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Alexander Csikitas was born in the Las Venturas Hospital on 27th of December 1993.

At the age of 5
years old he was living with both of his parents, and he went to Saint Patrick elementary school. His
parents were kind of classified in the lower social class but obviously, he was meeting the
requirements to go to a sort of normal school, to eat normal food and have friends around. At the
age of 14 years old he finished his studies at Saint Patrick and went up to a highschool called Mitchell
High School, which is also still in Las Venturas. His best friend was a boy named Jason Blake, who was
his neighbour, and by coincidence, it happened that they began to go to the same high school.
Alexander wasn't one of the cool kids, but he always knew how to deal with his bullies while Jason
didn't. One day Jason was again harassed by some guys who used to bully him, so that Alexander
stepped in and tried to help his friend, Jason, by trying to explain to them that there's no point in
what they do hence they should leave Jason alone. After Alexander's speech, they literally burst into
laughter and told Alexander to go and annoy somebody else. Then Alexander got sort of triggered
and told them that he's not going away from there, afterwards one of them shoved Alexander into a
wall, launching a punch in Alexander's stomach, Alexander falling on the floor. That punch took
Alexander's breath for a second as Alexander was a pretty frail guy. Alexander tried to push himself
up, but then another guy sent another punch into Alexander's face, leaving him on the floor
unconscious. Alexander opened his eyes after a few hours being in a hospital. His parents were
extremely grateful that he finally woke up as they were frightened that he won't ever wake up after
this event. Once Alexander got home, his friend Jason came right away to talk to him, telling him that
he didn't have to intervene as he had the situation under control.

That event changed Alexander's perception quite a bit on people so that he decided to move away
from that school, in a new city, somewhere where he could start again without anyone knowing him.
His parents sold the house that they were living in, therefore they purchased a house in Los Santos
furthermore they had also some savings. At the moment Alexander was 17 years old, and he was
about to turn into an adult, but before that, he had to get his exams.

He was 3 months away from his exams so that he started to learn for his exams awfully hard. He took
the decision that he won't hang out with his friends within these 3 months. It wasn't his parents that
were putting the pressure on but him, he wanted more than everything to pass those exams, so that
he could have a job that he desires for and still have a more than a comfortable life. In a nutshell, his
dream was to become a lawyer but there was something more than that.

He had a huge crush on a girl from his high school, but she's never taken him into account. Strangely
enough, she had a crush on him too, but she was afraid that Alexander didn't feel the same for her so
that she's never tried to get to know him. She finally had the courage to text him. Alexander was
literally blown away when he saw the message as she told him if he'd like to go out with her.
Alexander was really ambivalent because he had to rehearse for his exams. After a few minutes of
hard thinking, Alexander decided that going out with her for a day wouldn't mean that he won't pass
the exams anymore. He went out with her, and everything went quite well, they really liked each
other and they were kind of soul mates. The very next day she asks him again to hang out again, but
he told her that he has to learn for his exams, and he even promised her that after the exams they'll
be able to have a proper relationship. After three months, he passed his exams with some really good
grades. In the meantime, they kept talking one to each other, and after that, they finally got
together. After Alexander passed the exams, he took the decision to go to a college in Los Santos. He
began to go to that college right away after he passed the exams. At the age of 19, he dropped out of
college, deciding to live together with his girlfriend in a flat in Los Santos. Alexander believes that he
is mentally and physically prepared to overcome any challenges that would come his way
When it comes to robbing and scamming a player may be able to rob another player to up to $5,000.
And it is only permitted to scam another player for the sum of $75,000. You are not allowed to scam
properties this includes and is limited to vehicles and real estate. Illegal deals such as weapons or
drugs scams don't fall under the rules meaning that there are no limitations for them. Including loans
as well to that part, however, if a name change or CK occurs whilst there is a loan active will end up
in the money being removed and given back to the loan owner.

Offensive roleplay must be done away from other players to take away the chances of other players
stumbling on the action itself which might offend, make them uncomfortable etc. It is the
responsibility of the people taken part in the roleplay itself to make sure that they are far away from
other players that may be uncomfortable with witnessing it. To do any of the offensive roleplay you
need all of the players involved in this to have an OOC consent in partaking in this activity

When it comes to famous names this is not allowed on the server, any famous name would fall under
the character rule which states that you can't have a famous name or similar to a famous person.

Metagaming: Using OOC information in IC which is not allowed on the server as realistically speaking
in real life you don't just go to a random person and tell them their full name. An example of this
would be Nametags which give out the name of the character without actually learning it IC'ly. So an
example of metagaming would be me walking to a random player and being like "Hey X, how are
you" me not knowing "X" IC'ly. Another example would be that one of my friends is in trouble and
he /pm's me the location and I go there. That would be metagaming because my character would no
know IC'ly that my friend is in trouble.

Powergaming is acting like "superman", or forcing someone to roleplay something without giving him
a fair chance/time to respond; making up things which did not happen so that you can benefit, and
roleplaying something which is not possible script-wise that you can gain an unfair advantage.

Examples for PG: 1. Kennice Hollace takes a BUS and throws it in the officer. This would be power
gaming because as far as I know there is no human capable of picking up a bus and throwing it in any

2. Y kicks X in the face, immediately causing him to die. And this example would be power gaming
because Y is not giving X a chance to roleplay and forces an action upon him.

Y says: Ok, ok. I will now.

/me slowly takes his hand to his inside pocket, gets his wallet.

/me passes the wallet to Kwame.

/do Y would be shaking in fear looking at the knife.

Y says: I don't want any trouble man, just take my wallet and go.

Returning to the scene of my death would be considered metagaming, even if I return to the scene
on another character as well. I have to allow enough time for the players involved in my death (In
this situation would be the paramedics and the police officers that are still on the scene) in the
situation to finished their roleplay and leave before I can go on and start roleplaying around that area
or picking up my car.

This would be considered as deathmatch because I basically killed/opened fire on them with a poor
reason to do so as provoking others, followed by aggressive actions such as shooting them
afterwards it is not a good enough reason for me to quote on quote kill them. Another thing I could
add would be non-rp fear as I open fire while the police force is present there and I decide to open
fire anyway.

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