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Answer these questions about placements:

What can you ....?

1. turn on and off (a smartphone, a computer, any electronic device)

I can turn on my sound system and turn off my tv.

2. delete (an email, a photo)

I can delete jobs that no longer serve me.

3. cahnge (your username or password)

I can change my user of the virtual classroom.

4. share (videos, photos)

I can share facebook videos.

5. install (apps and other programs)

I can install an application to my smarthphone to make youtube work in the

6. press a button)
I can press the power button on the tv control

7. click (an icon)

I can click the google icon to navigate.

8. surf the Internet)

I can surf the internet and download a book to read.

9. Connect to the internet)

I can connect to a zoom meeting.

10. upload and download (music, photos, videos and files)

I can download music from youtube for my player.

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