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Analysis Of The Movie ' End Of Watch’

“End of Watch” is a fusion of great performances and amazing action. Director David Ayer did amazing
job in both directing and script writing. Ayer is perhaps more known as the director to Training day. He is
a proven writer, his previous movies. Leading actors Jake Gyllenhaal and Michael Pena play Taylor and
Zavala are tow Los Angeles cops. After working together for many years, they become brothers instead
of partners, and they also patrol a tough largely populated Mexican neighborhood. They person in
charge of casting couldn’t cast a better due then Gyllenhaal and Pena. Taylor and Zavala are as tight as
brothers and there isn’t a single moment in the movie where you question it. They both put on brilliant
performances, but it’s their chemistry that evaluates the movie to another level.

The thing that makes the End of Watch different than other cop movies is they aren’t two cops fighting
crime in South California, Los Angeles. The real story line is about two men, Officer Zavala and Taylor,
who have a pure bond of friendship and loyalty as officers in the Los Angeles police Department. Instead
of having every scene in the movie being about Taylor and Zavala fighting crime in L.A.

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