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Act 9

*Knee-jerk - involuntary forward jerk or kick produced by a light blow or sudden strain upon the
patellar tendon of the knee that causes a reflex contraction of the quadriceps muscle. — called
also patellar reflex.

Babinski reflex is one of the normal reflexes in infants. Reflexes are responses that occur when
the body receives a certain stimulus. The Babinski reflex occurs after the sole of the foot has
been firmly stroked. The big toe then moves upward or toward the top surface of the foot. The
other toes fan out.

The cough reflex has both sensory mainly via the vagus nerve and motor components.
Pulmonary irritant receptors in the epithelium of the respiratory tract are sensitive to both
mechanical and chemical stimuli.

The Moro reflex is an infantile reflex that develops between 28–32 weeks of gestation and
disappears between 3–6 months of age. It is a response to a sudden loss of support and
involves three distinct components: spreading out the arms pulling the arms in crying It is
distinct from the startle reflex.

The pupillary light reflex or photopupillary reflex is a reflex that controls the diameter of the pupil,
in response to the intensity of light that falls on the retinal ganglion cells of the retina in the back
of the eye, thereby assisting in adaptation of vision to various levels of lightness/darkness.

Vagovagal reflex refers to gastrointestinal tract reflex circuits where afferent and efferent fibers
of the vagus nerve coordinate responses to gut stimuli via the dorsal vagal complex in the brain.

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