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GEORGIANA GALATEANU-FARNOAGA SINTEZE DE GRAMATICA ENGLEZA EDITURA ALBATROS @ BUCURESTI @ 1987 pn NEP POPPUND ATEN ry CUVINT INAINTE Volumul Sinteze de gramaticA englezd trateazd proble= mele majore ale VERBULUI in limba englead: modurilé perso- nale: indicativul si subjonctivul, verbele modale, modurile nepersonale ale verbului: infinitivul, gerunsiul si participiul. ‘Lucrarea are drept scop reimprospatarea, ‘sintetizarea gi lizgirea cnostingelor de gramatica engleri dobindile ante~ rior; in consecingd, ea reprezimtd un instrument de lucrw util pentru cei ce se ajld la nivel mediu san avansat in insusiree limbit engleze prin studiu individual saw in cadru organizat, sub indrumarea profesorulus: elevii din anti I-IV de licen, studentii de la faculligile filologice sau nefilologice, cursantit de la iniversitdfile cultural-sliinpifice, alft iubitort ai limbit engleze. ‘In elaborarea lucritrii s-a pornit de la cerinfele programet si manualelor de limba englezi pentru clascle IX-XII. S-a incercat atilizarea unor tipuri vatiate de exercitii, pentru a stimula interesul celor ce folosesc aceasti culegere si a supli: menta materialul oferit de manuale, S-a acordat, de asemenea, Importanfé exercitiilor situationale, care mdica diverse po: bilitapi de ulilisare a constructitlor gramaticale in vorbirea englead curentd, precum si dificultatilor specifice vorbitorilor de limba romana care studiazi limba engle Exercitiile din cadrul fieccrui capitol se refera, pe rind, la aspecte legate de formarea si utilizarea problemei gramati+ cale respective, Acestea sint urmate de exercitii recapitulative si de traduceri din si fn Limba engleza. “Majoritatea exercititlor din citlegere sint precedate de scurte explicafii teoretice, formulate pe baza gramaticii tradé- Hionale, sifsaw de unud sais mai multe modele de rezolvare. ‘Indicafiile teoretice sint redactate pe baza lucririlor mengionate 5 im cadrul capitolulut Bibliogratie. Pe lingd modelele de la fnceputul fieccérui exercitiv, Cheia exercitiilor din finalul lucrivtt conpine $t ea o parte din rezoludri. Exerciprile metuse in chetesint marcate in cuprirsul volumului printr-un asterisc*). In sprijinul elevilor care se pregatesc pentru admiterca in invaimintul superior, lucrarea cuprindé 0 serie de exer= cipit de retroversiune, wnele dintre ele fiind de asemenea rerolvate la “Cheia exercititlor”. Menzionain insi cil. in majo* vitatea caturilor, variantele date in chere nu reprezintd singu= sele solufrt posibile. Fe lings exercryule elaborate de atitoare, volumul congine st citeva texte ilustrative din literatura moderna st contem= porand din Marca Britanie saw S.U.A., precum si o serie de exercijm adaptate sau preluate din lucrari britantce sau americane pentru predarea limbit engleze ca limba straind (menzionate pe parcursul volumului sau in cadrul capitolutut “Bibliografie’), care pierintd avantajul autentrcstagti expriz mérii in limba’ englezi contemporans. ‘Vocabularui $1 tematica exercifrilor se referd la preocupé: rile zilnice ale elevilor, la realitigile zilelor noastre yi sint cores late cu lexicul din manualele de gimnaziu s1 licew. In majori= latea exercifiilor s-au utilzat formele caracteristice stilulué familiar, variantel orale a limbii engleze (INFORMAL EN- GLISH) si s-au menzionat cazurile in care anumite construct Sint caracteristice exprimérir in scris sau stilulut literar oficial (FORMAL ENGLISH). Pentru a fi in concordangi cu manualele de limba englexit din fara noastrd si pentru a da un caracter wnitar culegerit, Gn exercifii S-au folosit construcgit lexicale $i gramaticale carac: eristice englezei britanice; in citeva cazuri tnsd au fost spect: ficate $1 diferenjele dintre uzajul britanic $1 cel american. In incheiere, exprimam muljumirile noastre referenzilor si colegilor care au facut numeroase observafit si sugestit utile pe parcursul elabordyii manuscrisului. De asemenea asteptim cu interes parerile cititorilor in vederea imbundtapirié Incrarti. CONTENTS 1, FINITE MOODS: THE INDICATIVE THE ACTIVE VOICE... THE VERB TO BE..2. 2 THE PRESENT CONTINUCL TENSE Form om Use THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENS! Form Use 2S Verbs Not Normally Used in the Continuous Form. Simple Present or Present Continuous ? THE SIMPLE PAST TENS Form oa ceeev eee Use mm ne eee co Revision Exercises THE PAST CONTINUOUS TEN Form Use ~ - Future in the Past Simple Past or Past Continuous ?.. THE PRES! Form : Use etre eree Sees Present Perfect or Simple Past 'T PERFECT TENSE, u uw 18. 18. a 24 29 a SEPUETr Punrrarener nnn rrr On nnT Onn N NET nnT EET TN IET INET PITTI NP SSTTNE ETTEETTTTETTTEHETTEECETEEEETegeeeT eEeeaT ee naTTISSaTTIN nTTIRTTTINTTTIINTTRETaee eeeeereeT tear eonTT TTT RTT THE PR CONTIN Form Ce Use ne Present Pertect Simple or Continuous ¢ WHE PAST PERFECT TENSY Form occa Use —— — Simple Past or Past Pertectr.-. THE PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS TENSE... orale te Use Past Perlect Simple or Continuous? EXPRESSING FUTURE TIME... The Simple Futere.. . Going To'Future ‘Prevent Future Perfect = : The Foture Perlect Continuous 1.2 SEQUENCE OF TENSES Revision Exercises on Verb. ; THE PASSIVE VOICE FOr coe ects of Us Passive-like Causatives Revision Exercises Translation Exercises 0. oom on enses of 7 7 78 80 Bt 84 85 90 92 92 93 94 96 97 9 101 102 103 108 106 mt 116 116 125 130 331 at 2, FINTE MOODS: THE SUBJUNCTIVE Form - ee Uses of the Synthetic Sebjunctive Uses of the Analytic Subjunctive Subjunctive, Indicative or Infinitive? Revision Exercises on the Subiumetve Translation Exercises 3. MODAL VERBS Form Can, Could 151 4st 165 176 185 193 197 208 Have To. 230 ‘Will, Would —. ... 284 Shall . 258 Should, Ought To 287 Be To = 286 Dare .. ‘i poocien 270 Revision Exercises ou Modal Verbs... 272 275 ‘Translation Exercises .. NON-FINITE MOODS: THE INFINITIVE Form -. 283 Use « 201 ‘The Infinitive as Subject 201 ‘The Infinitive as Direct Object 293 ‘The Infinitive as Prepositional Object 296 The Accusative with Infinitive; the Nominative with Infinitive 209 ‘The Infinitive as Predicative ... 34 ‘The Infinitive as Attribute B15 ‘The Infinitive as Adverbial 318 Too and Enough i 326 Revision Exercises on the Infinitiv. 329) 332 ‘Translation Exercises — NON-FINITE MOODS: THE GERUND Form pee 35) Use : 338. ‘The Gerund as Subject .. 340 ‘The Gerund as Direct Object 340 The Gernnd as Prepositional Od} 345 ‘The Gerund as Predicative —..— 353 ‘The Gerand as Attribute 353 ‘The Gerund as Adverbial . 387 Gerend or Infinitive? ~ 387 Revision Exercises on the Gcrund.... 367 368, Translation Exercises -, 6. NON-FINITE MOODS: THE PARTICIPLES THE PRESENT PARTICIPLE... 971 Form — . 371 Use o 375 ‘The Accusative with Present Parti ciple : ‘The Nominative with Present Parti- ciple Soc ‘The Present Participle as Attribute. ‘The Present Participle as Adverbial Related and Unrelated Participle Con- structions... ‘Word Formation . THE PAST PARTICIPLE. Form . eee ee ‘The Accusative with Past Participle The Past Participle as Attribute. ‘The Past Participle as Adverbial.. Word Formation Revision Exercises on the Participles Translation Exercises .. List of Irregular Verbs... 0.2.0... Key to the Exercises, Bibliography — —. 376 377 377 378 382 383 385 385 385 387 388. 389 89 396 398 400 403 436 4. FINITE MOODS: THE INDICATIVE eee THE ACTIVE VOICE THE VERB TO BE 1.01. Put in AM, IS or ARE. The first three sentences are the model. 1, My father is an engincer.*! 2. Tam a pupil. 3. My brothers are students. 4. They... students in medicine. 5. My sister...a pupil like me. 6. We ... secondary school pupils. 7. My mother ...a nurse. 3. My uncle...a teacher. 9. My aunt...a teacher, too. 10. They ... very good teachers, 11. I... their pupil. 1,02; Make questions and answers, Werk in pairs. 1. youla pupil Tom: Are you a pupil? Ann: Yes, 1 am. : 2. Peléja tennis player | Tom: 3s Pelé a tennis player? Ann: No, he isn’t. | (the predicative) is usually preceded by AJ/AN, especially if it Uenotes profession, nationality, or a lasting, general, unchangeable quailty or feature ‘ctor is a worker. Mr Smith is an Englishman, Tama football fan. | no i ©) Please note that the noun which follows BE in the singular | TT a a Paul Newmanfan actor your friends/students youfan English teacher “Hello Dolly’/a musical you/fond of musicals your father/good at tennis 7 . your classmates/football fans Virginia Woolf/an actress Elton John and Liza Minelli/singers John McEnroe/your favourite tennis player 1,03." Put in WAS or WERE to practise the verb BE in the Past tense. The first sentences are the model. Last night in the seven dwarfs’ house: Snow White was upstairs. She was in the bedroom. 2. The seven dwarfs were downstairs, They were in the living: room. 3. a drawer. He... ready to go to sleep. 4. Sneezy and Dopey... on the’ floor. They... . already asleep. 5. Happy a cupboard. He... very comfortable. 6. Doc... in the sink, There | exps and plates all around im. 7. It... a scene of perfect peace: 1.04, Make questions and answers about Paula and Angela, Work in pairs. Month | May | June July | August! September| October| Pasta /Sibiu | Timisoara |Constanja|Tuicea | Arad | Oradeal Angela |Suceava/ lassy — |Constanja[Tulcea | Backu | Oradea! 1. Tom: When was Paula in Sibiu? Ahce: Paula was in Sibiu in May. 2. Bob: Where were the girls in July? Kate: They were in Constanta. 1.05. Comment on the following statements using BE 4- NE- VER/ALWAYS + AD JECTIVE/ADVERBIAL, 1, Ann: Alec wasn’t interested in the conference. Well, you know Alec, he’s never interested. 2. Ann: Peter was late for school again. Kate: Well, you know Peter, he’s always late. 8, Victor wasn’t at home when'I phoned him. 4. Susan was punctual this morning. & Pe Browns weren't up when I knocked at their door. 7, The boys were rude again. §. The girls are fed up with the boys in our class. 9: George wasn’t careful and broke « plate this morning. 0° Sandra wasn't hungry when I offered her a sandwich. 1.06. When the subject of BE is a naw element, unknown as yet, oie introduced for the first sme, wwe sual oa THERE before the verb and the verb and a 7 change the following sentences using THERE IS or THERE ARE. A box is on the floor.) we \e box on the ftoor. 1. ‘There is ; 2. Some letters are on the table. THore’re \ some letters on the table. There are 3. A dictionary is on the shelf. 4, A lot of people are outside 5, A stranger is in the living-room, 6. A sandwich is on the plate 7. Some girls are in the hall. 8, Some boys are at the door. 9. A public garden is in the city. 10. Some books are on the floor. bout the weather hrase the following expressions a! sor ETS ADJECTIVE) using THERE 18+ NOUN to Sxpress the existence of @ condition. ' fully hot outside. here's an awtl heat. outslde, _ I's terribly cold outside. it’s awfully stormy today "It’s awfully windy this morning. t's rainy outside. (@ Jot of) ; " ui tonight. (There are, It’s cloudy tonig! ms ri 4.08. Meke sentences on the pattern: . 1, A breeze is blowing. ‘There is a breeze blowing. +) A form rarely used in English, mainly in stage directions. 13 2 Some people are waiting outside. ‘There are some people waiting outside. 3. A teacher is coming : 4, Some students are reading in the library. 5. Some patients are waiting in the waiting-room, 6. A phone is ringing in the office. 7. A man is singing in the bathroom. 8. Some boys are playing football on the sportsground. 4.09. Use the prompts below fo make questions with IS THERE... ?ARE THERE... ?Give your own answers. 1, telephone here Tom: Is there a telephone here? Ann: Yes, there’s ome round the corner./No, there isn’t. 2. any holidays this month Tom: Are there any holidays this month? Ann: No, there aren’t./ Yes, there are. 8. enough light in there 4. any problems 5. a snack bar around 6 any students absent 7. any news from home (singular) 8. any empty seats here 1.10, Use THERE WAS/THERE WERE for questions and answers in the past tense. 1, Ann: There's something wrong with my radio. ’(yesters day) Bob: Was there anything wrong with your radio yesterday ? Ann: Yes, there was./No, there wasn’t, 2. Tom: There are a lot of people outside the cinema. (an figur ago) Jato: Were there any people outside the cinema an hour ago Tom: Yes, there were./No, there weren't. 8. There’s someone outside. (a moment ago) 4. There are some people in the street. (len minutes ago) 5. There are very many guests in the hotel. (last week} 6. There’s a play on TV tonight. (dasé night) a ae a taxi waiting by the station. (when you wanted one, 8. aoe are three people waiting in the hall. (a short while 0, 9 There's someone studying in the next room. (earlier 14 L.11.A. Rewrite the following sentences as shows. 1. A sign’s over the door, ‘There’s a sign over the doar. 2. Alec is there. ‘There he is. 8. Your gloves are here: Here they are 4, Moneseage for you is in the box: 5. The light switch is here. 6. The letter-box is there. 7. A lot of people are outsides 8. The envelopes are here. 9. The documenis are there. 10. Betty is there. 1.41.8. Answer the questions below as shown in the first two examples. 1 Is there a good bookshop around here? There’s one across the street. 'y Where’ the bookshop? Anns There it Is across the street, 8, Where are the newspapers? 4, Ig there a good restaurant in this area? 5. Where's my dictionary? here? jere a travel agent's aroun 2 $ Ave thore'some good shops in the centre of the town? 8. Where’s the key to the suitcase? ; Where’s the new student? 10. Is there a good film on? 1.12, THERE IS|THERE ARE introduces a new element, The following sentence beginning with IT|THEY refors to something known. Make sentences using the prompts below. 1. picture/wall/lovely There’s a picture on the wall. It’s lovely. 2. cupsjtablefempty . ‘There’re some cirps on the table. They’re empty. 8. bottle/cupboard/full 4.. books/shelf/old 5. flowers/vase/red 6. wastebasket /classroom/empty 7. chiidren/playground/noisy 8. umbrella/bathroom/wet | | | | | | | sn rata east RENT NEE RE nl 113.4, Answer these questions using IT I8 ia expressions of time, date, weather snd distance. (7T ts az tmper- somal subject). : 1, Bob: What time is it? It's. o/clock, What's the weather like in summer? It’s terribly hot. “me 8. Dan: What’s the temperature today? Vera: Ws... degrees [ above | zero. below } 4. What's the weather like today? 5. What day is it today? ° & What date is it? - Is it late or early in the morning/afternoon now? 5: Wnts the lowest temperature in Romania in winter? 10, Waat’s the average summer temperature in this country? 10; How far is it from your house to your school? + How far is it from your house to the railway station? 113.B, a B. Answer these questions using the verb BE to express 1. How old are you? . How old is your brother/sister? . How old are your parents? How old is your town/village? a yal eet father? you taller or shorter than your 2 \ How high is Mount Omal? nn moe What about Mount ‘Moldoveanul’? How b: How long is the Danube river? 10. How much is a cinema ticket in your town? igh is it? ero uaen 1.14.4, Ask and answer questions about these towns, What's it like? (IT is a personal pronoun here). ve 1, Londonjvery large ' Ann: What's London like? Tom: It’s very large, 2, Bucharest/quite pleasant 8. Sibiufold and historic 4. Pitestifvery modern 5. Manchesterfinteresting and ugly 6. Canterbury/small and pleasant 7. Edinburgh/very beautiful ay also be used in such sentences as: "Who is it?" sae’. Answer the questions as shown in the first examples. 1, Tom: Is it Alice T can see over there? (Beity) Ann: No, it isn’t, It’s Betty. 7 2. Bob: Is it time to go? Kate: Yes, it is, It’s time to go. 3. Was it Peter on the phone? ( Paul) 4] Is it warm outside? 5, Is it the postman at the door? (our neighbour) 6. Was it cloudy yesterday? 7. Was it Vera who was speaking right now? (Christine) 8. Is it far from here to the airport? (quite a long way) 1.15, Rephrase. these rather formal sentences by using anti- cipatory IT. (A short predicate should not be used after @ long stbject-group). 1, To watch birds making their nests is very interesting. li’s very interesting to watch birds making their nests. 2. That he lost his tenis racket is a pity. It’s a pity that he lost his tennis racket. 3. To argue with you is impossible. 4) That he passed his exams is indeed a miracle, 5. To have nice company is good. 6. To watch TV is pleasant. 7. That he won the competition was quite a surprises 8. That she has lost weight is a matter of wonder. 9, To win the lottery is good luck. 10, That she didn’t tell you is strange. 1.A6,A, Answer these questions using emphatic IT. Situation: Mr Scott and Mr West are discussing ‘the causes of various unfortunate happenings. 1. Mr Scott: What makes you fat? Too much bread? Potatoes? Mr West: Ob, yes, it’s { too much bread that makes me fat, potatoes that make me fat. 2, What gives you indigestion? Mushrooms? What keeps you awake at night? Coffee? | What makes you irritable? Wet weather? 5, What causes you to put on weight? Fat foods? 6. What makes you unhealthy? Lack of exercise? 7. What gives you these nightmares? Late dinners? 8. What inakes you tired? Overwork? e 17 1.16.B. Change the following sentences into constructions using emphatic IT 1S/IT WAS. 1. Shakespeare was born ia Siraiford-upon-A von. it is in. Stratford-upon-Aven that Shakespeare was born. 2. Columbus discovered America in 1492. ¥¢ was Columbus who discovered America in 1492. 3, The English Channel separates Britain from Europes 4, Tran into Victor in the market-hall. 5, As a result of hard work he won the first prize. 6. I liked your composition best. 7. Alice asked me to come here. 8, My friends insist on the proposal. 9, Bécduse of his iliness we seldom see him. 1.17." Fil in the blanks with THERE or IT. 1. ...was a lot of rain last night. There was a lot of rain iast night. _.zwas very wet last night. if was very wet last night. &. ....was a hard frost last winter. 1 lis very slippery outside. 5. ‘What killed these plants? Was ... the slugs?" No, ...was the frost that killed them.” 6. ©... is a man at the door.” “. . .is my friend Tom.” 7, You have to be home by nine eight-thirty now, time for you to go home 8. ... is plenty of time for you to go home and come back here again before we start the meeting. 9, “How far is... to Ploiesti?” “...issixty kilometres.” 10. “ a long’ way to go still.” 11. “How much is... ? “... is twelve lei.” 12, ...was dark in’ the hail. ...was a man there but I couldn't see who he was, THE PRESENT CONTINUOUS TENSE FORM 4.18.4. The PRESENT CONTINUOUS is formed with the present tense of the verb BE and the -ING form (the present participle) of the main verb. Write ‘the -ING form of the Tollewing verbs 1vread 2. cut 3. lie 4. write 6. 0 8, take ‘reading cutting tying 5. study 7. begin 9. fulfil 18 10. live 11, worry 12. travel 13. do 16. die. 19. pres fer living worry-_travel- 14, play 17. enjoy 20. offer ing ling*) 15. have 18. be 21. see 1.18.B.* Rewrite these sentences in the present continuous, 1. My cat... (lie) on my bed. My cat is iying‘on my bed. 2. Mary... (plan) a party for Saturday night. 8. Te... (nod) his head. 4. They’... (niove) the cupboard, 5. Eather... (carry) a box. 6. Daniel... (pat) the dog. T. We... (begin) a course in typing. 8. Our friends.” (ivavel) to the country. 9, They... (play) tennis now. 10. She: | (put) Some flowers in the basket, 11, Aunt Emily’... (make) a cake. 12. Alice and Peter... (6uy) a new radio. 13. L... (try) to answer your questions. 14. The old man... (die): 1.19.A, Ask two questions for each sentence below. 1, Paul is eatizig in the snack bar. a. Who is eating in the snack bar? (Paul is.) b, Where is Paul eating? (In the snack bar.) 2, Paul is waiting for a friend. a. Who is waiting for a friend? (Paul is.) b. Who is Paul waiting for? (He is waiting for a friead.) 3, Some people are standing by the counter. 4, They are waiting for their lunch, 5. Dan is choosing his food. 6. Alice is ordering some ice-cream. 7, A thin lady is picking out a salad: 8, The cashier is taking the money from the customers. 9. Alec is waiting for Betty to finish her dessert. 10. He is listening to the radio. 11. A man is looking at the dishes on the counter. 12, He is reading their prices. *) American English: sraveling. 1.19.B.* Fill in the blents with the right preposition, 1, What are you thinking..., Jane? The summer hol: days? What are you thinking { | Jane? The summer holidays? 2. Whose bed are you going to sleep... tonight? Yours or your brother's? . Who is your deskmate always dreaming... ? + Who are you staring... little boy? Don’t you know it’s rude fo stare somebody in the face? 5. What on earth is he talking... ? I don't understand anything. 6, Excuse me, Mr Brad, who are you speaking ...on the phone? 7. What pot are you boiling the fish you know. 8. Who is Helen expecting a letter... ? 9. Who are you voting... in the next class elections? 10. Which drawer are you putting the shirts... , the top or the bottom one? 11. Who is Alice waiting... outside the cinema? ? It's very big, 1.20. Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs in the present continuous negative. 1, Listen, Alec, you... your brains} think before you s you are not Listen, Alec, { you aren’t | using your brains: think you're not before your speak. 2. My School now, eho’s going to the cinema. 8, You... your uniform today, are you, Lily? 4. We can turn on the radio now because my baby brothe any longer 5. We .. . in our house for the time being} it is being painted. 6. Class, you...your dictionaries when you write your compositions, and you’re making a lot of spelli takes. J. We are using this equipment only for the time being; ours... right. 8. My neighbours are being foolish in this matter; their heads, 3000 1.22, The PRESENT CONTINUOU USE 1.21, The PRESENT CONTINUGUS TENSE is used to expres USE | MPLE fan action happening at she moment. of spealiing (the action has duration nd iS"not complete): . an action that extends over |.1 am reading a novel by John a. (slightly) longer period | Fowle: of time, including the time | Mothe: of speaking: for me, 3. 8 temporary, limited ac- | I live in Bragoy but I’m tlving tion/behaviour (+ an ad-|in Bucharest this year. erbial indicating present | Victor uscaily Walled ¢9 school me)! but today te ts going by bus. Yow are’ delng naughty, Why are you being rude? 4. one's immediate plans for | We're going to the cinema the “near future (the time | tonight. (i've siseady bought of the action must be men: | the *ticiats). Soned)t 5. a frequently repeated ac. | Ann ts always dotng her home- fion which atimoys thespeaic | work. (She pends too much oF Ch alwaye, Jorever, con. | time onit), They are complain: Hnuatty, all bie time)!” | jag” bout ‘thelr neighbours Sil the time, We'll go for a walk while the baby Is sleeping. The wind Is blowing (now). Fam not wearing a coat as it isn't cold, Pp is knitting a pullover 6. in subordinate clauses (temporal conditionat clauses) is used to exbress an action happening at the moment of speaking. (The action has duration and is not complete). Situation: Tt is 9 o'clock in the evening, The Martins are at home. Say what they are doing. . Mr Martinjread the evening paper Mr Martin is reading the evening paper. . His wifefwash the dishes Tom and Alice/watch TV They/enjoy the programme very much Twtite a letter grandmother/knit a pullover Sass 21 7. grandfather/smoke a pipe 8, They/sit near the fire 1.23, Answer these questions using the present continuous to express a TEMPORARY ACTION. Add adverbiais such as: doday, this morning, this week, this month, tlsis year. 1, Mr Scott: What do you teach? Literature? My West: Well, I (usunily) teach literature, but I’m teaching grammar this year. 2, Where do you work? At the university? 3. Where do you live? In Brighton? 4, When do you study? In the afternoon? 5. How do you get to work? By bus? 6 What do you have for breakfast? Coffee and rolls? 7, What television programmes do you watch? News pro grammes? 8. Where do you spend your holi ? In the mountains? 1.24. Make dialogues with the adjectives below. Use BE in the present tense continuous to indicate TEMPORARY BEHAVIOUR. 1, sentimental Ann; Don’t be so sentimental! Jenny: But Vm not being sentimental. 2, careless 4, stupid 6, pessimistic 8, unrealistic 3. lazy 5. jealous 7. clumsy 9. rude 1.25, Fil in the blanks with the present continuous form of GET or GROW fo show the transition from one staic to another. .. he... better? Is he still in hospital? Is he getting better? Is he still in hospital? 2, How quickly you... ! How tall you are! How quickly you are growing! How tall you aret 8. It... dark. Let’s go inside. 4. The children . . . tired. Put them to bed, please. 5, Our company... larger and more complex. 6. He... out of the bad habits of his school days. 7. “Are you cold?” “No, I'm not, 1... used to the climate here.” 8. None of us... any younger; we... all... older. 22 1.26. Answer the following questions, Use the present con- tinuous tense to express your plans for the near futtre. 1, Tom: Where are you going after school? Ann: i'm going to the library alter school. 2. What are you doing then? 3. What are you doing at 7 o'clock this evening? 4. When are you going to the opera? 5, When are you writing to your grandparents? 6. What are you doing after dinner? 7, Who are you studying with? 8. Which subject are you working on tonight? 1.27, Situation: Ann and Kate are talking about their friends. Put in Kate’s replies, Use the PRESENT CONTI- NUOUS + ALWAYS to express disapproval of an ‘action which, in the speaker's opinion, happens too often. 1, Ann: Does Alice talk a lot on the phone? Kate: Well, she’s always talking on the phone when I come to see her. 2. Does Tom work hard? 8. Do the Martins play cards a lot? 4. Does Henry smoke much? 5. Do the Bartons quarrel a lot? 6. Does Susan often play the piano? 7. Does Margaret write a lot? 81 Does Emily drink much coffee? 9. Do Peter and Robert often have fights? 1.28. Make complex sentences as shown below. Use the present continuous in the temporal clause for an action in progress. 1. My friend/listen’ to the radioleat My friend usually listens to the radio while he is eating. 2. Father/read_ the newspaperjeat 8, Iflisten to the radio/do my morning exercises 4. My_ brother/sing/wash 5. T/readjtravel 6. Mother/wash the dishes/cook T. Grandmother/knit/watch TV 8. Aunt Martha/make phone calls/look after the children 1.29. Explain the use of the present continuous in the follow~ ing sentences. Translate the sentences into Romanian. 1, The show is just. beginning. 2. Tom is always giving me bad advice. 8. Cinema audiences are declining in the United States: 23 4, Lam dining with 5. Frank, don’t talk rude. 6, Mr Brown always reads the morning paper while he is travelling to work. 7. Laura is suffering from an unustial form of kidney disease. 8. “Sh. ..Shi® she warned. “You are becoming conspi: cuous 9. We are using this equipment only for the time being; _| ours isn’t working right. j 1.20, Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs in the present continuous affirmative, interrogative or negative. J. Tom, stop that noisy game you... . Tom, stop that noisy game you're playing. 2, The ‘anaesthetic... . I’m in pain, ‘The anaesthetic isn't working. Um in pain, 8. ... you... Paul at six o'clock? Are you meeting Paul at six o’clock? 4. They've moved toa new flat, They ... new furniture now. 5. He paused and looked at her. { Are you hurt?" . 6. You needn’t take your umbrellas it.:. = 7. 8. 9. °. Would vou join us? that, please, You are being + Alice... always...on the phone when I call on, her. . He went into the house ahead of us shouting, “Alice, ? Your guests have come. clumsy.” what . “I'm sorry,” I said, 1. 10, Grandfather the vegetable garden now, he is watching television, 11, By the way, I...some people over for dinner tonight. 12. 4. .you... the ‘show? I asked Mary. THE SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE FORM 1.31.A, The SIMPLE PRESENT has the same form as the yinfinitive but adds -S or -ES for the third’ person sinz gular. Express agreement with these statements, Pay atten- tion to the prommciation of the -(E)S ending: looks {S], listens [Z], watches [IZ]. : 1. Tom: Dawid is a {care Carcrulp worker. Ann: That's sight. He works (wacks} {fag uly- 2. George is a quick learner, 8. Sandra is a good teacher 4. Grandfather is a slow eater, 5. Father is a heavy smoker, 6. Diana is a fast typist, 7. Mr Jones is a bad writer. 8. Andy is a strong swimmer. 9. Mother is a careful driver. 1.31.B, Write these vers in the third person singular. Pay attention to their spelfing. 1, drink 8, study 6. eat 10. try 14. watch 18. stop drinks "studies 7. miss 11. have 15. live 19. dry 2.wash 4, go 8. hurry 12. say 16. get 20. read washes 5. buy 9. be ~ 13. do 17. brush 21. come 1.32.A.* Put the verbs in brackets into the simple present. Situation: Schoolgir! Lucy Hall talks about her life. 1. 1 (get up) at 7.30 when the alarm-clock (ring). I get up at 7.30 when the alarm-clock rings. 2. 1 (eat) breakfast in a hurry, not to be late for school 3. Dad (be) off early to the factory where he (run) a label printing. business. 4, Mum (drive) to school at 8.10. 5, Unfortunately she (leach) at my school. 6. Correction —she (leach) me at my school, which (de) very hard for both of us. 7.1 (travel) to school with her in the car, although it (do) my reputation no good to be seen arriving with a teacher every day. : 8, I (spend) the next 25 minutes catthing wp on homework 9. 1 (be) in the sixth form at the High School in Boston, Lincolushire. 10, Boston, lovely though it (be), (be) years behind the rest of Britain: 11, we (be) so much off the beaten track. | 12] At 9 o'clock assembly (s/art) the day with singing and notices. 13, Break eventually (arrive) after three periods. 14, Break (be) over too soon, but only two periods until Junchtime. 15. After lunch we (drag) ourselves back t6 two more lessons: ‘Adapted from: A Life in the Day of Lucy Hail, in: Sunday Times Magazine, January 8, 1984, 25 1S, Actualy. (admit) tee ene as wl (be) a cmnall group 18. Shison Mynd 1 (sit) at the back, answering at suitable 19. Re bout ike .) translations, so in those lessons we (butt) 20. een) the passage, then other students 2. (eee cher Tal, 1.) when we (need) her, but otherwise 22, Ket AEG tne more atrocious mistakes at the end, iece for homework. and (give) us another piece for homeworl home with mother in the car again. Eve i (eet ) the dog, Sinbad, the cat, Abraham, and the 25. Re “(exchange) opinions about the day’s bappenings * vi up of tea. a 7 26. Homework (take) up most of the evening, if not all of it. 27. IE T (organize) myself and my work well. I (go) out om * Thursday evenings to Pilgrim Venture Scouts where (enjoy) myself with people of my own age. - 28, Otherwise Catie, my best friend, (ring) me, just for G dd a ti 29. T (go) to bed at about 10.30 and (read) a novel unt " t1"bim. when I can’t absorb any more, and I (crash) wit completely. 30. Sand Sr ieeay (say) these (be) the best years of your * sige! Well, I quite (enjoy) school really! 1.32.B, Look at the above exercise again and say what Lucy Hall does every day. 1. I (get wp) at 7.30 when the alarm-clock (ring). eal gets up at 7.30 when the alarm-clock rings. She a deskmate about work in his/her family ant cee ee ‘questions and answers to make a ques- tionnaire. we Questions Family members Mother, Grandmother (sometimes). |e, who does the shopping? | We _all_do. 1, cook your food 1, Who cooks your food? 26 2. do the shopping 3. clean the house 4. make the beds 5.\wash the windows 6. work in the garden 7. feed the dog 8. buy the Radio and TV Times 1.34.4. Formulate two questions for each statement below to practise the difference between FORMAL and INFORMAL usage. Use WHO, WHOM or. WHOSE, in your questions + the appropriate preposition, 1. This gold watch belongs fo my grandfather. a. (Jormal) To whom does this gold watch belong? b. (informal) Who does this watch belong to? 2. Every week Daniel receives a letter jrom his grandmother, 8. When I go to the country I sleep in my grandfather's bed. 4. The old lady usually has confidence in her lawyer, 5. The chairman of the meeting wishes to speak to the secretary. 6. We vote for our leaders in the elections, 7. The chairman usually sits between Mr Brown and Mr Green. 8. The papers on the desk belong fo the headmaster. 1.34.B, Formulate two questions beginning with WHO for each sentence below: a, for the subject; b. for the object. 1, A surgeon operates on sick people. a, Who operates on sick people? b. Who does a surgeon operate on? : 2. A teacher marks students at the end of every term. &. A shop-assistant sells goods to people. 4. A secretary helps her boss to plan his time. 5. A postman brings letters to people. 6. A fashion model shows new styles of clothes for men, women and children, 7. A doctor cures sick people. 1.35. Look at exercise 1.32.4. again and make questions and answers about Lucy Halt’s life. 1, Where/the Halls/live Tom: Where do the Halls tive? Ann: They live in Boston, Lincoinshire. 2. When/Lucy/get up Bob: When does Lucy get up? Kate: She gets up at 7.30. 27 8, Who/work/in a factory Dan: Who works in a factory? a oes, Vera: Mr Hal) sets in a factory. 4. Where/Mrs Hall/ teach 5. how/Lucy and her mother/get to school b. what time/school/start 7, how many lessons/the gitlsfhave every day 8, 5 10. . what subject/Lucy/like best . where/she/sit . who/help/the students translate the passage il, what/the teacher/correct 12. who/Lucy/ereet at home 13. what/the Halls/exchange opinions abont 14. what/take up/most of the evening 15. whofring Lucy/in the evening 16. what time/Lucy/go to bed 1.35, Fill in the blanks with appropriate verbs in the simple present negative. 1. teeth every evening} I sometimes forget. 1 don’ rt ates | my teeth every evening; I sometimes forget. clean 2. The Middle East is extremely dry; it... much there. The Middle East is extremely dry; it doesn’t rain much there, Children, in general, ... to bed late. Father . |. to work every day; sometimes he goes by bus. ; We... English lessons every day; only twice a week. 1... swimming every day, only three times a week. Victor .. in an office, he ‘works in a factory. : The postman... letters on Sundays, does he? University studénts... uniforms. 2 shower every morning’ he sometimes forgets. enough homework, Jenny; you should try Deven auae You should buy this book, Tudor. Fortunately, it much. 1.37, DO[DOES can be used in the affirmative, too, when we want fo stress the action expressed by the’ verb. Respond to the following statements, using emphatic DO/DOES. 1. Ann: Laura swims very well. Kate: Yes, she does swim well, but 1 can swim better. 28 ary work very hard e: Yes, they de work hard, but 1 can work harder, 8. Diana dances very well 4. Helen and Alice play tennis very well. 5. Sandra drives very fast, 6. Angela types very well. 7. Liz and Betty run very fs 8. Christine works very hard. 9. Paula and Lily walk very fast. 10. Lucy and Jula skate very well: USE 1.88. The SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE is used to express: USB EXAMPLE + habitual actions (+ adverbs | My mother usuaily goes to such as: often, usually, ne- | market on Sunday” mornings. ver, always, every day, in| T never get up late (im. the the’ morning, “on” Suridays, | morning). ete,)! 2, generat truths or characte- |The Earth moves round the Fistics | sun, A. tailor makes clothes. 3. momentary actions, com-| Bill gets out of bed, comes pleted almost at the same | downstage a bit, aud stands ‘ime they are performed | attentively. contexts such as: cook: | ing, demonstrations, ceremo- | - nat “utterances, stage diree- jion's, radto or TV commen- > aries, announcements, head- tines} | 4. planned future actions, | Our winter holiday begins on when the fatnre action ss | December 22nd, considered part of an al-|T teave Bucharest at 8 acm. ready fixed’ programme | and arrive in Bragov at 1] act, {with verbs of motion: come 89, leave or verbs expressin Piinned- sctivieys begs rt, end, finish. The ad blals Indicating future hme are obligetary,) 5, in temporal and conditional | Have something to eat before clauses, when there ig a | you go. inture /present/ imperative | ff yon don’t huery we shall in the ‘main clause be “late, 29 1.39.A. The SIMPLE PRESENT TENSE is used to express HABITUAL ACTIONS. Read the following, then say what Susan Ross does every day. Begin? Susan Ross has an interesting job. She is a secretary. She writes... . 1, My name is Susan Ross. 2, Ihave an interesting job. I’m a secretary. 3, L write a lot of letters every day. " L answer the telephone and meet people. I use the typewriter every day. . I type letters and official papers on it. J put papers away in the file cabinet. I stand between my boss and his visitors: 9. Lask them why they want to see him. 10, Then I let them into his office. 11. I help my boss to plan his time. 12. I also remind him of important appointments. 13. 1 work eight hours every day. 14. I like my job very much. 1,39.B. Speak or write about one of the fotlowing: 1, Susan Ross’ work; 2, Lucy Hall’s everyday activ 3. Your father’s/mother's working day} 4. Your daily programme. 1.40, Use the information given below to make sentences containing FREQUENCY ADVERBS. Choose from: rarely —seldom — never usually — often —always 1, Julia is an excellent student. (make mistakes) seldom Julia is an excellent student, She | rarely | makes mistakes, never 2. The Martins don’t like to stay in town on Sundays. (go hiking in the mountains) 3. A woollen sweater is expensive, but... . (last @ long time 4, Tony is such a lazy follow! (do his homework) 5. 1 like to keep fit. (do exercises in the morning) 6. June is a warm, Sunny month. (rain in June) T. Patricia likes films very much. (go to the conema) 30 8.4 film... (last more than two hours) 9. Mrs Grant dresses well. (have on nice-looking clothes) 10, October is a cold and wet month. (rain in October) 1:41. Make sentences using the following words. Pay attention to the order of words in the seatence. 1. Alice, puts, on her desk, in the morning, usually, some flowers. ; Alice usually puts some flowers on her desk in the morning. Subject + adv. of frequency + predicate + direct object +- ~+ adv. of manner + place + time : 2. Tom, drinks, in the morning, always, tea. 3. Father, finishes, at five o'clock, work, every day 4. Dan and his friends, go, on Saturdays, to the cinema. 5. Mother, mixes, in this bowl, cakes, always. 6. The neighbour's dog, chases, often, our cat. 7. We, speak, very well, English. 8. 9. . Our club, holds, once a month, a meeting, at school . Mrs Brad, looks, on her way to work, in the shop win- dows, always. 10. Mr Barton, teaches us, twice a week, English, 11. I, carry, every day, my books, to school, 12. We, play, usually, tennis, on Sunday mornings. 13, My deskmate, does, very well, his homework, alwa: 1.42. The SIMPLE PRESENT is used to express GENERAL TRUTHS. Answer the following questions: 1, Where does the sun rise? The sun rises in the east. 2. Where does the sun set? 3, What floats on water? 4, What temperature does water boil at? 5! What temperature does water freeze at? 6. What planets move round the sun? 7, What makes things fall to the ground? 31 1,43, Use this rhyme written by an English poet, Christina Rosetti, to say how you make a pancake. Use the simple present and connectors such as: first, next, then, after that. Mix a pancake, Stir a pancake, Toss a pancake, Put it in the pan. Catch it if you e.g. First I mix the pancake. Next... Fry a pancake 1.44, Use the prompts given below to make questions and answers in the simple present about PLANNED FUTURE ACTIONS which are part of a fixed programme/schedule. 1, the next train/arrive/at 6.30 Tom: When does the next train. arrive? Ann: It arrives at 6.30 2. the last bus/leave/at midnight 3. tonight’s TV programme/start/at 8.00 4. the meeting/end/in half an hour 5. your holiday/beginjon July 15th 6 7 the film/finish/in twenty minutes the visiting lecturer/come to the Univer tomorrow 8. Mr Barton/retire/next month 1.45, Make one sentence for each of the situations below. Use the simple present in the temporal/conditfonal ch 1, You are working in the garden, It might rain soon, You'll go indoors then. Tl go indoors if it rains, 2. You're going to bed, You'll turn off the lights then, PH turn off the lights when I go to bed. ¢ 8. You might have visitors tomorrow. You'll stay at home then. 4, Susan is going to arrive at 8.30, You'll be at the zailway station to. meet her. 5. The weather might get better. You'll go for a walk then, 6. Christine is going to phone soon, You'll speak to her then, . 7. It might rain this afternoon. You'll take your umbrella then, 1.46, The following verbs are not norm: tinuous form | VERB Verbs of perception | WEAR inert SOUND LOOK | APPEAR Verbs of inert BELIEVE CONSIDER | | EXPECT 8, You might catch the 7.30 tomorrew. Brasov at 10.30. | 9. Lunch is going to be ready soon. You'll call me then 10. We know it'll get dark. We'll turn Then, you'll be in n the lights then. VERBS NOT NORMALLY USED IN THE CONTINUOUS FORA | | | | EXAMPLE T hear sounds music. Te good. I see a bird! TL smell gas! It gmells. bad, This food ‘tastes 008, Sins ‘material feels | soft. You took well. He appears to be (S “seems obo ntenten Pers my 0p ion } ? Penpeetste'lt come 7 etteve | | You from ‘Bim (=. 90: will be hearing get news from him. i'm ‘seeing the mans ger tomorrow, (= I'n meeting him by ap- boinimont.) Um smelling the m tecting the ground tay Stocks “ow are you Feeling?” Hine, You're looking better om’ te toduing at len. (= He 12 using ees 10 see.) te Getor ts appearing oat the | | Hower. | other Is tasting the | | (Pin thinking of. I'm expecting a letter from here = Lm walt ing 7 —— ze HOPE | | | wot ‘This bottie notds | 1'm folding the bottle IMAGIN | | ape (eye eae ln SUPPOSE | toins) Reeping it.) THINK I think he is a| t'm thinking of my | kind) "rian," (= | grandmother. (rate Daniel _ resembies | Ann fs resembling hes betieve ) + ihvatigh my mind now.) his mother, mother more and more. Po = - a of inert perception are not sed in the coitinuous i aspect. (They refer to actions of the senses wihrich are | NVOLUNTARY). : | Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb in the | REALIZE simple f Che from: jie ell BEG ize present simple form. Choose from: hear, see, smell, a = iaste, jeel™) | Atticedinal \ 1, Your soup .. . great. bs Your soup fasies great. | Digunce | 2a Something borning. | LoaTHe | 3, Tom... this man every day on his way to school. LOVE 4.1... voices. There is someone at the door. aot . 5.1 like this pudding. It... good. (ITN I don't mind his | Who ts minding the 6 1... cold air, Close the window, please. omolking, (7 have | baby? ° (2 ts Taking no objection. care. 5 PREFER ” eed 1.47.B, English speakers sometimes use perception verbs with Ried | other meanings**) or to express @ VOLUNTARY use REFUSE | of their senses and then these verbs can be used in the REGRET j continuous aspect. Verbs of having and. bein BE 2 BELONG TO CONTAIN CONSIST OF cost DEPEND ON DESERVE HAVE 34 | Tom 1s at school. | You are belng rude today, fulis. [tempor rary” behaviour) He is a ‘How m this boo! i have pupil, ch does 1k cost? a bicycle. § phone. a bath. tng) ggs are costing more these days. I can't answer the Tm having Lim tak Fill in the blanks with the appropriate verb in the smell, taste, present continuous form, Choose fro: feel, sce, hear. “How ...your mother... now?” “She .. . much better.” “How is your mother feeling now?” She’s feeling much better.” What are you doing? spoiled.” ...this meat to see if it is ‘) Verbs of the senses are usually preceded by CAN in modern spoken English (1 can see you), though the simple present (J see sou) is still heard, 0) Feel = 1, touch; 2, is used in a medical sense, See = 1. meet by appointment; 2. visit (places of interest); 8, accompany. ‘Hear from = receive news, a letter, a 35 ve 3. {Where’s Paula” She... out'.:. the sights of Oradea. She'll be back soon.” 4. “What's the matter with you?” ¢ T have a cold.” “What is Kate doing in the kitchen?” ‘She, .. the soup to see if it needs more salt.” 1... the dentist today. I have an appointment with him. Julia... the material to see if it is real cotton, ®..-you... from Patricia these days? Haveyou received any letters from her?’ not... well today. Pao L42,A, Answer the foltowing questions in order to practise verhs of THINKING, ATTITUDE etc., which sre not used in the continuous aspect. Do you always understand your English teacher? When don’t you understand her/him? a 2, Look at the sentence you've written. Do you realize your mistakes? . What do you do if you don’t know the meaning of a word? Do you believe in hard work or in good luck? - What do you sometimes forget to do in the morning? . What do you need to make an ice-cream? - Do you prefer to watch a film on TV or to see it at the cinema?, &. What do you eonsider to be a good film? 8. Do you always agree with your parents? What happens f you don't? 10. Dé your parents think vou are always right? 11. Do you mind waiting for your friends? 42, Why do you trust your friends? 13. Do you easily recognize people you haven't seen for a long time? nes 1.48.B.* Put the verbs in brackets into the simple present or present continuous form, Note that THINK and CONSIDER can be used in the continuous aspect af they mean REFLECT, WEIGH MATTERS. 1, Paul (think) about the exam. Paul is thinking about the exam, He (think) it was long and difficult, He thinks it was long and difficult. ++ You (smell) gas? 1 (think) the new stove is leaking: Fred. (consider) buying my old bicycle. : regain. 5. He (consider) i = good Bargain, Ws . rnadhy 6. «you (rementier) she Teme, the other side ©: rect? 7, fWhat you. (think) about?” “T (Uiink) about, my “ polidays. I (think) I’ have a good time at the seaside: 8. 1 (suppose) I must go now. My. parents (watt) at home. _ 9. The bus, . still (stand) at the bus-stop. ... you (think) we can just catch it? 10. .,.you (Usten) to what I am saying?.. ne? : 11, Th0e0 childven never (Histen) to what vou say. They «7 * always (think) about something else! syou (under (think) I've seen rou *(recognize) that woman?” “I (think) * her Poland Dut 1 (net, remember) her name: i 19, Verbs expressing ATTITUDES are not used in the ° repect. sont tos olin beackets into the simple present form, 1. Your father and I (ears) about you. You are our only 2. We (not, want) to make you miserable. We {desire} the “pest in life for you. . 8; Datet worry, Your father (orgive) you for wrecking the family car. | however, he (hate). careless drivers, 5 Dees “SE course, that I (nef, like) reckless drivers either, 12, "6, We imow teenagers (love) speed nevertheless we (refuse) to jet you use the car again until you slow down. 7. We (not, want} to see you in hos 8. Father and 1 (qvieit) you would sation carefully. ‘out this conver= (CIV. Pollock) erbs which are not slate the sentences 1.50, The following © used in the 4into Romanian, : 1. 1 noties Susan is wearing a new dr 2. 4Listen to this record.” “Hi enunds good. 5 ct he'll apologize for being late. De ou suppose the children are still sleeping? aaa ) L feel (= think) T am maki d peceress ish, & Deyou mind helping me a moment? I'm frying te mend this chair. : J. Henry refuses to buy a new overcoat. s today. a Who isthe singer? a7

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