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Project #KC222

how-to project: purple knit super scarf

designed by Alexandra Davidoff

Faux Woven Stitch (multiple of 16 sts + 9)
Rows 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 & 11 (RS): *P1, k7, (p1, k1) 4 times; rep
from * to last 9 sts, p1, k7, p1.
Rows 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 & 12: K9, *(p1, k1) 4 times, k8.
Rows 13, 15, 17, 19, 21 & 23: *(P1, k1) 4 times, p1, k7; rep
from * to last 9 sts, (p1, k1) 4 times, p1.
Rows 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 & 24: (K1, p1) 4 times, k1, *k7, (k1,
p1) 4 times, k1.

Note: This scarf is reversible so it looks identical on both sides.

CO 57 sts.
Work Rows 1-24 of the chart 25 times, and then Rows 1-12,
once more.
BO all sts.

Weave in ends.
Make 6 pompom and tassel units as follows:
Pompom (make 6):
Using largest ring on Boye® PomPom Maker, make
pompom according to instructions. If you don't have a
pompom maker, wrap yarn around 1.25" [3 cm] high
piece of cardboard approximately 30 times. Thread yarn
needle with 8" [20.5 cm] piece of yarn. Insert needle
AB B R EVIATION S between cardboard and yarn wraps at top edge. Tie yarn
BO—bind off; cm—centimeters; CO—cast on; tightly around all wraps. Cut wraps at opposite edge to
g—gram(s); K—knit; m—meters; mm—millimeter(s); form pompom. Shake pompom to distribute yarn evenly.
oz—ounce(s); P—purl; RS—right side; st(s)—stitch(es); Trim ends as needed.
WS—wrong side; yd(s)—yard(s) Tassel (make 6):
Wrap yarn around cardboard 15 times. Slide a 15" [40 cm]
SIZES piece of yarn under the wrapped yarn and tie a knot at
One size: 10" [25 cm] wide x 120" [305 cm] long (including the top leaving long tails to attach tassel to pompom and
pompom and tassel units) scarf. Cut lower edge of wrapped yarn to free ends. Wind
a second piece of yarn around the tassel two or three
MATE R IAL S times about 1" [2.5 cm] below the top. Knot tightly. Thread
• #4 worsted weight yarn: Patons Classic Wool (100% tails onto yarn needle and push to inside of tassel. Trim
pure new wool, 3.5 oz [100 g], 210 yards [192 m] ends to make even.
6 skeins color 77741 Lavender Gray Tread tassel tails onto yarn needle and then insert into the
• Boye® US size 7 [4.5 mm] knitting needles, or size to center of the pompom to form unit..
obtain gauge Attach three pompom and tassel units evenly spaced
• Yarn needle onto each end of scarf. Weave in remaining tails.
• Boye® PomPom maker OR 1.25" [3 cm] x 3" [7.5 cm]
piece of stiff cardboard
• For Tassels: Cardboard 4" [10 cm] wide x 7" [18 cm]

22 sts and 24 rows = 4" [10 cm] in Faux Woven Stitch.
To save time, take time to check gauge.

©Simplicity 2016 intended for personal use only

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