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The anesthetic management of ventricular septal

defect (VSD) repair in a child with mitochondrial
[La démarche anesthésique adoptée pendant la réparation d’une communication
interventriculaire (CIV) chez une enfant présentant une cytopathie mitochondriale]
Ehab Farag MD FRCA, Maged Argalious MD, Samer Narouze MD, Glenn E. DeBoer MD, Julie Tome MD

Purpose: To present the anesthetic management for the correction a bien toléré l’intervention et connu une bonne récupération.
of a ventricular septal defect (VSD) in a patient with multiple acyl Conclusion : L’anesthésie de patients atteints de maladie mitochon-
CoA dehydrogenase deficiency (glutaric aciduria type II; GAII). A driale exige une normoglycémie, une normothermie et l’absence de
review of the literature about anesthetic management of patients stress dans le but de préserver la production d’énergie par les mito-
with mitochondrial diseases undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass chondries lésées.
(CPB) is also included.
Clinical features: An 11-yr-old girl with GAII manifested as severe
hypoglycemia since she was a newborn and generalized muscle
weakness. She underwent open-heart surgery for VSD correction
with CPB. The anesthetic management avoided inhalational anes-

thetics, maintained the blood sugar within normal limits and contin- LUTARIC aciduria type II (GAII) is one
ued normothermia during CPB in order to avoid the stress of type of mitochondrial cytopathy that
hypothermia for her abnormal mitochondria. The patient tolerated affects ß-oxidation of fatty acids. In this
the procedure well and experienced a good recovery. form of mitochondrial disease, glucose is
Conclusion: The anesthetic management of patients with any utilized as the sole source of energy. Thus during
mitochondrial disease requires normoglycemia, normothermia and metabolic stress (i.e., fasting), severe hypoglycemia
the avoidance of metabolic stress in order to preserve energy pro- and nonketotic metabolic acidosis result. There are
duction by the diseased mitochondria. very few actual reports but many anecdotal stories of
poor postanesthesia outcomes in patients with mito-
chondrial diseases. This is a case report of a child with
Objectif : Présenter la démarche anesthésique adoptée pour la cor- GAII in which general anesthesia and normothermic
rection d’une communication interventriculaire (CIV) chez une enfant cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) were used for the cor-
souffrant de déficience multiple d’acyl-CoA déshydrogénase (acidurie rection of a ventricular septal defect.
glutarique de type II ; AGII). Nous incluons également une revue de la
prise en charge anesthésique de patients atteints de maladies mito- Case report
chondriales qui subissent une circulation extracorporelle (CEC). An 11-yr-old girl weighing 50 kg presented for elec-
Éléments cliniques : Une enfant de 11 ans, atteinte d’AGII, tive closure of a perimembranous ventricular septal
présentait une hypoglycémie sévère depuis sa naissance et une fai- defect (VSD). The patient was diagnosed with GAII at
blesse musculaire généralisée. Elle a subi une opération à cœur ouvert seven months of age. Symptoms of her mitochondrial
pour la correction d’une CIV sous CEC. Nous avons évité les cytopathy were worsening, and included “metabolic
anesthésiques d’inhalation, maintenu la glycémie dans les limites de la episodes” which consisted of frontal and occipital
normale et poursuivi la normothermie pendant la CEC afin d’éviter le migraine headaches accompanied by diplopia and
stress de l’hypothermie sur les anomalies mitochondriales. La patiente vomiting. These “episodes” were treated with glucose

From Sections of Pediatrics and Congenital Heart Disease Anesthesia, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
Address correspondence to: Dr. Julie Tome, Staff Anesthesiologist, The Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Division of Anesthesia and Critical
Care Medicine, 9500 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, OH 44195, USA. Phone: 216-444-8389; Fax: 216-445-2536; E-mail: TOMEJ@CCF.ORG
Accepted for publication March 22, 2002.
Revision accepted July 22, 2002.

CAN J ANESTH 2002 / 49: 9 / pp 958–962


infusions and dexamethasone. Due to severe hypo- dure and during CPB. Serum blood glucose was 5
glycemia (< 1.9 mmol·L–1), the patient received rou- mmol·L–1 after anesthetic induction with a lactate level
tine overnight enteral feedings via a percutaneous of 1.3 mmol·L–1. During CPB serum blood sugar was
endoscopic gastrostomy tube to maintain normal in the 10–12.9 mmol·L–1 range and serum lactate level
blood glucose level and to avoid development of peaked at 2.6 mmol·L–1 (normal up to 2.0 mmol·L–1)
hypoglycemia. The urgent need for permanent measured immediately post-CPB. Total bypass time
intravascular access for parenteral nutrition and meta- was 33 min and aortic cross-clamp time was 11 min.
bolic management was anticipated. The presence of The CPB pump was primed with a solution contain-
VSD (though hemodynamically insignificant) was ing dexamethasone in the dose of 0.25 mg·kg–1, plas-
considered to be a major risk factor for endocarditis malyte, 25% albumin, NaHCO3 and calcium chloride.
and possible air embolism. The pump flow was kept at 100–128 mL·kg–1·min–1 to
maintain a cardiac index of 2.4 L·m2·min–1 and venous
Patient’s past medical history oxyhemoglobin saturation was between 75–80%.
She was born at 33 weeks gestation with a VSD and Closure of the VSD was confirmed by a trans-
atrial septal defect (ASD). At seven days of age, she had esophageal echocardiography contrast study. Central
a cardiac arrest at home and was diagnosed with severe venous pressure was maintained post-bypass at 6
apnea and a seizure disorder. A failure to thrive investi- mmHg with boluses of 0.9% normal saline as needed.
gation at seven months included a skin biopsy and During recovery, insulin was administered to keep
fibroblast culture, which were consistent with GAII. blood glucose at 10–12 mmol·L–1. Sodium nitroprus-
She remained on an apnea monitor until 18 months, at side 1.5 µg·kg–1·min–1 was administered for two hours
which time her ASD had closed spontaneously. The postoperatively to control blood pressure. She was
patient became progressively more symptomatic with transfused to a hematocrit of 30% after CPB with
gastric dysmotility, asthma and proximal muscle weak- pump blood. The postoperative course was uneventful
ness often requiring wheelchair use by the age of nine and the patient was discharged from the hospital on
years. Mental status and intelligence were normal for the third day.
age. The family history was significant in that her moth- The child denied awareness and discomfort during
er, brother, and maternal aunts were all diagnosed with the procedure, and family or caretakers have denied
mitochondrial disorders. Echocardiography showed any increase in muscle weakness or other neurologic
normal left ventricle function and size and a small per- disturbances. Her medications on discharge were the
imembranous VSD with left to right flow maximum same as preoperatively: Coenzyme Q10, Vitamin B,
velocity of 4.7 m·sec–1. No other abnormalities were carnitine, amitriptyline, and paroxetine.
detected. Her intolerance to lorazepam resulted in
severe agitation. Discussion
Mitochondrial cytopathies can be divided into two
Anesthetic management main categories. In the first category, the respiratory
During preoperative fast, the patient received 10% complexes in the respiratory chain are affected as in
dextrose in 0.25% normal saline infusions at 90 MELAS and Kearns-Sayre syndromes.1–4 In the sec-
mL·hr–1. After routine monitors were applied, induc- ond category, lipid metabolism is affected either due
tion of anesthesia was managed with ketamine 50 mg to a defect in the transferred fatty acids across the
(1 mg·kg–1) and fentanyl 100 µg (2 µg·kg–1); intuba- mitochondrial membrane which is caused by carnitine
tion was facilitated with rocuronium 25 mg (0.5 deficiency or due to a defect of ß-oxidation of fatty
mg·kg–1). A 20 gauge arterial catheter was inserted acids. In both cases, the energy production from lipid
into the left radial artery and a central venous pressure metabolism will be insufficient.1
line (CVP) into the right internal jugular vein. GAII was first described by Przyrembel in 1976 as a
Anesthesia was maintained with N2O in O2 in pre- deficiency in the electron transfer flavoprotein (ETF)
CPB period then with 100% O2 after bypass period that moves electrons from flavine-adenine dineclotide
with intermittent doses of ketamine (total 150 mg) to (FAD) of acyl CoA dehydrogenases to coenzyme Q in
prevent awareness and rocuronium was titrated to the respiratory chain. This leads to the accumulation of
train-of-four (TOF) response. Analgesia was provided free fatty acids in the plasma and the urinary excretion of
by a remifentanyl infusion at the dose of 0.2 large amounts of organic acids. This condition differs
µg·kg–1·min–1 and a morphine infusion at 40 from glutaric aciduria type 1, characterized by the accu-
µg·kg–1·hr–1. Body core temperature was maintained mulation of glutaric acid, which is due to a recessively
between 35.9°C and 36.4°C throughout the proce- inherited deficiency of glutaryl CoA dehydrogenase.5–8

GAII has been categorized into three subgroups. The and diminished myocardial contractility. Glucose rep-
first group is the neonatal onset GAII that includes con- resents the sole energy supply to the newborn heart in
genital anomalies such as dysmorphic facies (potter contrast to the adult heart, which depends mainly
type), polycystic kidneys and other general abnormali- upon fatty acids as a source of energy.15 This finding
ties. The second group is the neonatal onset GAII with- emphasizes the importance of avoiding hypoglycemia
out congenital abnormalities, which presents in pediatric patients in order to avoid myocardial
immediately after birth or in the first days of neonatal depression. This is especially important when dealing
life. The patients usually have symptoms of respiratory with children who have impaired glucose homeostasis
distress, hypoglycemia and metabolic acidosis without and are unable to utilize fatty acids as in the child pre-
ketosis. The third group is the late onset GAII which is sented in this report. In spite of the age of the patient,
characterized by repeated episodes of hypoglycemia the myocardial cells can still be immature due to mito-
accompanied by elevated serum concentrations of free chondrial disease. It has been documented that the
fatty acids without ketosis, fatty infiltration of the liver, mitochondrial cytopathies in general can be accompa-
hepatic dysfunction and proximal myopathy. This disease nied by cardiomyopathy,16,17 however, fortunately, our
is usually characterized by a “generalized sweaty foot patient has normal cardiac function. One of the sites
odour.” The urine of these patients contains increased of action of inhalation anesthetics is the gas-1 (gener-
amounts of organic acids such as glutaric acid, ethyl- al anesthetic sensitive) gene, which encodes 49-KDa
malonic acid and dicarboxylic acids with six to ten car- (IP) subunit of complex 1 of the respiratory chain.
bons. The hypoglycemia is due to impaired oxidation of The proteins 49-KDa (IP) are essential for the proper
fatty acids resulting in decreased hepatic gluconeogene- function of complex 1 of the respiratory chain. The
sis. The increased amounts of glutaryl CoA and ethyl- volatile anesthetics inhibit gas-1 gene and decrease the
malonic acid lead to the inhibition of mitochondrial function of complex 118 thus enhancing the inhibito-
uptake of malate, which is a rate-limiting step in gluco- ry effects of volatile anesthetics in the patients with
neogenesis.9 GAII is usually accompanied by lactic aci- mitochondrial diseases. N2O in vitro increases NO
dosis, which arises from a severe energy deficiency in the and is known to inhibit cis-acotinase and iron con-
muscle and from an impaired recycling of lactate to glu- taining electron transport enzymes and may also affect
cose via the Cori cycle.9 The acidosis leads to impaired energy production.4 However, we chose to use N2O
renal excretion of uric acid resulting in hyperuricemia.9 to reduce the risk of awareness, in lieu of benzodi-
Riboflavin which acts as the precursor of FAD which is azepines. In order to maintain metabolic homeostasis
the common coenzyme of acyl CoA dehydrogenase, can in our patient, Ringer’s lactate was avoided to prevent
be used as a treatment for GAII exacerbations.10 an exacerbation of lactic acidosis. Instead, dextrose
There is no single scheme or method to follow for 10% in 0.25% normal saline was titrated to serum glu-
the anesthetic management of patients with mito- cose levels of 10–12 mmol·L–1. Third space losses
chondrial cytopathies. By reviewing the literature, were replaced with a normal saline infusion.
every agent and technique have been used successful- The use of hypothermic CPB (to 28°C) has been
ly, however, there are certain controversial issues that reported in a patient with mitochondrial disease.19
should be considered.4,11 Volatile anesthetics have The 41-yr-old patient with Kearns-Sayre syndrome
been used uneventfully in several case reports.12,13 underwent hypothermic CPB for aortic coarctation
However, in one case report a malignant hyperthermia repair, aortic valve repair and patent ductus arteriosus
type episode occurred when inhalation anesthetics and ligation. However, a normothermic CPB technique
succinylcholine were used.14 In our case, potent was used in our patient to achieve many goals. Liver
inhalational anesthetics were avoided due to the fear function and hepatic mitochondrial redox potentials
of lactic acidosis and the inability to distinguish post- are measured by arterial ketone body ratio (AKBR)
bypass hyper metabolic states from anesthesia-induced and hepatic venous ketone body ratio, which is usual-
malignant hyperpyrexia. Additionally, myocardial ly calculated by the ratio of acetoacetate to 3-hydrox-
depressant effects can be caused by volatile anesthetics ybutarate. This potential is better maintained with
due to reductions in intracellular calcium concentra- normothermic CPB than with hypothermic CPB. The
tion, and inhibition of the sodium-calcium exchange complement system activity and the immune system
mechanism. Recently it has been shown that are better maintained with normothermic CPB due to
halothane and sevoflurane have inhibitory effects a better AKBR thus decreasing the production of
upon norepinephrine-induced glucose uptake in immune mediators during CPB and inflammatory
neonatal cardiomyocytes. This decrease in glucose processes as well. Also with low hepatic mitochondri-
uptake is associated with lowered intracellular calcium al activity, phagocytosis by Kupffer cells and the retic-

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