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Suppose the school wants to have a face-to-face classes, the first thing they have to check before

deciding to have face-to-face classes is if there is/are active covid19 cases within their municipality or
not. If there is/are active case/s of covid19 within their municipality there will be no face-to-face classes,
if not, proceed to the next condition. Second, they will check if there is/are active covid19 cases within
their province or not. If there is/are active case/s of covid19 within the province, only limited face-to-
face classes will only be allowed, if not, there will be full face-to-face classes.

Are there
covid19 cases
of Cauayan?
Yes No

Are there covid19

cases within No face-to-face classes
municipality of
Negros Occidental?

Yes No

Limited face-to-face classes Full face-to-face classes

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