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The Oven That Needed Cleaning

November 19, 2013 // Comments off

Well hello. Since I last posted, I practically burned down my house during what we would call a
“Pinterest Fail.” I needed potato chips. I wanted potato chips. I made potato chips. In the process
of making said potato chips, I about destroyed my oven and caused a storm of funk to explode in
my oven. Note to self- never, ever, ever set your oven to 500 degrees and throw in some 1/8 inch
sliced potatoes drizzled with olive oil. It will be bad. Very, very bad. Smoke detector going on,
house stinking, mess.

Oven before cleaning.

The result? A desperate need for a non toxic oven cleaner. I hate, hate, hate the way Easy Off
smells, and I really dislike the idea of putting so many chemicals in the place where I make my
food. My goal was to restore my gorgeous KitchenAid Convection oven to it’s prior glory
WITHOUT loading it with toxic fumes. I knew in advance that I was going to have to really lean
in and scrub the bajeesus out of my stove, but with a bit of trial and error, I got the job done. On
Pinterest there are a number of tips to clean an oven, some work, some don’t.

Here is what works for me and my nasty, filthy, ‘tater explosion of an oven.

The Ingredients

Dawn Dish Soap- 3-4 drops

4 T of Baking Soda

5 T of Vinegar

Juice of a lime or lemon

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