 2. How old is she going to be next week? (twenty-one years old) 3. Who'll cook dinner tonight? (Ed) 4. What are you going to get Dad for his birthday? (a new watch) 5. Where will you stay when you visit New York? (at the Rex Hotel) 6. How long are you going to stay there? (three days) 7. When is Bob going to return? (before dinner) 8. What will she do after graduation? (study to be a doctor) 164 Would you put it here? Read the dialog. Mrs. Olson is asking Mr. James to help her. Mrs. Olson: Mr. James: Mrs. Olson: Mr. James: Mrs. Olson: Mr. James: Mrs. Olson: Mr. James: I don't like the sofa here. Could you help me move it? Sure, I can. I don’t want the picture on that wall. Would you move it over here? Sure, I will. No, I don’t like it on that wall either. Could you move it next to the fireplace? Sure, I can. How's that? No, I think I liked it better in the first place. Would you mind moving it back? Of course not. How’s this? I hope it’s OK because I think my wife is calling me for dinner. Would you help me, please? Make requests with could and would and then give yes or no answers like the example. EXAMPLE: move the sofa S1: Could you help me move the sofa? S2: Sure, Ican. / I'm sorry, can't. I have a backache. drive me to the library ~ $1; Would you drive me to the library? S2: Yes, I'll take you after class. / No, I can't. I don't have my ear. 1. take me to the birthday party SL Sz: 2. open the door SL 82: es 3. help me carry these boxes Sl: 2: help me with my homework Sl: $2: take this letter to Major Green’s office Si: 82: - Would you close the window? Complete the sentences with the correct modal. Use the modals in the box below. Some sentences may have more than one answer. Peron esenwe could must have/has to be going to would must not don’t/doesn’t have to Ym cold. you close the window, please? You obey the military police, ‘The grass is wet. We do exercises today. You drive through a red light. You stop at a red light. Today's a holiday. We go to class. John's packing his suitcase. He travel to Europe and Asia. you pass the salt, please? Betty is in high school now, but next year she study languages at the university. 166 JACK IS TAKING A TOUR. LESSON 15 FUNCTION: INQUIRE ABOUT, CLARIFY AND REPORT WHAT SOMEONE ELSE HAS SAID You don’t have to pay the fare. What did Nick say? He said we didn’t have to pay the fare. EN GRAMMAR: OUGHT TO (ADVICE) Dan's shoes are too tight. He ought to get another pair. VOCABULARY ~ board by accident by group ought to on and on just as lottery promise (to) take a chance lucky luck put/put/put aside rough promise report chance report tour accidental fare tour 167 HOW LUCKY CAN YOU GET? Repeat tl he underlined words. Listen as the instructor reads the dialog. ‘Then read the dialog with another student. Jack: Paul: Jack: Paul: Jack: Paul: Jack: Paul: I can’t believe it! I've won! What did you win? I won the lottery! I didn’t think you believed in lotteries. Well, I didn’t before, but one of the men who works for my father brought in the tickets. He got them in the mail by accident. He was going to send them back, but he decided to ask if anyone wanted to buy them, So the whole thing was accidental. Yes. At first, I didn't want to buy a ticket, but Richard went on and on telling me we should take a chance sometimes. So a group of us, about five or six, bought the tickets. You're really lucky! Now you can pay all your bills. Jack: No more rough times for me Repeat tl He wants a long summer tour. he underlined words. Listen as the instructor reads the dialog. Then read the dialog with another student. Jack: Do you have any interesting summer tours? ‘Travel Agent: We certainly do. Where would you like to go, and how much ‘Travel Agent: You certainly can! And time will you have? Jack: Could I tour Malaysia in three months? yw're in luck today! We have some great fares for a tour that's leaving June 6 and returning August 28. Here, take a look at these. Jack: Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia ..., great price! You're right, this is pretty good. But there might be a problem. I have to be back at work by August 26. I have to complete a report and turn it in before the end of the month. And I have to report any trips I've made, too. 168 Travel Agent: That's too bad. Is there any chance you could stay a couple of days longer? Jack: Well, maybe ... Travel Agent: Don't worry! When you return, your work will be there just as you left it. Have a great time! Repeat the underlined words. Listen as the instructor reads the dialog. Then read the dialog with another student. Paul: Jack: Paul: Jack: Paul: Hurry, Jack, you have to board the plane in ten minutes. Okay, Paul, I'm going. I'm going. I was just thinking. It was a good idea to put aside some of the money I won for this tour. Yes, I'm glad you took my advice not to spend it on other things. Good luck. Go on, you need to board your flight. Have a great time. Okay. And yes, I promise to write to you. I'll send you pictures of me at the museums, on the beach, dancing .... Sure, sure. I'll see if you keep your promise this time Jack is taking a tour. Make sentences with the words. Follow the story about Jack and Paul. EXAMPLE: Appr 10. Sena lottery Jack won the lottery. by accident take a chance group lucky rough tour (verb) tour (noun) fares by promise 169 <@ fy OUGHT TO ( ADVICE) Should and ought to are both used to give advice. You don’t look good. You should see a doctor. You don't lock good, You ought to see a doctor. ‘The negative contraction of should is shouldn't. Ought to is not usually used in the negative or in questions. Read these sentences with ought to. 1. Sara has received three letters from Jack. She ought to write to him this week Sam's shoes are tight. He ought to get a bigger pair. 3. There was an accident on the highway. You ought to leave a little earlier today Mr. Langley has called five times already. You ought to return his call. * It's very cloudy today. Jeremy ought to wear his raincoat. ‘The light is changing to red. You ought to slow down. aee Maj Thompson needs to sign this first thing in the morning, You ought to put it on his desk where he can see it. Should / ought to Change each sentence from should to ought to. EXAMPLE: You should get there on time. You ought to get there on time. 1. You should taste the soup. It's delicious. 2, Jack should serve in the Army if he has a chance. ‘They should take the cattle to the barn. 170 ee eo 10. We should have a picnic this weekend. We should visit our friend who's sick. She should wrap the birthday presents Bill should clean his room. You should stop smoking. We should buy Jim a birthday present. She should call the major this weekend. We ought to send her some flowers. Answer the questions. Use ought to in your answers. Look at the example. EXAMPLE: I'm supposed to pick up my uncle tonight at 6:00, but I have a class. What should I do? (ask your cousin to pick him up) —You ought to ask your cousin to pick him up. _ My brother's birthday is tomorrow, and he doesn’t want any presents, What should I do for him? (take him to lunch) It’s raining very hard outside, and I know the traflic is bad. How will I get to work on time? (leave earlier) My sister was angry with Carla. Now she feels bad about it. What should she do? (apologize to Carla) My arm has been hurting for two days now. I think I hurt it playing soceer. What should I do? (go to the doctor) 71 5. Lori has been very sad lately. What can we do for her? (take her to a funny movie) 6. It’s lunch time, and I’m really hungry. Where should we go? (the new restaurant in the mall) Mrs. Stevens is in the hospital. What should we send her? (some flowers) 8. Alex has problems with his car. How can he get to class? (take a bus) 9. Sgt Smith has a lot of reports to write. What should he do? (work late) 10. Lt Lee isn’t doing well in his English class. What should he do? (study more) INQUIRE ABOUT, CLARIFY, AND REPORT WHAT SOMEONE ELSE HAS SAID What did your dad say? Read the following dialogs about people reporting what someone else has said. Notice the change in some of the modals from direct to indirect! reported speech. 1 Dad: ll help you, Ann. Tim: What did your Dad say? Ann: He said he'd help me. 2. Mrs. Smith: You shouldn't be late to class. Jonathan: What did Mrs, Smith say? Jeremy: She said we shouldn't be late to class. 3. Jessica: I don’t have to take the test! Jim: What did Jessica say about the test? Tammy: She said that she didn’t have to take it, 4 Art: My mother’s going to retire at the end of this month. 172 Bob: Did you hear what he said? Cal: Yes, he said his mother was going to retire at the end of the month, 5. Mr. Day: You can not leave the room during the test. Beverly: What did the instructor say about the test? Chris: He said we couldn't leave the room. What did the sign say? EXAMPLE: |NOSMOKING | S1: What did the sign say? S2: It said not to smoke. 2. IL] 3. EXIT NO FISHING FROM THE 35 BRIDGE MPH 9. Do QUIET NOT HOSPITAL ROAD PASS ZONE CLOSED 4, 5. 6. rere SF, ween m= vt ll. CS 12. ~ Did you hear what he said? EXAMPLE: S1: He doesn't like the sandwich. S2: (to S3) What did he say? S83: He said that he didn’t like the sandwich. windy beautiful day enjoys teaching sun/hot tired looks hot ice in glass happy sick He said .... Let’s talk again about something that someone else said. Look at the cues and make a sentence. A second student will ask a third student what you said. A third student will tell him what you said. EXAMPLE: SI: going to cancel my trip I'm going to cancel my trip. S2: say? W ez $3: __ He said he was going to cancel his trip. 1. Sl: must not talk during the test S2: tell? 2. Sl: will pick up some bread after work S2: say? S83: Sl: must board the plane 82: say? S3: S1: haveshas to come over soon S2: tell? S83: S1: do/does not have to teach today S2: tell? S3: S1: going to enlist in the Navy S2: say? S83: CROSSWORD PUZZLE ACROSS 22 em 10, like to eat bread made from . My son has a today. He is four years old. He'll have one big on his cake and four small ones. ‘The rancher also has on his ranch and he sells their wool. There is a big in our classroom and the teacher writes on it. 176 12. The rancher has so many cattle that he needs another where he can keep extra food for his animals. 13. He also built a new for the animals, where they could be comfortable and clean. 16, The round trip from New York to San Antonio is $340 this, week. 17. We'll have our yearly next week and I hope the weather is nice, so we can enjoy eating outdoors. 18. On the ranch there is one , five cows, and eight calves. 19. The rancher likes to cattle and crops. 21. Dr. Craig was up all night. He be tired. 22, The Smiths grow wheat on their 24, How much of the crops did the heavy rains? 26. Ilike the strawberry pie better than the___ pie 27. Today is my son’s birthday and I want to get him a DOWN 2. The big, black can run very fast and jump very high. Td really like to ride it. 4, Did Jim eat of the cake? He didn’t leave anything. 5. Thelibraryis____the dining hall, so you can drop off the books before you have lunch. 6. Wehave ahouse in townanda___in the mountains, where we stay when we go skiing. 7. There is a narrow road going to the cabin, so I have to wash the car every time I return from there. 9. Iwill work this weekend, so don't make any plans for a picnic. 11. Thank you so much for your beautiful wedding We really like it and will use it often. = 14. [have to write a for my Social Studies class. I have checked all of the data and must turn it in tomorrow. 15. Everyone who is and famous was at the Oscar nominations, including Bill Gates. 18, being very beautiful, Alice is also a very intelligent and cooperative student. 20. When I watch monster movies, I get terribly 23. IthinkI five mistakes on that quiz. 25. Could you please this present for me? Perhaps the yellow paper with the flowers would be nice. 77 178 Tavita What time will Pat arrive? He'll arrive at six o'clock. GRAMMAR: INDIRECT (REPORTED) SPEECH What did he say? He said he would arrive at six o'clock. COMPARATIVE AND SUPERLATIVE OF IRREGULAR ADVERBS Carl draws well. Ed draws better than Carl. Al draws the best. VOCABULARY attempt (to) abroad off cancel accidentally on smell as soon as smooth/smoothly taste better/best worse/worst (a) foreign by chance 179 passenger refreshment smell taste tourist BB 2015) ae) Oe A Dear Paul, T'm keeping my promise to write you just as I said. I want you to know that T'm having a lot of fun on this tour. We've visited lots of interesting places, and a couple of days ago, I accidentally met an old friend, Sakiyama, from Japan. He and I met by chance at the water market!. Now, we visit it often. At the water market, we relax while we enjoy the smell of large green onions, tomatoes, and vegetables that you can't find at home. It’s a good chance for me to try the sweet and sour tastes of fruits that are new to me. There are so many kinds of fruits here that I won't even attempt to describe them. I have never smelled or tasted anything like this in all my life! I enjoy going there and buying different things for refreshments. You can probably guess that everything is going smoothly for me. I think I might cancel the last part of the tour to Thailand. Sakiyama wants me to meet his family and tour Japan. This will be a great chance to meet a family in a foreign country. Sakiyama promises me that his folks will make me feel at home? and not like a tourist. Til write you again as soon as I decide. Tell Bill and everyone hello for me. Your Friend, Jack 1 water market = a place where fruits and vegetables are for sale from boats on the river at home = relaxed; like a part of the family 180 Answer the questions and get a tour to.... To get a chance to go on a tour, you must answer one of the two questions in the column below each letter that spells tour. T oO U R 1. Why did Jack | 8. How did he 5. How was 7. What kind of write to Paul? meet his friend | everything going _| family will Jack from Japan? for Jack? meet in Japan? 2. What do they | 4. What does Jack | 6. When will Jack | 8. Is Jack enjoy at the water | like to buy? write again? planning to go market? to Thailand? Think and Answer What would you do with lottery money? Why? Jack’s refrigerator was off; I’m worried. Repeat the underlined words. Listen to the instructor read the dialog. ‘Then read the dialog with another student. Paul: Bill: Paul: Bill: Paul: Bill: Paul: Are you taking care of Jack’s apartment while he’s abroad? Yes, and I'm a little worried. Because of the storm yesterday, his refrigerator was off for about four hours. Is it on now? Yes, it’s on now, but the floor underneath is in bad shape. Water leaked from the refrigerator and now the wood is very rough. Oh, no! It used to be so smooth. Do you think I should call him? No, he can't do anything about it now. He can take care of it when he gets back on Friday. Just let him be a happy passenger on the plane. He can worry about rough floors when he gets home. 181 Vocabulary review Match the words in Column A with their meanings in Column B. Column A Column B 1. ___attempt a. trip 2. board b. get on 3. ___ put aside c. price of a ticket 4, ___ rough d. save 5. ___fare e. try 6. abroad ~ £ when 1. ___by accident g. in another country 8. ___just as h. by chance 9. ___ tour i, not smooth Select the best answer. Select a or b. 1. [have to get home by ten o'clock. a. not after ten o'clock b. a little after ten o'clock 2. They served refreshments at the party. a. coffee and cake b. dinner and dessert 3. A passenger broke his arm in the bus accident. a. the bus driver b. someone on the bus 4. The bell rang just_as Mike went into the classroom. a. when b. before 5. The machine is on. a. in operation b. broken 6. He often travels to a foreign country. a. another country besides his own. b. everywhere in his own country 182 10. 1. 12, 13. 14, 15. 16. 17. ‘The vending machine was off this morning. a. No one could get anything. b. It was working nicely. . Our flight to New York was very rough. a. uncomfortable b. relaxing Sally talked on and on about her trip to Europe. She a. didn't stop talking b. described her trip in a few words ‘They canceled the flight because of the snowstorm. The flight, a, will leave during the storm b. won't leave during the storm Jim promised to write tome. He said a. he might write to me b. he would write to me ‘There were ten people in the a. fare b. group She smiled after she the soup. a. tasted b. reported Tfeel lucky. I think PL and buy a lottery ticket. a. smell it b. take a chance She burned her finger on the hot pot. a. accidentally * b. as soon as, John left work he finished writing his report. a. by b. as soon as There was the of flowers in the room. a. smell b. taste 183 18. There are a lot of a. smooth b. tourist en hotels in this part of the cit INDIRECT/REPORTED SPEECH When a modal is used in direct speech, it is frequently changed in reported speech. DIRECT SPEECH REPORTED SPEECH will would present-BE going to past-BE going to must (necessity) had to* have/has to had to not have to didn’t have to must not (prohibition) must not must means necessity. *Notice that had to is used instead of must in reported speech when Read these dialogs containing direct and indirect speech. Notice the He told me we might fly today. change in the modals in indirect speech. 1. Lt Rogers: Maj Green: Capt Smith: Lt Rogers: 2. Alan: Frank Ted: Major Green, are we going to fly today? ‘The sky will clear up in a couple of hours, so we may fly. What did the Major tell you? He told me that we might fly today. What time does Dad's plane arrive? It will arri e at 7:30. What did Frank tell you about Dad's plane? 184 Alan: He told me that it would arrive at 7:30. 3 ‘Tom: When is Justin going to go on vacation? Bob: He's going to go in December. Ray: What did Bob tell you about Justin’s vacation? Tom: He told me that Justin was going to goon vacation in December. What time do I have to be in class? You must be there at 0730. What did the sergeant tell you? He said that I had to be in class at 0730. Do I have to wash the dishes tonight? No, you don’t have to. It’s Tina’s turn. What did Dad say about the dishes? He said that I didn’t have to wash them today. It’s your turn. Can I smoke here? No. You must not smoke in the room. What did Bill say about smoking here? He said that we must not smoke in this room. He said that he would do it. Read the dialogs; then answer the questions. Be sure to use the correct form of the modal in reported speech. EXAMPLE: Eddie: I ordered a cake from the store. Can you pick it up? Mike: Yes, I'll pick it up on my way home from work. Harry: What did Mike say? Eddie: He said he would pick up the cake on his way home from work. 1. dim: ‘The game is tonight. Are you going to be there? Ted: Yes, I'm going to be there. What did Ted tell Jim? 2 Mary: Linda: ‘Timmy: Bobby: George: Allen: Bill: Ted: When do you have to get up in the morning? Thave to get up very early. What did Linda say? Do we have to go to school tomorrow? No, we don’t have to go to school. What did Bobby say to Timmy? Can I smoke in the lab? You must not smoke in the lab. What did Allen tell George? Why can't we go in? We have to have a ticket to get in. What did Ted say to Bill? Irregular Adverbs ‘Some adverbs have irregular comparisons. ADVERBS COMPARATIVE | SUPERLATIVE well better than the best badly worse than the worst ‘The comparative form is used when referring to two people or things. ‘The superlative form is used when referring to three or more people or things. 186 Joe speaks Chinese better than his brother does. Read these sentences that contain the comparative and superlative forms of these irregular adverbs. badly worse worst | well better best | Carl draws well. Ed draws better Al draws than Carl. the best. a & e Harry drives badly. George drives worse Pete drives than Harry. the worst. Janet cuts hair Mary cuts hair Linda cuts hair badly. worse than Janet. the worst of all. ey ' Megan spells well. Jessica spells better Sandra spells the best than Megan. of all the girlsin the class. 187 Completion Complete the sentences with the comparative or superlative form of bad or well. 1. Does Mrs. Smith wash clothes Mrs, Jones? (well) 2. Mr. Andrews shaves his customers of all the barbers in the shop. (well) 3. dim sings Bob does. = bad) 4, Jane doesn't spell her brother does. (well) 5. Harvey plays soccer of all the boys in the first grade. (bad) 6. Sue doesn't sing Glen does. (well) 7. Does Julius play basketball Larry? (well) 8. Yes, Herb spoke of all the speakers last night. (bad) 9. No, Tom doesn't drive his brother, (bad) 10. My wife cooks my mother. (well) 11. Richard plays much __I de. (well) 12. Ofall the people I know, Julie plays (bad) 188 GRAMMAR: COMPARATIVE /SUPERLATIVE ADVERBS We learn English more easily than they do. Pvt Allen falls in the most quickly of all the trainees, Pvt Black polishes his boots less often than Pvt Shine. Bill studies the least regularly of all the students oO complain crawl drill enter fall in ard instruct march yell VOCABULARY everything basic training tough aril instruction sweat trainee 189 BASIC TRAINING Basic training is pretty tough. Repeat the words and read the paragraphs. Captain Vera is talking to the new recruits about their basic training. He tells them that everything begins in basic training. “You're called a trainee because you're receiving training. You're learning to live your life in the military. Basic training is pretty tough. It’s not for the weak, but you'll learn that you're tougher than you thought yeu were.” “During basic training, you'll learn to follow instructions. You'll do everything the training instructors tell you to do. You'll spend your day following instructions and doing drills. You'll do the drills again, and again, and again. You'll drill morning, noon, and night. Your training instructors will teach you what to do and how to do it the military way. They will instruct you on how and when to walk and talk and sleep. Follow all their instructions and you won't have any problems. Who is Sgt Horn? Use the correct form of the words to complete the sentences. finstructor drill training everything linstruction tough trainee TI 1. Sgt Horn is a training 2. He instructs basic 3. Sgt Horn the trainees until they got it right. 4. They always follow Sgt Horn’s ‘The training instructor is called a(n) 6. Basic training is 7. Opt Vera said, begins in basic training.” 8. They are called trainees because they receive A training day Drill instructors drill the new recruits. They make the trainee do everything over and over again. ‘They make them march until their Battle Dress Uniforms (BDUs) are wet with sweat. The soldiers learn to guard the military base. 191 Repeat the new words and read the sentences. ‘The men obey quickly when the sergeant tells them to fall in and march to the mess hall. ‘The Dis yell at the basic trainees who are slow in following orders. ‘The drill instructors give physical training to the soldiers. . 7. Dis make the soldiers run... 8. ...andjump... 9. and crawl on their stomachs. 10. Sometimes the trainees complain that the food tastes awful. True or false? Write T if the statement is true or F if the statement is false. 1. 2. BDUs are uniforms. Basic training is not hard work. ‘The physical training makes the new soldier strong. ‘The TI instructs the recruits in military life. Physical exercise causes you to sweat. ‘The soldiers stand at attention when they crawl. Soldiers march together when they are drilling. The TI guards the base. 192 9. The trainees complain about Sgt Horn. 10. When a trainee does a drill, he does it many times. ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY NEVER, EVER, SELDOM, ALWAYS, USUALLY OFTEN, FREQUENTLY, OCCASIONALLY, SOMETIMES ‘There are some adverbs that are called adverbs of frequency. Notice where they are in the sentences. The most common position is before the verb, but after BE. They can also come at the beginning or end of the sentence. She is seldoi on time, Ishe usually on time? |__ She always comes here. | Does he ever come here? Read the sentences. Roepe ox During his training, the trainee seldom has breaks. ‘The basic trainee is frequently tired at the end of the day. Do you ever think about your basic training? The men always wear their BDUs when they mop and scrub. The trainee is usually busy all day. During their training, the men sometimes have to crawl on the ground. 193 Read the dialogs. Pvt Jackson: Pyt McCoy: Pvt Horn: Pvt Porter: Pvt Day: Pvt Phipps: Sgt Green: Sgt Harper: Pvt Porter: Pvt Horn: Corporal Ash: Corporal Gray: Pvt Sams: Pvt Greer: There are three blank. What do you usually do? Have you ever had to guard the gate? No, I never have. ‘What do you usually do in the morning? Usually, I do PT in the morning, but sometimes, if the weather's bad, I have class. Do you always wear your dress uniform to march? No, not always. Often I march in my BDUs. Where do you go on the weekends? Frequently, I go to the beach, but occasionally I have duty. Do you often have duty on the weekend? No, I seldom have duty on the weekend, but I still have to study. Where do you go when you want to study? Joften go to the library, but sometimes I stay in my room and close the door. Do you ever have a break? Yes, occasionally I have some free time. It’s usually just before Igo to bed. Where does it go? blanks in each sentence. Put the word in the correct EXAMPLE: usually People __X__ enter basic training when they 1. sometimes 2. often are about 18 years old. The _____basic trainee _ mops and scrubs his barracks in the mornings. The basic trainee is too busy to watch TV. 194 seldom the drill instructor. makes the men march in bad weather, 4 never ____ a drill instructor _ hits _a trainee. 5. occasionally ____ the men goto__ the movies on_ ase. ever _____ the trainee must not forget to salute an officer 7. always The trainee is ready to obey____ the DI. 5 usually ‘The basic trainee is very tired at night. HOW OFTEN . We frequently go out to dinner. Now you ask and answer questions with How often ...? Use the words in she box in your answers. EXAMPLE: seldom How often does Pvt Gleason go on sick call? Oh, he seldom goes. He's never sick. seldom frequently usually ever occasionally always never sometimes often you do your homework 2. Gary polish his shoes the sergeant mop the floor 4, you ride a bike to class you iron your uniform 6. the class stand at attention he students go to the lab 8. Paul complain about the food we" COMPARATIVE/SUPERLATIVE ADVERBS Lt Moran does his homework more correctly than Lt Gillis. More and most are used with adverbs of ‘0 or more syllables for the comparative and superlative forms. ADVERB | COMPARATIVE. SUPERLATIVE | slowly more slowly than the most slowly carefully more carefully than _| the most carefully frequently | more frequently than _| the most frequently These are some examples of adverbs formed by adding ly to adjectives. *Note the spelling changes. correct correctly careful carefully beautiful beautifully cautious cautiously natural naturally slow slowly soft softly nervous nervously quiet quietly auick quickly “easy easily “angry angrily *reasonable reasonably 1, Mark is one of the best English speakers in the correctly than Ann. ss. He speaks more 2. Janet is the best in the clas: of all. She prepares her homework the most carefully 196 3. Who sings the most beautifully in the class? John does. He has the best voice. 4 Craig has problems with languages. He learns French less easily than Philip does, 5. Ofall the women, Jane was the most upset, so she spoke the least reasonably about the problem. Who polishes his shoes the most frequently? Complete the sentences using the comparative or superlative form of the adverb in parentheses. EXAMPLE: Pvt Michaels irons his silk tie __ more carefully than __ Pvt Jones. 1. Ofall the men in the barracks, Pvt Engles polishes his shoes _. (often) Sgt Miller answers letters Sgt Lee. (promptly) Sgt Jones checks the rifles Captain Webb. (regularly) Corporal Monroe hurt his foot yesterday. He got in line friend. (quickly) ‘Tim is very good with machines. Dan isn’t. Tim operates machines Dan. (easily) Dan plays tennis more frequently than Fred. Read the sentences. Then complete the statement. Use the correct form of the word and more, less, most, or least. Some sentences may need extza words. EXAMPLE: frequently Dan plays tennis twice a week. Fred only plays once a week. Mark loves it, and he plays every day. Dan plays tennis more frequently than Fred/less frequently than Mark. Mark plays tennis the most frequently of all. Fred plays tennis less frequently than Dan or Mark. Of the three men, Fred plays the least frequently. 197 1. careful 2. prompt 3. quick ‘Trainee Smith made the rifle team. Corporal Davis didn’t make it because he dropped his gun. Corporal Davis shoots his rifle Mary always answers her letters right away. Sometimes John doesn't answer his for several weeks. John answers his letters Mary answers her letters ‘Ted was the first to hear “fall in.” Harry heard it next. Frank never heard it. ‘Ted got in line Harry got in line 198 THEY ARE AT ATTENTION. LESSON 18 FUNCTION: ASKING/GIVING INFORMATION ABOUT BASIC TRAINING What's basic training like? It’s pretty tough. ea GRAMMAR: SUFFIX -ION instruct/instruction locate/location VOCABULARY attend at attention area firing range iron This is killing me! _ briefing guard join broom iron ‘mop physical adet mop polish dorm polish serub sweep/swept/swept 199 MORE BASIC TRAINING But sergeant, it was an accident! Repeat the new words; then read the sentences. 1. The drill sergeant yelled at Private 2.‘ The drill instructor makes them ‘Mulhoon when he dropped his rifle. stand at attention. The trainees stand straight and don’t move. i? # 3. Sgt Horn complained that his 4, There is always a guard on duty feet were killing him. at the gate to guard the base. Faye 5. Max begins to sweat after 20 6. When a person enters the minutes of physical training. military, he becomes a trainee. 200 Match the sentences on the left with the sentences on the right. Number 1 is an example. b 1, He's a drill instructor. a. They fall in. 2, Basic training is hard. b. He's a DI. 3. They walked and walked. ¢. They were on the ground. 4, They get into line. d. She's sweating. 5. They crawled during the drill. e. It's tough. 6. Her uniform is wet. f. They marched. 1. They thanked him for a. They do everything over everything. and over. 2, She instructs the trainees. b, He's guarding the base. His voiee is very loud. c. He's yelling. 4. Stand up! Salute the general! d. They appreciated alll he did. 5. He has a rifle. e. She's a TL 6. They're drilling. £ You're at attention. The dorm is always clean. Repeat the new words; then read the sentences. 1. Thetrainees clean the area. They 2. ‘The students live in a dorm. pick up the papers near the building. They have a lot of roommates. 201 3. Frank uses a broom to get the 4. Bob sweeps the floor of the dirt off the floor. dorm. Max mops the floor with water. He 6. _This trainee is scrubbing the pushes the mop all around the floor. floor with a brush, soap and water. ‘The trainees iron their uniforms. 8. Frank polishes his boots every Be careful! That iron is very hot. day. He needs to buy some more black shoe polish. The trainees attend classes. 1. The trainees attend classes sixdays 2. After class, the trainees take a aweek. They have only one day off. break. This is their time to relax. 202 3. The students attended the captain's 4. A cadet is a student in a military briefing about basic training. He school. Officer trainees are called gave them a lot of information. cadets. +I A 5. The recruits must have a physical 6. Alice joined the Navy when she examination before they join the saw this sign. She likes to travel. military. a YY “ CAUTION: s FIRING RANGE 7. The soldiers practice shooting on 8. Be cautious when you enter the firing range. firing range Questions to answer Read the question and the answer it. Try to use the vocabulary from the lesson. What do the recruits need before they enter the military? How many days a week do the trainees go to class? When can the students relax and have a cup of coffee? Who attended the briefing? What is a student in a military school called? 203 ‘ INQUIRING ABOUT/GIVING INFORMATION ABOUT BASIC SKILLS Do you ever have to. Listen and repeat. ‘What's basic training? Do the training instructors really yell at the trainees? The first week we got shots, took tests, and drilled a lot. This week we are attending weapor s training. Next, we'll go to the firing range. ook ewe ‘You have to scrub and polish everything Scrub and polish everything! Read the dialogs. Private Walker: How many miles have we marched? Private Bunyan: Too many! This is killing me! How often do we get breaks? 204 Private Walker: Breaks? We only started thirty minutes ago. Private Bunyan: Tell that to my feet! Mr. Jones: Private Goode: Private Payne: Private Goode: Mr. Jones: Private Payne: Put these sentences in order (like the example). Use the numbers 2 -- 7. EXAMPLE: What kinds of things do you do in basic training? Well, we do many different things. We always scrub and polish everything. And we have PT every day. It sounds tough It is tough! It was a tough day! lating lunch ‘Then I eat my sandwich. like to eat lunch. First I drink part of my milk. Finally I finish my milk. After I eat my sandwich, I eat my dessert. A day in basic training After lunch, we marched ten miles. ‘Then we had mail call and went to dinner. Later in the afternoon, we received instruction in first aid Today was a tough day! We got up at 0530. ‘We ate breakfast, and then we had weapons training. 205 We had 30 minutes to shave, shower, clean up, and fall in for PT. Last we had to sweep the barracks and study. We had only 30 minutes of free time before lights out. ge SUFFIX -ION promote — promotion he suffix -ion may be added to some verbs to form nouns. Note the spelling changes. collect collection | confuse _—_ confusion educate education | instruct —_ instruction locate location _| select selection Read the sentences. Sgt Williams is going to instruct the basic trainees in physical training. His instruction in this field should help them keep in shape. It was difficult to select the best man for the job. The selection of the best man was difficult for the commande! Philip likes to collect old guns. He has a very large collection. John knew his home was difficult to locate. Its location, far away from town, was hard for people to find, Mr. Smith wanted to promote his secretary, but the business office wouldn't allow any more promotions, ‘The schedule can confuse new students. The instructor cleared up the students’ confusion. Mrs. Brown wants to educate her new students. She wants to give them an education. Dr. Jones is going to operate on my friend next week. He's going to do the operation. ‘The teacher wants the students to introduce themselves to the class. She wants them to give an introduction. Jonathan always prefers to memorize his vocabulary. He is very good at memorization. 206 collect — collection Make a sentence. Use the noun/verb form of the underlined word. Look at the example. EXAMPLE: David has a large coin collection. How long has he _collected __ coins? 1. The traffic light was not working. That confused the driver. His almost caused an accident. 2. The corporal gave very clear instructions. He the class about water safety. 3. The operation of the machine is difficult. You must. it very carefully. 4. Is the colonel selecting a student for the special course? ‘Yes, the will make someone happy. 5. They located the new mess hall next to the barracks. I think this is a much better 6. The teacher wanted them to repeat the new words. She thinks that the will help the students learn. . Please describe your vacation trip to the mountains. The class really enjoyed his 8. When will they decide what kind of house they are going to build? I don't know. It is a difficult ® Do you think he is able to divide the land into equal parts? I believe he will have trouble with the 20. She didn’t realize how sick her aunt was. She had no 207 collect — collection Make a sentence. Use the noun/verb form of the underlined word. Look at the example. EXAMPLE: _ David has a large coin collection. ‘How long has he _collected _ coins? 1. The traffic light was not working. That confused the driver. His almost caused an accident. The corporal gave very clear instructions. He the class about water safety. 3. The operation of the machine is difficult. You must it very carefully. 4. Is the colonel selecting a student for the special course? ‘Yes, the will make someone happy. 5. They located the new mess halll next to the barracks. I think this is a much better 6. The teacher wanted them to repeat the new words. She thinks that the will help the students learn. Please describe your vacation trip to the mountains. ‘The class really enjoyed his 8. When will they decide what kind of house they are going to build? I don't know. It is a difficult 9. Do you think he is able to divide the land into equal part I believe he will have trouble with the 10. She didn’t realize how sick her aunt was. She had no 207 CAN YOU COME TO OUR SCHOOL? LESSON 19 &xzgug | FUNCTION: GIVE/ACCEPT/DECLINE INVITATIONS Can you come over on Sunday? Sorry, I’m busy on Sunday. en GRAMMAR: MODALS “WILL,” “WOULD” Ben would be happy to help you. Tom will help, too MODAL “CAN” He can cook the hamburgers. We ean eat outdoors. VOCABULARY celebrate anniversary drink reception hold/held/held beer guest roll invite celebration invitation steak slice ceremony mayonnaise _ strawberry will cheese mustard wedding would chocolate pickles wine club 209 Lt LET’S HAVE A PARTY. Did you get an invitation? Repeat the new words. Then read the dialogs. Lt Holmes: Lt Egger: Lt Holmes: Lt Egger: Lt Holmes: Lt Egger: Lt Holmes: Lt Egger: Did Col Cook invite you to his reception? Yes, the invitation came in today’s mail. They must be inviting a lot of guests. They're going to hold the reception at the Officers’ Club. ‘That's a good place to hold the celebration for a silver wedding anniversary. ‘Twenty-five years of happy married life is something to celebrate all right. Not many couples are still together twenty-five years after their wedding. offered to help at the reception by slicing and serving the cake. I thought Mrs, Cook would want to cut the cake, As a matter of fact, she and Col Cook will probably cut and eat the first slice together. That's a part of the ceremony most people like to have pictures of. Then I'll slice pieces for the guests 210 What a lovely party! Answer the questions. Use the word(s) in parentheses in your answers. EXAMPLE: Where will the Cooks’ reception be? (hold) They will hold the reception at the Officers’ Club. 1. What did Lt Egger receive in the mail? (invitation) What will the Cooks hold? (reception) 3. Who are the Cooks inviting? (guests) 4. Where will the reception be? (hold) What will the Cooks celebrate? (anniversary) 6. What did Lt Egger offer to do? (slice) 2iL Time to Celebrate! Ba Ss 1. cheese 2. rolls 3. chocolate . = ai) N 4. 5. steak 6. .. 8. slice 9. mayonnaise T < 10. strawberries 11. wine 12. drink The glass holds three ounces. Use the words to make sentences like the examples. Use hold in your sentences. EXAMPLES: | the glass/three ounces a The glass holds three ounces. how much sugar/bow! How much sugar does the bowl hold? how many/people/room bowl/four cups how much/wine/glass pan/two quarts bottle/pint of oil pot/eight cups of coffee how many/books/box plane/150 passengers SEN PD LIKE IT A LOT. Would you like to come to our party? We use will and would to say what we want or want to do. Can I help you, please? Yes, I'd like a cheese sandwich. (Wes, I want a cheese sandwich.) We're having a party next weekend. Can you come? ‘Yes, I'd love to. (Yes, I want to come.) ‘That box looks heavy. I'll help you with it. (want to help you with it.) Practice the conversations. Learn your part well enough to say it without the book. 1 Ed: Would you like to come to our party this Saturday night? Anne: Yes. I'd love to 2 Mac: Who can we get to go with us? Lisa: I think Alice would go shopping with us. 3 Sue: Can you give me a ride to the tennis club today? Tom: I would be happy to. 4 Tony: Say, Ted, would you lend me some money till tomorrow? Ted: Sure, I'll lend you some. Would ten be enough? Rita: I need some help in the kitchen. Tony: I'll slice the tomatoes for you. Sure, I'll go with you. Ask and answer questions, Look at the example. 214 EXAMPLE: Student 1: Will you _gotoamovie _ with me today? Student 2: Yes, I'll__go toa movie _ with you. 1. go dancing play tennis do homework go out to dinner 5. take a walk play soccer What can we do? Can is used to say something is possible. We can see the lake from the living room window. You can walk to the library. It’s very close. Flying in an airplane can be dangerous. Read the conversations. Learn one part well enough to say it without looking at the book. 1. Burt: Betty: Jerry: Jim: Billie: Bob: Winnie: Warren: What can we do when Aunt Mary and Uncle Joe come to visit? We can take them out to dinner. - What can we buy Sam for his birthday? Maybe we can buy him a bicycle. There's a sale at the bike shop this week. Where can we go to buy a car? Let’s check the newspaper. Maybe we can find a bargain. What can we do in New York City? We can visit the Statue of Liberty, 215

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