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As Heywood Broun once said: “Sports do not build character, they reveal it”.

morning! I am Hannah Zaragoza running for your Student Council SOCC and I’m here today to
show just how true that quote is. I’ve been part of the volleyball varsity for 7 years and if there’s
one thing I can take from it and bring to this stage, it would be the court character.

First, DETERMINATION. I may be new to all of this, but I can assure you right now that
I will bring the spirit to the student body. I know that my experiences in the many years that I’ve
been a class officer and in being the volleyball team’s team captain are easily a big help for me
to take this next step. I’ve always taken opportunities as they come and this is one of them. I
believe that I can lead because I know how to keep pushing forward. I have multiple projects
planned which can help integrate my advocacy of having a school body who actively participates
at all times.

Next is UNITY. Being part of a team, I ambition for us to be united. As one student body,
we have to take it upon ourselves to support each other in and out of the classroom. If I was
given the chance, I would like to lead us in giving support to those who represent the school,
such as our sports and performing arts clubs. I plan for us to sell school merchandise as a
fundraiser to support upcoming activities. I believe that if we exemplify unity, we can all
experience a fruitful and a one of a kind school year.

Lastly, PASSION. If you didn’t know, I put so much heart into my work on and off court.
I stand here not for a title but because I know I can bring change. My school spirit is what fuels
that. I believe that true school spirit can be channeled. Having said this, I plan to remove the
famous “SCHOLEAGUE” from being a requirement. School pride is one of the best things you
can experience, but I feel that considerations should always be given towards students. Even
though the scholeague would be taken away, I have faith that our school spirit will still be there
and I have challenged myself to find different ways to hone it.
If I get the opportunity to share my ideas and advocacies, I promise to give a hundred and
fifty percent towards serving the school and its students. You all deserve the best and I promise
to give it. Once again, I am Hannah Zaragoza, your next SOCC believing that you deserve
someone who treats you like OHANNAH. Thank you and have a blessed day!

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