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Pests are insects, rodents, or wildlife that are undesirable because they invade households and commercial places.
They are prevalent in a humid and subtropical climate such as that of Johannesburg. The most frequently found pests
in Johannesburg are ants, termites, cockroaches, rats, and mosquitoes. These pests are both menacing and harmful
because of the diseases they carry that can be fatal. It is necessary to have pest control in Johannesburg to
exterminate pests and secure yourself from future pest invasions.
It is also a must to understand the common pests that are found and how to get rid of pests in Johannesburg.
Rats are one of the most common pests in Johannesburg. They make our way through the ground, drain pipes,
insulations, and ceilings. What attracts rats to your home? Open food and rubbish in the kitchen is what attracts them.
Once making their way into our households, they quickly breed and gives rise to full infestation. Pest control in
Johannesburg provides specialized rat extermination services.
Ants are one of the most resilient insects on the planet. Although insects do not pose a direct threat to our health, they
can be menacing and can cause sleepless nights. Often ants can be dealt with over-the-counter ant repellants but an
infestation is difficult to get rid-off. Professional pest control in Johannesburg can help in the extermination of ants and
prevent future invasion.
Mosquitoes are the deadliest animals on Earth killing more than 750,000 people annually. They breed on stagnant
water and live in cool, damp, and dark places. Getting rid of mosquitoes is only possible if you act quickly once an
infestation is detected. Professional mosquito control in Johannesburg can be called for the identification of mosquito
breeding areas, extermination, and sanitization of the same.
Cockroaches are very resilient creatures and are very difficult to get rid-off once they invade your household or work
area. Although there are thousands of species of cockroaches identified, wood cockroaches are the most common in
Often called ‘white ants’, termites are one of the most destructive pests in the world. They can cause extensive
destruction to the property. Such damages are also not covered by most of the home insurance policies. Treatment of a
termite infestation can be done with the help of professional termite control in Johannesburg.
Other insects and bugs
Insects make their way to your home most likely for food and shelter. If you often find insects such as fleas and flies
inside your home, it is most likely because of untidiness or food rubbish on the ground. Fleas and flies carry potential
disease spreading bacteria such as Salmonella and E. Coli. There are experienced pest control companies in
Johannesburg that provide pest extermination and control at affordable rates.
Pest control Treatment
Pest control services in Johannesburg are needed when an infestation of an insect or animal has been confirmed.
Once the pest control is called, they begin by surveying the entire household area, identify the level of infestation, and
provide the required treatment along with the aftercare.
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