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CONFIDENTIAL LGIMAR 2017/ELC121/120 UNIVERSITI TEKNOLOGI MARA FINAL EXAMINATION COURSE : INTEGRATED LANGUAGE SKILLS I/ INTEGRATED LANGUAGE SKILLS: LISTENING COURSE CODE : ELC121/120 EXAMINATION : MARCH 2017 TIME : 2HOURS INSTRUCTIONS TO CANDIDATES 1. This question paper consists of three (3) parts: PART A (2 Questions) PART B (2 Questions) PART C (1 Question) 2. Answer ALL questions in the Question Paper. 3. Filln the details below: UITM STUDENT CARD NO. PROGRAMME/CODE PART ENGLISH LANGUAGE GROUP NAME OF LECTURER 4, You are allowed to refer to a print English-English dictionary. 5. Please check to make sure that this examination pack consists of: i) the Question Paper DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. This examination paper consists of 17 printed pages (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, 2 LG/MAR 2017/ELC121/120 PART A: READING COMPREHENSION Read the following passage and answer all the questions that follow. (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA, Camels ~ Ships of the Desert Camels are mammals long legs, a big-lipped snout and a humped back Which are most commonly found in the hot deserts of Norther Africa and the Middle East. It is one of the most unique mammals in the world as they can ‘survive in the dry and arid deserts without food and water for long periods of time. In order to live in these regions, camels have several adaptations to help them survive successfully. Firstly, camels are distinctive for the humps on their backs which can be one or two depending on the types of camels. They consist of stored fat that can provide them energy when resources are limited. The camel's hump is like a storage container. When camels use their stored fat, their humps will flatten. When they eat again, the humps will be refilled with fat. Filling up on water, when it is available, is very important for camels. They can drink 30 gallons (113 litres) of water in just 13 minutes. Their bodies rehydrate faster than any other mammals. This is due to their unique oval-shaped red blood cells which allow the blood to keep flowing smoothly when the animals become dehydrated and when the blood thickens. In addition to their humps, the camels’ cream to brown coloured, short and thick fur does not only protect their skin from the sun during the day, but also help to keep them warm when the temperature plummets at night. Their feet are also padded to help them cross the rocky and stony areas of the desert. Moreover, camels have three eyelids. The first two eyelids have long lashes to help keep out the sand and dust, while the third clear eyelid helps to clean their eyes of sand that gets into them. Besides that, it closes or opens from side to side rather than up and down. 10 15 20 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, 3 LGIMAR 2017/ELC121/120 IV Native people first domesticated camels over 3,000 years ago. Historically, 25 camels would have roamed throughout the deserts of Northern Africa, the Middle East, Asia and Wester India. Today, wild camels can only be found in the Gobi Desert and Mongolia. They can carry loads of about 500 pounds on their backs, gaming them the nickname ‘ships of the desert’. Domestic camels are often the main source of meat, milk and even leather or wool products. Like other 30 domestic animals, there are now numerous breeds of camel. However, not all have been bred for practical uses as faster and stronger breeds are appearing for the purpose of camel racing. V_ Today, technology has replaced camels as the farm animals used for ploughing and transporting goods. Even the Bedouins who are the Arabic nomads are not 35 as dependent on their camels as they once used to be. They do not use their camels much for transferring goods anymore. These sturdy animals have adapted perfectly to life in the desert and have proved to be vital to the survival of humans as they are not just used for transporting people and goods, but also providing an important source of food for the people living in the deserts. 40 Adapted from, (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, 4 LG/MAR 2017/ELC121/120 QUESTION 1 (13 MARKS) a) What do the following words refer to as they are used in the passage? i. these (line 5) ii, They (line 8) ili, which (line 14) iv. it (line 23) v. their (line 36) (5 marks) b) Write the meaning of each word below as it is used in the passage. i. distinctive (line 7) ii. plummets (line 19) iii, earning (line 29) iv. sturdy (line 37) (4 marks) ©) Read the statements below carefully. Write T if the statement is TRUE or F if FALSE in the space given. i. The camels’ humps are the source of energy when food and water are limited. Camels have the capability to replenish their bodies with water instantly compared to other animals. Both wild and domestic camels are providers of poultry and dairy products. iv. Despite the advancement of technology today the service of camels in transporting goods is still applicable. (4 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknolog! MARA, CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, QUESTION 2 (4 MARKS) LGIMAR 2017/ELC121/120 Complete the table below with information from the passage. Parts and Functions of a Camel's Body Parts Functions Humps + Consist of a) to provide energy. Fur © Protect their skin during daytime. b) at night. °) + Keep out sand and dust. 4) ‘* Cross rocky and stony areas. (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA (4 marks) CONFIDENTIAL, CONFIDENTIAL 6 LGIMAR 2017/ELC121/120 PART B: READING COMPREHENSION Read the passage below and answer all the questions that follow in complete sentences using the information in the passage. (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA, The Benefits of Home-cooked Meals Do you often eat out because you are always busy and are not good at cook If you do, itis time you start thinking of preparing or cooking your own meals. You do not need any special training to cook a simple meal. Anyone can do it provided one is willing to make time for it and has some basic knowledge of cooking. Preparing your own meals at home can be exciting and also gives you and your family many benefits. Eating at home gives you the choice on the ingredients that you want to include or exclude in your meals. Therefore, you can keep your foods natural and wholesome. Other than allowing you to control the ingredients in your food, you have the choice to use healthier ingredients such as fresh fruits and vegetables instead of unhealthy processed foods which tend to be high in sodium, fat and sugar. According to health experts, frequent consumption of processed foods should be reduced as it can cause negative effects to the body. Besides giving you the power to choose your own ingredients, you can conveniently fix meals that suit your health requirements. if you have any dietary restrictions, it is better to cook your own meals, so you do not have to worry if a dish that you are eating would cause you a visit to the doctor. When you eat at home, you can be more careful in preparing food especially if you or a family member has a food allergy. For example, some people are allergic to food which contains nuts. In some tations, food allergies can be serious and fatal. Preparing food at home reduces the risk of an allergic reaction to foods, so there is no need to worry about this problem. Thus, people with health complications or problems are advised to eat more home-prepared meals. 10 15 20 CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 7 LGIMAR 2017/ELC121/120 IV_ With the economy in a recession, people should be eating more home-cooked meals because it is cheaper than going to a restaurant or buying pre-cooked 25 meals. Most restaurant dishes are expensive nowadays and even fast food value items are not cheap either. Eating out every day can burn a hole in your pocket! Preparing food in large quantities allows you to be more economical with your money. In addition, you can save time because you can store the extra food prepared and eat it later at other meal times. All you need is good planning anda 30 reliable freezer or refrigerator so that the food will not spoil during storage. V__ Preparing home-cooked meals also allows you to spend valuable time with family members. You can encourage your children to participate in meal planning and cooking. This makes your children feel they are accomplishing something and contributing to the family. Besides, learning to cook is a skill your children can use 35 for the rest of their lives. VI__ In conclusion, preparing your own meals is a worthy activity. Eating out is not only costly but also high in calories. The next time you are hungry, do not rush to the nearest fast food outlet or restaurant. Instead, cook a simple meal using ingredients in your refrigerator or modify any leftovers that you have from 40 yesterday's dinner or lunch. It is obvious that the benefits of eating at home exceed the time it takes to prepare a home-cooked meal. In time, your cooking skill will improve and most importantly, your loved ones will admire and appreciate your sincere effort! Adapted from http://www. (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, 8 LGIMAR 2017/ELC121/120 QUESTION 1 (11 MARKS) a) Based on paragraph Il, state two (2) benefits of preparing home-cooked meals. i) (1 mark) b) What is the result of eating processed food on a regular basis? (1 mark) c) Provide two (2) reasons why a person with health problems or food allergies is encouraged to eat meals prepared at home. i) (1 mark) d) State one (1) way how people can still enjoy home-cooked meals even though they do not have much time to cook. (1 mark) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA, CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, 9 LG/MAR 2017/ELC121/120 e) In your own words, explain the meaning of the following expression: ‘Eating out every day can bum a hole in your pocket!’ (line 27). (2 marks) f) What is the topic sentence of paragraph IV? (1 mark) 9) How can young people be encouraged to prepare their own meals in the future? i) ii) (2 marks) h) The word ‘Besides’ in line 35 links two ideas. What are these ideas? i) (2 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL 10 LGIMAR 2017/ELC121/120 QUESTION 2 (2 MARKS) Do you agree that many people are reluctant to cook their own meals because they lack cooking and time? Give a reason for your answer. (2 marks) (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologi MARA, CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL, " LGIMAR 2017/ELC121/120 PART C: GRAMMAR QUESTION 1(10 MARKS) Fill in each blank with ONE suitable word. Personal cleanliness and good hygiene practices are important (0) life. Having good personal hygiene practices means that you are taking good care of (1) and leading a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, not everyone is practising them, so it is important for parents to (2) their young children personal hygiene habits and techniques. Personal hygiene includes cleaning all parts of your body on (3) daily basis to prevent smell or odour and keeping up with your appearance. There are (4) personal cleanliness habits that you can practise. One of the habits is to always wash your hands before handling or eating food after trips to the toilets or after blowing (5) nose, sneezing or coughing. According to healthcare providers, this can reduce the spread of germs ©) bacteria. Moreover, taking a shower or bathing regularly is an important part of cleanliness. Health (7) believe that this not only reduces unpleasant body odours, but also controls the spread of infection. For a healthy scalp, you (8) wash your hair frequently using a suitable shampoo. Failure to do so can lead to scalp problems like itchy scalp, scalp rash and pimples. Another good practice is to brush the teeth at least twice a day. This can prevent problems of the mouth, gums and (9) breath. Ifa person tends to sweat excessively, he or she can try to use a deodorant so that the body smells good. Keeping the home and environment clean (10) essential too. This can be done by properly disposing rubbish, washing dirty dishes and cleaning floors regularly. It is clear that cleanliness and personal hygiene are more than just staying clean. It is actually a reflection of one’s awareness of cleanliness and one’s environment. Adapted from END OF QUESTION PAPER (© Hak Cipta Universiti Teknologl MARA, CONFIDENTIAL

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