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Tutorial_3_Lymphatic system

1. Describe the path of lymph flow through a lymph node.

- Lymph enter the convex side through afferent lymphatic vessels
- Lymph flows through a number of sinuses inside the node
- Lymph exits through efferent lymphatic vessels

2. Determine how the lymphatic system aids the immune system.

- It consists spleen, thymus and tonsils
- Spleen filters blood
- Thymus is maturation site for T lymphocyte
- Tonsils function is to trap and remove bacteria and other foreign materials

3. Compare the lymphatic system and the cardiovascular system.

Cardiovascular system Differences Lymphatic system

Closed continuous circuit Structure Open drainage system
Blood Medium of transport lymph
Erythrocytes, leukocytes Role of medium Waste product
and platelets
kidney Filtration By lymph node
Produces swelling, Damaged vessels Containing protein rich fluid
containing low protein fluid

4. List the organs of lymphatic system and their functions.

- Spleen: destroy worn out blood cells and acts as a blood reservoir
- Thymus: maturation site for T lymphocyte
- Tonsils: Trap and remove bacteria and other foreign materials

5. Determine the functions of lymphatic collecting vessel.

- Collects lymph from lymph capillaries
- Carries lymph to and away from lymph nodes
- Returns fluid to circulatory veins near the heart

6. Describe the structure of lymph capillaries.

- Walls overlap- flap-like minivalves
- Fluid leaks into lymph capillaries
- Capillaries anchored by filaments
- Higher press on inside closes minivalves

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