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Nama : vanessa fazura

Nim : F31180202

This is report answer for linda's speech

So the first ,theTopic speech draft from linda about education 4.0 and also The effect of learning
sistem . When write the material she felt difficult when developing her ideas . Than she felt Is very
confuse because the material us very difficult make ger must searcg many information in internet and
must read lost a article for the speech draft . But There are many Benefit of Eduacation 4.0 example is
increasing of teknologi , changing many people's mindset and important For knowledge about tecnologi
and education for student now . And than she thinks education 4.0 is very importand for generation
millenial because there are many thing that can be get starting from a more critical thingking about
knowledge , more advanced communication skills , and the develoment of technology that is useful for
student today . About all material her needed afound 4 hours for working because the material is very
complicated and requires critical thinking to find detailed information

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