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English Worksheet


Name: No.: Class: Date:

A. Put the verbs in the Present Simple – affirmative:

1. John usually _______________ (stay) at home.

2. I never _______________ (stay) home alone.
3. Tom rarely _______________ (listen) to the radio.
4. My friend and I _______________ (like) to play computer games.
5. My cat always _______________ (sit) on the sofa with me.
6. My parents _______________ (sit) on the other sofa.
7. I always _______________ (brush) my teeth in the morning.
8. My little sister _______________ (wash) her face next to me.

B. Put the verbs in the Present Simple – negative (don’t/doesn’t + verb):

1. Peter ______________________ (watch) TV at night.

2. He ______________________ (like) horror films.
3. Helen and I ______________________ (study) together.
4. She ______________________ (do) her homework after dinner.
5. We ______________________ (have) lunch at the school canteen.
6. I ______________________ (come) to school by bus.
7. Paul ______________________ (arrive) late at school.
8. My friends ______________________ (play) violent games.

C. Present Simple – interrogative – Fill in the gaps with Do / Does +subject + Infinitive:

1. _____________________ sports at school? (they/ play)

2. _____________________ playing football? (you/ like)
3. _____________________ her bike to school? (she/ ride)
4. _____________________ up early in the morning? (he/ wake)
5. _____________________ dancing on Saturdays? (your parents/ go)
6. _____________________ milk? (the cat/ drink)
7. _____________________ their owners? (cats and dogs/ like)
8. _____________________ good care of them? (we/ take)

D. Complete the text with the Present Simple of the verbs in brackets.
Cátia, Lídia and I are a group of good friends. We ________ (go) to the same school but we
_______________ (not/live) in the same street. We ________ (like) doing things together. Lídia
________ (live) in a great house with a big swimming-pool. She _________ (enjoy) spending time
there. We also ________ (love) going to her house every weekend because we ________ (adore)
swimming too! Cátia _________ (prefer) music. She _________ (sing) very well, but she
________________ (not/play) the guitar. We _________ (want) to be best friends forever. What
about you, _________________ (you/ have) a best friend?
Good Luck & Good Work!

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