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Environmental Management homework

Name: Syeda Faiza Imtiaz

Class:8 Venus
Pg 32 Questions and Answers
1 Why might the production of bioethanol be
more attractive to a country with few oil supplies
rather than one with large oil reserves?
Ans Bioethanol is a renewable energy. It is made
by fermentation of the sugar found in some crops.
Crops can be grown all around the world. That is
why the production of bioethanol can be more
attractive to a country with few oil supplies rather
than one with large oil reserves.
2 Why, on a worldwide scale, is the growing of
biofuels seen to be important, even though there
are some clear disadvantages?
Ans Biofuels are environment friendly. They
reduce greenhouse gases. And not all countries
have a supply of oil, but many can grow suitable
crops to produce bioethanol. And there is also a
less risk of a lack of supply if a country can
produce its own fuel. And oil is also a non-
renewable resource whereas crops can be grown
around the world for years to come. Maybe, that’s
why growing crops seem to be important, even
though there are some clear disadvantages.
3 Why might a farmer choose to grow crops for
bioethanol production rather than crops for food
Ans Farmers would choose crops for food
production rather than grow crops for food
production because of the following reasons:
 Bioethanol is produced from crops with high
quantities of sugar that also tend to be food
crops. If crops would be grown for bioethanol
than we would suffer from food shortages.
 The crops for bioethanol require a lot of
water, which can lead to a shortage of water
in some areas for humans and their livestock.
 While the amount of carbon dioxide produced
by bioethanol may be less than by fossil fuels,
the factories that produce bioethanol do emit
pollutants, which can affect the local
population and cause industrial pollution.
 The energy crops used to make bioethanol are
grown in the same large fields year after year.
This means the soil becomes short of
nutrients, adding fertilisers can cause water
pollution and the crop will also need the
application of pesticides, which will affect the
local ecosystem.


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