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Before the operation, the nurse explained to me that I’ll be connected to an IV so I can receive fluids and

medication and I’ll undergoing general anesthesia, which means I’ll be asleep during surgery. After
explaining to me the details of my operation, they told me to change into a hospital gown.

I had an Open Appendectomy. I don't remember anything what happened during the operation because
I was on a general anesthesia. When I woke up I have little incision in the lower right side of my
abdomen and my appendix was removed and the wound is closed with stiches.

When the operation is finished, I was observed for several hours before I was discharged from the
hospital. My vital signs are also monitored and I was able to go home the same day as my surgery for
appendix wasn’t that severe. My brother drove me home because the effects of general anesthesia will
take several hours to be vanished, so my doctor told me that it's not safe for me to drive.

In the following days after my appendectomy, I felt moderate pain in the areas where incisions were
made but the pain got so intense within a few days. The doctor prescribed me some pain relievers and
antibiotics to prevent an infection after my surgery. I was instructed to keep my incisions clean to reduce
your risk for infection and watch out for signs of infection, which include redness and swelling around
the incision, fever, chills, stomach cramps, loss of appetite and diarrhea or constipation that lasts for
more than two days. Although they said that there’s only a small risk of infection and I was recommend
to limit physical activity so my body can heal faster. And I need to attend a second check up with my
doctor within two to three weeks after the appendectomy. I'm fully recovered from appendectomy for
about five to six weeks.

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