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A You are going to read about a course thet trains people to be spies. Read the lst and tick the three things that you think are most important fora spy to be able to do. break into a property drive fast without geting into an accident fellow someone without geting caught pretend they are someone else Use karate or other martial arts win the wust ofa stranger B Read the article. Which three things from the list above are mentioned? (Se SO YOU WANT TO BE ASPY? 1 Despite ecent developments in surveillance technology, a camera is nsubstitite forthe human eye, andthe willabwaye be anced frthat most secretive of professions the spy Inthe BBC 3 series Spy, agroup, ‘of eight volunteers tock a two-month crath course in spying. Their trainers were former spies andexpert in iid such ax psychology and body language Before they joined the coune, the wouldbe spies wer allowed to tell only one person what dhey were relly doin for everyone elie, they had o invent a belevabl cover story to explain their two-month abence. A couple of them immedistely got into trouble when their story ofa two-month job in New York resulted in friends promising to vist them, 3. Assoon as they arrived at headquarters and before they had time to fig challenge; they had just ten tunpeck, the eight ‘pie’ faced th minutes to talk their way into the fat of a complete stranger and be seen by thei trainees drinking great task and one often used by ablities to act under pressure and aceess to places. a gles of water on the balcony. I's a al spy agencies to test their pies nk up plausible reisons to gain 4 Therecrts lear abou surveillance techriques inching how o"go sey'and igapotoncrofdand ds how to organise surveillance ‘prrationgn bbs. The meant beings he property, planting secret atneras and bug and xing racking devices to crs 5 Angtherwes the recrlts hadi gondenster, lop nw lentes and take temporary jos in gyi a dots shop and a barber They ha to eanvince helt co-woskers that they were genuine, gain thei ‘rast and finally persuade one of them to sto something wrong, for ramp oi nto sign fale dosument. 6 Atthe od Of the ekperiense, whit qualities did they think were ‘important for being.a spy2'A spy needs torbea quick thinker, work well ‘under pressure aid tie able to blend in’ It helps to be a woman: Sandy. courfemale rine loved to remind ws how wornen made better spies: ‘So 'yoteare a tall males probably not worth applying, And were any fofthe participants keen ty becomes spy? Certirly not one marred andidate: A. Service insider told me that there is an exceptionally “high divorce satein the spy butiness with a lot of agents marrying their “secretaties~the only perion they can confide in and trust’ Peshaps “Aha why_humes Bond spent ros otis ie single C Match the quotes a)~e) with one of the paragraphs in the article. 42) Hhad to get right underneath ané it was dificult to Fixit on securely. b) I'ma location manager for a TV company and we need a place to fim, ©) I'm going on safari and I'llbe back in two 4) t's just another thing that girls do better than boys! — €@) | used to work at amen's othirg store In Soho — that's how I got thie job. — Write words and phrases from the article that match the defintions 1-8. 1 can'c replace (paragraph 1) ma substitute for 2 fast and intensive period of training (paragraph |) 3 someone who wants to be something: potential (paragraph 2) 4 believable (paragraph 3) 5 become unnoticeable (paragraph 4) (6 work secret with a different identity (paragraph §) —__ 7 look similar to everything around you (paragraph 6) —____ 8 tell secrets to (paragraph 6) RISTO surveillance 2 Complete the sentences. The frst letters are given. 1 Ap. measures how fast you drive, 2 Ityouare oc for something, you are responsible for it. 23 Hfsomethingis ade to crime, it actsto stop i 4 When people reat into your private Me, isan in of privacy. 5 Aperson who always obeys the law isa fa ctizen. 6 One system for denying a car's umber plate re ‘camera in the road 7 Tob. stomakea systematic ofclal record of everts, 8 Carefuly watch something over a period oftime, for example a nurse me patient's condition, 9 An extremely small electronic object used in computers sa mi 10 Ifyou ke ___of someone who is ‘moving, you always know their position,

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