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Yoga began as an ancient practice that originated in India circa 3000 B.C.

carved figures of yoga postures can be found in the Indus Valley depicting the
original poses and practices. Yoga was developed as a way to achieve harmony
between the heart and soul on the path to divine enlightenment. Along the way, it
was discovered that yoga has a practical benefit of curing many diseases like
diabetes and high blood pressure, and alleviating physical injuries and chronic pains.
Yoga has taken off in the West as an answer to helping ailments.

Yoga is an ancient spiritual and health practice traditionally including physical

postures, breathing exercises, meditation, philosophical and lifestyle lectures. The
united nations highlighted yoga’s potencial role in the prevention and management of
non communicable diseases.

Primary reasons for yoga practice are to improve health and fitness, to enhance
flexibility and to reduce stress or improve mood.

Germany, a survey in 2014, 19.4% of the population practised yoga or were

interested in yoca practice to improve phisical and mental health conditions and to
increase physical and mental performance.

Australia, they practiced yoga to manage a health issue or medical condition, 53.3%
of them said that they precieved their condition as improving due to their yoga

US, practicing iyengar yoga found that 90.5% report a chronic or serios health
condition agreed or strongly agreed that their health improved as a result of yoga.

It appears as though yoga has a scientific base, because there are many conections
with health benefits. However, it is imposible to present the available evidence for
yoga as a therapeutic intervention in its entirely.


There are actually 6 main kinds, but Hatha and Raja are the most well known. The
six kinds are Hatha, Raja, Bhakti, Jnana, Kriya, Karma Each are very unique, and
you dive into the differences here.
Hatha yoga, includes all kinds of yoga that is based in physical
practice. It is slower than the other styles.lean how to breath and
to meditate.

Iyengar yoga,practiced to work in injuries and joint problems. It

focuses on correct aligment of the body and very precise moves. Also
improves stability, mobility, strenght and flexibility.

Kundalini yoga, it is an spiritual style

Ashtanga yoga, it is very physical demanding. It is not for

beginners. It is called power yoga.

Vinyasa yoga, it uses athletic yoga postures and all movements are
coordinated with ones breath.

Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs), also known as chronic

diseases, tend to be of long duration and are the result of a
combination of genetic, physiological, environmental and behaviours

The main types of NCDs are cardiovascular diseases (like heart

attacks and stroke), cancers, chronic respiratory diseases (such as
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma) and diabetes.

NCDs disproportionately affect people in low- and middle-income

countries where more than three quarters of global NCD deaths –
32million – occur.

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