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My Perpesctive

When I write papers, more often than not it is for an assignment, not my own personal

enjoyment; but that does not mean I do not find enjoyment in it. Over the years I have had some

really great English teachers, and I have really grown as an author. I went from writing made up

stories in elementary school to writing papers about things I find important. When writing, I like

to try and change at least one person’s perspective on whatever it is I am discussing. One of my

favorite forms of writing is opinion writing, because it allows me to explain things the way I see

it and back up my beliefs with the scientific evidence behind it.

I have found out I can whip out papers about farming and cows without a problem, which

likely is not a shocker to you. If there is anything I go by in life, it is that “if you don’t enjoy it,

it’s not worth doing.” So naturally, I get excited about writing papers about agriculture. There are

a lot of misconceptions about the industry, for example; people still believe meat and dairy

products can contain antibiotics, or that GMOs are direct causes of health issues. All antibiotics

have a withdrawal period, so if an animal gets sick their products cannot be put into circulation.

On many of the big farms I have been around, there are separate pens for dairy cattle who have

been injected with an antibiotic and their milk will be dumped. Losing your farm in a lawsuit just

isn’t realistic when you can simply follow the law. Additionally, the FDA, USDA, and EPA

work together to monitor the GMOs in plants and animals we consume. I can assure you that a

GMO product is just as safe as a non-GMO product, and on this day there are no definite links to

any cancers, disorders, or health conditions.

If I ever contribute anything to the world through my writing, I want to be able to change

at least one person’s mind and show the truth behind the face of the United States food supply.
The world needs more positivity, and I want to be someone who radiates it. Creative writing is

supposed to encourage you to put your own spin on things, so this year my goal is to work on

making my writing pieces more entertaining and interesting while continuing to be informative.

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