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MySQL Performance tuning key points

 After installation look at the parameters of MySQL

o Innodb_buffer_pool_size: Adjust the value 50%-70% of total system RAM
o innodb_buffer_pool_instances: Value between 1 and 64. useful in highly concurrent
workload as it may reduce contention
o innodb_log_file_size: Need to set as per load of database. Can’t greater than
o innodb_log_buffer_size: 4-8MB is good initial value. Need adjust as per requirement.
o innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit: Depends on database behaviour
o innodb_flush_method: use O_DIRECT to enable direct IO for linux system
o max_binlog_size: 1G
o innodb_io_capacity and innodb_io_capacity_max (for SSD disks)
o query_cache_size: use for caching query results. By default, it is disable.
 Build indexes on application tables based on data access patterns
o Primary/Unique Indexes
o Regular indexes
o Function-based indexes
 Look for the full table scan queries and make indexes on them
 Get slow query log by enabling parameters
o slow_query_log = /var/log/mysql/mysql-slow.log
o long_query_time = 1
o log-queries-not-using-indexes = 1
 Use EXPLAIN tool for detailed SQL query execution plan
 MySQL Tuner script gives overview and quick scan for database
 show engine performance_schema status;
o gives detailed information how database is running
 MySQL Workbench for performance monitoring
 Query performance schema table of MySQL to get knowledge how and where
database facing issue.

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