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You are assigned to a manager and your team member who are vintage in the system are logging in

business. being a fresher, you are unable to convert leads into sales even after three months. how
would you approach the situation to improve business number?

Speak with colleagues how are the approaching their clients,

Understand the expectations of the Customers /Try to find out gap between customer
expectations and Company Services

Listen to customers

Implementing a customer feedback survey that covers questions about services, products, return or
delivery policies and even website usability is critical to understanding what you can do to improve
your service. You may think that you have the customer experience nailed, but you’d be surprised at
what your customers actually complain about.

Find out what my team knows

The best customer support will ultimately depend on how well your frontline team members are
able to deliver support to your customers. Therefore, it’s important to find out if your own
employees are aware of what’s expected of them throughout the entire customer support journey.

Implement changes in the business that will narrow the gap

The whole point of identifying these gaps is to enable you to make changes in your existing process
and take actionable steps to address them. For example, if your customers say that they are
dissatisfied with your customer service, you can proactively address it by adding more training
sessions for your support team. This way your team can get a better understanding of your
product/service and, in turn, assist your customers more effectively.

Understand that it’s an ongoing process

Learning, understanding and implementing changes to close the gap between the level of support
customers expect and what they actually receive can improve your customers’ satisfaction. But
know that this is an ongoing process. As a business, you have to understand that this isn’t a one-time
thing. Customer needs evolve and the systems and tools that are in place to help bridge the gap
have to be reviewed regularly to make sure that they are able to keep up.

Come up with creative ideas to push the product or service-offer free trail, discounts.

Find out how competitors are selling the product, use similar strategies

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