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GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSI TY, JAMNAGAR AYURVEDACHARYA-(B. A. M. S.) EXAMINATION THIRD PROFESSIONAL OCTOBER - 2016 (NEW SYLLABUS) ROGA NIDANA - PAPER - I Date: 03-10-2016 Time :- 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Monday Marks : 100 Instructions ; All the questions are compulsory. SECTION - A | Write the difference between Srotodushti and Khavaigunya and discuss the importance of 10 Vyadhighataka in the manifestation of disease. 2. Answer any one question. 10 (A) Give short note on Samanyaja and Nanatmaja Vyadhi and discuss the classification of Vyadhi in detail. (B) Write note on Traya Roga Marga and describe definition and Samanya Lakshana of Ama, 3. Answer any four questions. 20 (A) Write short note on : Inflamation. {B) Write short note on : Classification of bacteria. (©) sertscraata agrenaferry 1 Explain the stanza in detail, (D) Write short note on : Vyadhishankara. (E) Write short note on : Doshapaka and Dhatupaka. 4. Answer any five questions. (two to three sentences) 10 (A) Write the clinical features of Rasakshaya. (B) Write the clinical features of Raktavruta Vata. (C)_ Name three heriditory disorders. (D) What is DSM classification ? (B) Write the clinical features of Oja Kshaya. {F) Mention the disorders of Vitamins-C deficiency. SECTION 5. What is the difference between Roga Pariksha and Rogi Pariksha and describe the Shadvidha 10 Pariksha in detail. 6. Answer any one question. 10 (A) What is Kriyakala ? Describe various stages of Kriyakala and its importance in detail (B) Discuss the types of Sadhyasadhyata along with their parameters and importance 7. Answer any four quest (A) Write short note on : Diagnostic importance of U.S.G. (B) Write short note on : Utpadaka Hetu and Vyanjaka Hetu. (C) aafagare at ener srargeresrest: + Explain the stanza in detail, (D) Write short note on : Upashaya. (2) Write short note on : Jihva Paririksha (Tongue examination) 20 8. Answer any five questions, (two to three sentences) 10 (A) What do you mean by Anuktavyadhi ? (B) | What is Jalanimajjana Pariksha of Putisha ? (C) What do you mean by Vishista Purva Rupa (D) What is Nimittanurupa Vikruti ? (B) Write difference between Samkhya and Vidhi Samprapti, (F) Write the factors which are known by Prashana Pariksha. GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR AYURVEDACHARY-( B. A. M. S.) EXAMINATION THIRD PROFESSIONAL OCTOBER - 2016 (NEW SYLLABUS) ROGA NIDANA - PAPER - I Date: 04-10-2016 Time :- 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Tuesday Marks : 100 Instructions : All the questions are compulsory. SEs IN - A Write short note on Rheumatic fever and discuss Dhatugata Jwara in detail. .. Answer any one question. (A). Write short note on leukaemia and discuss Nidana, Samprapti, Bheda and Sadhyasadhyata of Raktapitta, (B) Write Nidana, Samprapti and Lakshana of Sthoulya in detail. . Answer any four questions. (A). Write short note on : Male infertility. (B) Write short note on : Manyastambha. (©) aead actaty Rrrengaer 1 Explain the stanza in detail. (D) Write short note on : Galaganda. (B) Write short note on : Koshtukshirsha. |. Answer any five questions. (two to three sentences) (A) Write the Nidana of Amavata. (B) Write the Purva Rupa of Pandu Roga. (©) What is Gramhi Visarpa ? (D) What do you mean by Thalassemia ? (E) Write cardinal symptoms of Parkinson's disease. (F) Write the symptoms of Avabahuka. SECTION-—B ‘Write the definition and classification of Krimi alongwith clinical features of Krimiroga. . Answer any one question. (A). Write short note on chickenpox and discuss Nidana Panchaka of Kasa, (B) Write short note on Irritable bowel syndrome and describe the Nidana, Samprapti, Bheda and Sadhyasadhyata of Atisara | Answer any four questions. (A) Write short note on : Hypokalemia. (B) Write short note on : Mutraghata, (©) wea aver: a riten faereamnPirgfede: 4 - Explain the stanza in detail {D) Write short note on : Nidana Samprapti of Unmada. (E) Write short note on : AIDS. . Answer any five questions. (two to three sentences) (A). Write the zoological names of two hook worms. (B) Write the complications of Phiranga. (C) What do you mean by depression ? (D) What is Palitya ? (E) What do you mean by Adhmana ? (F) Write the symptoms of Kshayaja Kasa. seeeesee 10 10 20 10 10 10 20 10 Date: 05-10-2016 Wednesday GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR_ AYURVEDACHARY A-(B. A, M.S.) EXAMINATION THIRD PROFESSIONAL OCTOBER - 2016 (NEW SYLLABUS) SWASTHAVRITTA - PAPER -T Marks : 100 Instruction - All the questions are compulsory. SECTIO! 1. Describe the physical - mental and social dimentions of health in detail. 2. Answer any one out of two questions. a) Q) Explain the importance of Dinacharya in medical practice. What is Ahara ? Mentioning its types, describe Ahara Vidbi Visheshayatana in brief. 3. Answer any four out of five questions. a) Q) @) @) 6) Write short note - Concept of well being. ares Pret segatier cares Sorrgade | arararat Rraarcrorergeatirent ag - Explain Write short note - Pathya Ahara-Vihara of Sharada Ritu. Write short note - Protein deficiency Write short note - Vyavaya Ayogys conditions of male and female as per Ayurveda. 4, Answer any five out of six questions. @ @) @) “@ 6) (6) Define Swastha What are the characteristics of an ideal Jihva Nirlekhani ? Write down Sanchaya - Prakopa - Prashama of Vata as per seasons. What is meant by Adhyashana ? Enlist disorders induced due to suppression of ‘Shramaja Shwasa Vega’. What is NREM sleep ? SECTION -B 5. Defining Pranayama, describe procedure, timings, duration and benefits of Nadi Shuddhi Pranayama including Nadi Shuddhi Lakshana and its physiology. 6. Answer any one out of two questions. ay (2) Describe Panchabhootopasana as per Indian Schooi of Naturopathy. Describe methods - types - contraindications - therapeutic utility and physiological action of Massage. 7. Answer any four out of five questions. (ay (2) @) @ (6) Write short note - "Yoga Pratibandhaka Bhaval. Write short note - 'Bhramari Pranayama’. aad apt Fea | - Explain. Write short note - ‘Sun Bath. Write short note - Vibrator Massage’. 8. Answer any Five out of Six questions. dy) Q) GB) 4) ) © Define Hatha Yoga. What is meant by Dharana ? What is Satyabuddhi ? Enlist contraindications of Cold Mud Pack, Write down the benefits of Hot Water Arm Bath. Which are the types of Fasting ? eeene Time :- 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 Date: 06-10-2016 Thursday Marks : 100 GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR AYURVEDACHARY 4-{ B. A, M.S.) EXAMINATION, THIRD PROFESSIONAL OCTOBER - 2016 (NEW SYLLABUS) SWASTHAVRITTA - PAPER - II Instructions: 1. Every question is compulsory. 2. Every question bears the marks written on the right side. SECTION-A . Explaining Prajnparadha as causative factor of Janapadoddhvansaka Vikara; explain importance of Panchakarma in its management. 2. Answer any one out of two questions. A. Defining Ventilation; explain its importance in health. B. Describe Leptospirosis prevention. 3. Answer any Four out of five questions. A. Write short note on : Potable water standards B. Write short note on : Control of Noise pollution. C. Exphin: RIEIERa ara eet | ETAT TATTSTGAAT 11 D. Write short note on : Exereta disposal during fair. E. Write short note on : Active immunization. 4. Answer any Five out of Six questions: (in two or three sentences) A. Enlist qualities of wind blowing from the East. B. Mention sources of radiation in a hospital. C. Enlist the harmful effects of artificial lighting, D. Write any four occupational disorders of a Driver. E, Define Epizootic. F. Which micro-organism causes Rabies ? How does it spread ? SECTION-B 5. Enlisting aims and objectives of Maternal and Child Health Care Programme: describe immunization schedule. 6. Answer any one out of two questions. A. Defining Primary Health Care; describe role of voluntary health agencies in it B. Describe National Vector-bome Disease Control Programme. 7. Answer any Four out of five questions, Write short note on : Elements of Primary Health Care. Write short note on : National Health Policy. Write short note on : Disposable Delivery Kit. Write short note on : Role of Ayurveda in preventive Geriatrics, Write short note on : Diagnosis of Tuberculosis in RNTCP. 8. Answer any Five out of Six questions : (in two or three sentences) Write any four disorders managed at Secondary Health Care level. Enlist the examinations required to be carried out during Ante-natal Period. Define emergency contraceptives, When WHO was established ? How do we remember its foundation day ? What is Mortality rate ? What is the purpose of Pulse in Pulse Polio Immunization ? moOm> MEO OW > Time :- 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. 10 20 10 10 10 20 10 GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR AYURVEDACHARYA-(B. A. M.S.) EXAMINATION THIRD PROFESSIONAL OCTOBER - 2016 (NEW SYLLABUS) PRASUTI TANTRA & STRIROGA - PAPER ~ I Date: 07-10-2016 Time :- 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Friday Marks : 100 Instructions: 1. Every question is compulsory. 2. Every question bears the marks written on the right side, SECTION-A 1. Define the Garbha. Discuss the Garbhavakranti in detail. 2. Discuss the ovarian cycle and their regulation by endocrine glands. OR List the Garbhini Paricharya according to Ayurveda. Discuss the investigations and management of antenatal care. 3. Answer any Four of the following : Discuss the Garbhini Makkala. Discuss the changes during puberty. ard: srremaftersreaferart wet eee 1 Explain the verse. Discuss the Garbhini Shotha. Discuss the foetal lie, presentation and attitude, Poom> ‘Answer any Five of the following : A. List the abnormalities of placenta. B. Write the length, weight and normal position of the uterus. C. Define the Rh-incompatability. D. List the types of abortion. . Funetions of Jarayu, F. Define the gestational anemia. SECTION-B 5. Define the partograph. Discuss the monitoring and management of normal labour. 6. Define the Garbha Sanga. Discuss the causes, clinical features and management of the same, OR Discuss the Sutika Makkala in detail. 7. Answer any Four of the following : List the complication of third stage of labour. Write the management of Aparasanga, Write the Sutikagaranirmana and Sangrahaniya dravya, ‘genres ' Prgms ARE A eee Exploit Write the types and treatment of Stanya Dushti. Write the benefit and types of episiotomy. moO Op> 8. Answer any Five of the following : ‘A. Define the Sutikakala, Define the post term labour. Write the clinical features of preterm labour. Methods of augmentation of labour. Write the importance of Sutika Paricharya, Write the symptoms of Prajayani =moop sense 10 10 20 10 10 20 10 GUJARAT AYURVED UNIVERSITY, JAMNAGAR AYURVEDACHARYA-(B. A. M.S.) EXAMINATION THIRD PROFESSIONAL OCTOBER - 2016 (NEW SYLLABUS) PRASUTI TANTRA & STRIROGA - PAPER - II Date: 08-10-2016 Time :- 9:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Saturday Marks : 100 Instructions : All the questions are compulsory, 1 2. 5. 6. 8. SECTION - A Write the Sankhya, Nidana, Lakshana, Upadrava Evam Chikitsa of Yonivyapada. Answer any one question, (1) What is the Menopaus ? Write the changes during Menopaus, Menopaus syndrome and management. (2) Describe the Ashtartavadushti in detail . Answer any four questions. (1) Describe PL (2) Write the investigations of Infertility in detail (G)

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