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1.How is the murder of Banquo different from King Duncan’s – or is it?

Do you consider
Macbeth’s decision to murder his friend any different from his decision to murder the king?

The murder of Banquo is planed by Lady Macbeth. If Macbeth wants the prophecy become true,
he must kill King Duncan. But, the murder of banquo plans by Macbeth himslef, it is unnecessary,
only because of Duncan’s suspicion.
I think it is different, because killing Banquo is not necessary for Macbeth.

2.Break down the snake metaphor in Act 3.

Write a well-developed paragraph that clearly identifies the metaphor and how it works in the
Conclude your paragraph by discussing how the metaphor is working to reinforce a central idea in
the play. (Identify the central idea/topic/theme)

Shakespeare uses a metaphor in Act 3, Scene 2, to emphasize the theme of suspicion. Macbeth
regards Banquo and his son--Fleance, as “a snake.” Snake is a symbol that shows suspicious and
vicious characterization. Macbeth thinks Banquo is a very devious and disloyalty person that he
might try to kill Macbeth. This is a metaphor that Macbeth describes to Banquo and his son; it
also is a metaphor for Macbeth’s character. He is very suspicious of everyone around himself,
which illuminates this act’s theme.

3.Well, he’s King now, just like the witches promised, but I think that he might have killed Duncan
to become King. (Banquo)

Whoever killed my father might want to kill me, so I’m off to England. (Malcolm)

My brother is going to England, and I’m scared, so I’m off to Ireland.(Donalbain)

What is the matter with him? Why can’t he spend more time with me? I’m worried that we can’t
sleep. (Lady Macbeth)

I keep having nightmares and I get so mad when I think that I have killed Duncan so that Banquo’s
sons can be Kings. (Macbeth)
He’s fallen for our predictions. Let’s hope that he comes back to us and we can really make him
suffer! Our Masters will be happy with us. (Witches)

There’s something wrong in Scotland. I think that Macbeth isn’t all that he seems. I didn’t go to
his coronation, so I won’t go to his feast. (Macduff)

My father seems worried about something. Maybe he’ll talk about what’s bothering him while
we’re out riding. (Fleance)

4.“I have walked so far into this river of blood that even if I stopped now, it would be as hard to
go back to being good as it is to keep killing people.” – p. 1119-121
Identify the literary devices used the above quote.
Consider: How do Macbeth and Banquo represent Fate vs. Free Will in this play?
This quotation uses metaphor; the “blood” is a “river” “Things bad begun make strong
themselves by ill”. Macbeth represents the fate that cannot change. When he chooses to kill king
Duncan at the beginning, he cannot avoid his lousy ending. Macbeth wants to “wash clean his
bloody hands,” but he cannot. He cannot forget and forgive the evil murder that he did before in
his most profound mind. By contrast, When Banquo hears the witches’ prophecy, he laughs at the
weird sisters. He does not believe the prophecy. Everything he did was justice and loyalty. He can

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