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From the existing problems, in my opinion, I will take an offer, because the

cash flow problem that occurs in the company when it does not have enough
funds to meet operating costs and other funding problems the company is
waiting for customers to pay debts on orders that have been received,
whereas the company has received an order of 150 trailers from the state
government as well as custom made trailers and was postponed in just three
months, therefore, I would ask the bank for a short term loan of £ 250,000
thinking that £ 550,000 needed to fulfill the order cannot be raised in the
existing cash budget, and with an estimated sales profit of £ 700,000,
because I think there are no problems that can be practically solved in
fulfilling orders, and if I have the support of the bank it can be arranged
quickly. And I assume it must rearrange the previous cash flow to calculate
account income from the sale of 150 trailers, because it affects revenue from
the previous cash flow because the sales, sources and use of the company
increased because of the offers we get. The company will negotiate with the
client, that the customer will receive a strict payment schedule in return for
a discount on the unit price per product will help secure the contract and
the company guarantee a three-month delivery, where the payment terms
are 25% with the order + 25% on delivery + the balance in three months and
payment is compensated in the six month payment period two times faster
than usual where the payment schedule for the product is twelve months
from the order.

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