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Aioli (Garlic Mayonnaise) 4 egg yolks 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar 1 clove garlic, crushed 1/2 cup (40 g) fresh white bread crumbs 11/2 cups (375 ml) extra virgin olive oil 1 pinch ground cayenne pepper Makes 3 cups (750 g) Traditionally served with poached fish, aioli can also be used as a dip for fresh vegetables or seafood, or as a salad dressing. Homemade aioli is delicious and much better value than the prepackaged variety. 1 Ina food processor or blender, process the egg yolks, vinegar, garlic, bread crumbs and 2 tablespoons water until ingredients are just combined. With the motor running, drizzle in the oil very slowly so the mixture emulsifies; if the oil is added too quickly, it will remain a thin, liquid dressing. 2 Stir in the cayenne pepper. Cool quickly and store in the refrigerator for up to 5 days.

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