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Morgan Pohlkamp

Mrs. Gange

Practical Writing

14 January 2021

Potential Scholarship Essay

In the future I plan to graduate from college with a bachelor’s degree. I have three

schools that I have been looking into. Bemidji and Mankato are my top two schools that I want

to go to, and then Duluth would be my third choice. I want to start college right after high school

and get my degree in four years.

Right now I want to do something in the dental field or the social work field. I want to be

a dental hygienist because of the hours of dental offices and because of the pay. You only need a

two year degree to become a dental hygienist so that is one of the biggest reasons I don’t want to

do it. Like I mentioned before I want to get my bachelor’s degree so I am going to have to look

and see if there is a way I can get my bachelor's degree in dental hygiene. After college I want to

get a job close to home and work around here for awhile.

Then I want to get married and have kids and see where that brings me. Maybe I will live

far away and maybe I will stay close to home. Who knows where my life will take me or even if

I will get married after college. I have always grown up wanting to have kids. My dream has

always been to have three kids. Right now I really don’t want to have kids ever, because of how

the world is changing and it would really suck for them to have to grow up in the future.

If I move away from home I would want to go somewhere on the west coast or close to

the west coast. I could drop everything in a heartbeat and move to California if I had an

opportunity that made sense to move.

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