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Thomas College of Engineering & Technology

Kozhuvalloor, Chengannur
Department of Mechanical Engineering
2020- 21
ME341 Design Project
Sem: 05 Year: III

Name of the Student Reg. No. Title

SREERAJ S LSTC18 ME040 Automatic waste separation system

Waste Management and segregation is a much-needed process in metro cities and
urban areas due to spreading of diseases. It is estimated that India produces 42.0
million tons of municipal solid waste annually at present. Waste lying littered in the
surrounding, dumped on open lands, becomes a major problem for various types of
disease-causing bacteria and viruses hence, segregation, transport, handling and
disposal of waste must be managed properly to minimize the risks of the public and
environment. When mixed dry and wet waste breaks down in lowland, it creates
nasty greenhouse gases. Segregation makes it attainable to utilize and recycle the
waste effectively. This waste segregator system can easily segregate waste. When
waste is thrown in the pipe, IR sensor will sense the waste. Waste is divided into
three categories namely Wet, Dry and Metallic. Another sensor will sense the
garbage category. As per the algorithm used, if the waste is metallic then the
mechanism will bring the metal collecting bin below the pipe and with the help of
servo motor the waste will fall into the metal bin. Similarly, the process will repeat
if wet waste is sensed. If the sensor doesn’t activate both the sensor category then
the waste will be considered to be a dry waste.

Sem: 05 Year: III

Name of the Student Reg. No. Title

SREERAJ S LSTC18 ME040 Produce electricity from roof of

vehicles by rain drops

Technology is now a days expanding rapidly, as it’s hunger for Power. There have
been efforts to generate electricity from rain even. This idea is implemented in the
roof of the vehicles. The vibration from water droplets hitting piezoelectric
material can generate electricity. These materials are used in the roof also.
Piezoelectric materials are materials that produce an electric current when they are
placed under stress. Crystals such as quartz are the perfect example of piezoelectric
materials. With the help of these materials, the Kinetic energy of rain drops can be
converted in to electrical energy. PTFE materials can store electrical energy in an
electric field. The FET consists of an aluminum and an indium tin oxide electrode
with a PTFE coating. So, whenever a rain drops hits the electrodes in a closed loop
to generate uninterrupted power. This system can handle extreme rainfall, the
charge will keep on increasing till a saturation point. A drop of 100 microliters
(one millionth of a liter) of water released from a height of 15 centimeter can
generate a voltage of over 140 volts.

Sem: 05 Year: III

Name of the Student Reg. No. Title

SREERAJ S LSTC18 ME040 Laser plug


Economic as well as environmental constraints demand a further reduction in the

fuel consumption and the exhaust emissions of motor vehicles. At the moment, direct
injected fuel engines show the highest potential in reducing fuel consumption and
emission. conventional spark plug ignition shows major disadvantage with modern
spray guided combustion process since the ignition location cannot be chosen
optimally. So, we can introduce new ideas in the ignition that is the “laser plug”. It
is important that the Spark plug electrodes are not hit by the injected fuel because
otherwise several damage will occur.

In laser plug ignition short and intensive laser pulses are able to produce an “optical
break down” in air, gas molecules are dissociated and ionized with in the vicinity of
the focal spot of a laser beam and a hot plasma generated. This plasma is heated by
the incoming laser beam and a strong shock wave occur. This hot plasma used the
ignition of fuel

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