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My super summer

Hello everyone! My name is Ana. I am 12 and I am very happy. I am a good student and I always
make my homework. I am never sad. This is me: I wake up in the morning, I wash my face and teeth and I
have breakfast. After that I go to school. I come back in the afternoon and make my homework. In the rest of
the day I usually read, watch TV or play computer games. I also like to play volleyball.
This summer I am going to have a great holiday. My family and I are going to go to Greece. I know
there is always warm and sunny there. We usually go to the mountains, but this year we are going to go to
the seaside. We always have nice holidays.
I am so excited! I am going to swim, to play in the water and to make a sandcastle. We are going
to visit Athens and all its attractions. I am going to eat a lot of ice cream and fruits. I can’t wait to see
What about you? What are you going to do this summer?

Activity 1: Write three things that you are going to do this summer.
Example: This summer I am going to visit my grandparents.

Activity 2: This is me: I wake up in the morning, I wash my face and teeth and I have breakfast. After that I go for
a walk. I come back in the afternoon and clean my room. In the rest of the day I usually read, watch TV or play
computer games. I also like to play volleyball.
How does a day of your holiday look like? Describe one day in 5-10 sentences.

Activity 3: Ana’s diary

Help Ana write in her diary! Use the list below:
Monday play chess

Tuesday go to the zoo

Wednesday play the violin

Thursday watch tv

Friday swim in the pool

Saturday listen to music

Example: Today is Monday. I usually go to school, but now I’m playing chess.

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