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Built in functions information:

We will give a brief description of the merely built in functions you are
allowed to use.
You can find information on most of the built in functions we are using in the
sample source codes at

- des_encrypt1
You will use a built in function called des_encrypt1 to do the actual DES
encryption / decryption.
As a reference on how to use this function, you can view the file tempdes.c.

des_encrypt1(long *data, des_key_schedule *ks, int enc)

a. data: This argument is a pointer to a two element array of type long (4

bytes) that will
contain the data you will read from the file but packed in a type long
NOTE: Characters are loaded into this function in little endian format. For
example, the string
{0xA0,0xB7,0x07,0x08} is 08 07 B7 A0 in little endian format (least
significant bit goes first).
b. ks: is a pointer to the actual key array. Don.t worry about this
argument data type.
c. enc: has a value of 1 for encryption and 0 for decryption.

- des_set_key_checked
This function will check that the key passed is of odd parity and is not a week or
semi-weak key. If
the parity is wrong, then -1 is returned. If the key is a weak key, then -2 is
returned. If an error
is returned, the key schedule is not generated.

des_set_key_checked(const_des_cblock *key, des_key_schedule *schedule)

a. key: is a pointer to the actual key array. Don.t worry about this argument
data type.
b. schedule: is the new key, that will be used as an input argument to
the function des_encrypt1

NOTE: On the Openssl web page, you might notice that the DES built in functions are
written different
than what we are showing here. For example, "des_encrypt1" is written as
"DES_encrypt1" on the web page.
This is because the server where we will test your code has an older Openssl
version installed, so it
does not accept the new format. Please keep using the format we are presenting

- RSA_generate_key
This function will generate the public and private keys

RSA_generate_key(int num, unsigned long e, void (*callback)(int,int,void *), void

a. num: size (in bytes) of the public key
b. e: value of the public exponent
c. callback: Don't worry about this argument. Assign the value NULL
d. cb_arg: Don't worry about this argument. Assign the value NULL

- RSA_public_encrypt
This function will encrypt data using an RSA public key

RSA_public_encrypt(int flen, unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int
a. flen: number of bytes to encrypt
b. from: buffer with data to encrypt
c. to: buffer with data to decrypt
d. rsa: pointer to the key data structure
e. padding: Don't worry about this argument. Assign the following value to

- RSA_private_decrypt
This function will decrypt data using an RSA private key

RSA_private_decrypt(int flen, unsigned char *from, unsigned char *to, RSA *rsa, int
a. flen: number of bytes to encrypt
b. from: buffer with data to encrypt
c. to: buffer with data to decrypt
d. rsa: pointer to the key data structure
e. padding: Don't worry about this argument. Assign the following value to

- Sha1_Init
This function will initialize some data structures necessary for the generation of
the digest

Sha1_Init(SHA_CTX *c)
a. c: initialize the SHA_CTX structure

- Sha1_Update
This function will be called repeatedly using a block of certain size that have
been read from the input file,
to generate the digest

Sha1_Update(SHA_CTX *c, const void *data, unsigned long len)

a. c: pointer to the data structure initialized by SHA1_Init
b. data: buffer with the chunk of data to take the digest from
c: len: size of buffer with chunk of data

- Sha1_Final
This function will copy the resultant digest to an output buffer and will release
any memory space used for the
data structures created with SHA1_Init

Sha1_Final(unsigned char *md, SHA_CTX *c)

a. md: output buffer
b. c: pointer to the data structure initialized by SHA1_Init

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