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Harry Styles

white floppy hat that Diana Ross might have won from Elton in

shades, a cashmere sweater, and blue denim bell-bottoms. His

o carryi
1. ng his purse no oth
2. er word for it a yellow pa
3. tent-canvas bag with the
this Beverly Hills deli know
5. him well. Gloria and Raisa
6. dote on him, calling him
10. tuna salad and
iced coffee. He turns heads, to put it mildly, but nobody
comes near because th
11. e waitresses hover around the booth protectively.
He was just a small-town English lad of 16 when he became his
One Direction. When the group went
on hiatus, he struck out on his own with his brash 2017 solo
debut, whose lead single was the magnificently over-the-top
missed out on One Direction were shocked to learn the truth:
This pinup boy was a rock star at heart.

Hall of Fame ceremony with his tribute to his friend and idol Stevie Nicks.

responsible for more running mascara including my own than all the
bad date


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