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After a few years, I still remember the day that changed my life. I was 12 years
old and it was around 9 o’clock in the morning.

My parents and my sister went to hospital for some regular check up. I was
getting bored. To avoid the boredom, I switched on television. While I was
changing the channels, I saw news channels were showing breaking news. The
breaking news were about Earthquake and Tsunami which massively hit South
Asia. South India was also affected by that natural disaster. There were news all
over the news channels. A lot of people lost their lives, so many people lost their
close ones, their soul mates or their love in that tragic disaster. The countries
around the Indian Ocean sustained damage from tsunami. By watching those news
I felt really bad. There were so many people who went to some of the most
beautiful places of South Asia like Maldives, Thailand, India just to celebrate
Christmas and New year with their loved ones. But who knew that everything is
going to change in next few hours? Who knew that the promises which they were
making of being together till their last breath will be going to break?

In that moment, I realized nothing is permanent. No matter how many promises

we will do to our loved ones to stay by their side, because in the end, the promises
can be broken. Time is so powerful and life is so short. You never know what will
happen next. It completely changed me. Now, I never miss the chance to tell my
close ones how much they mean to me.

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