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EU-Mind Report on collaboration


How did we prepare for the meeting 
We prepared by making 2 questions we wanted to ask them and by looking up things about green 
meals, so we were ready to answer their questions the best as possible. The two questions we 
prepared to ask them were: ´Which green meals did you think of?´ and ´Do your parents motivate 
you to eat greener meals?´ To the first question they said: ´The Indian cuisine is larger than the 
Dutch cuisine and that they used a lot of vegetables for their green meals.´ And to the second and 
last question they said:´Our parents motivate us to eat green meals and in general we use a lot of 
vegetables in our meals.´  
What did we learn? 
We learned quite a few things. First of all we learned that you can use the term green meal in 
different ways, for example: You can think of a meal which is good for the environment, but you 
can also call a meal that is good for your body and your health a green meal. We learned this from 
the meet because the kids from India were talking about green meals in a different way then we 
were talking about it. We also learned that in India parents really push their kids to eat healthy, 
much more than parents do in the Netherlands. 
What went well? 
First of all we prepared really well. As you can read in the part ‘How did we prepare for the 
meeting’ We prepared 2 questions, we thought of a couple and then through the process of 
elimination picked the best ones. We gave them a very clear answer to the questions they asked us 
and they gave us great answers in return so we could improve on our initial report.  
What did we think about the meeting: 

I thought the meet was great, it was fantastic to hear the other students’ opinion on the topic. 
Sometimes it was a little hard to understand what everyone was saying. It was especially fun because 
they worked on the same project as us so it’s very interesting to hear their perspectives. 

I​ quite enjoyed the meet, even though I was very nervous. I thought it was very interesting to hear  
what their experience with the project was like, just like Florian I do agree that it was sometimes a   
bit difficult to understand them, but in general I’d like to say it went well. 

I thought that the video conference with India was very interesting. Sometimes it was a little bit 
awkward, because you couldn't always understand each other and because of Wifi problems. But to 
find out what their thoughts were on my green meal was pretty interesting. And it was fun to see 
what questions they wanted to ask.  

I found the meeting very helpful because we could ask 2 questions and with the answers they gave 
us we were able to improve our report, on the other hand the wifi connection was quite bad and in 
India they speak a different kind of english, so it was difficult to communicate at times. I hope we 
helped them with the answers we gave. 

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