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Stronger Together for Quality, Accessible, and Responsible Education.

New normal


Seameo japan-esd awards


Study from home

Benefits I got

Leadership amidst the pandemic

I. Introduction
a. New Normal
b. Modular learning

2020 is an interesting year. You might contradict my assertion, but you’ll find out the reason why I boldly
stated this soon enough.

Education is formally facilitated from schools and into classrooms, greatly for the purpose of effectively
engaging learners to scoop all the knowledge that their teachers could provide for them.

However, for this year, most government in the world sealed their borders, encouraged everyone to
stay in their homes, and made nurses and doctors as their new soldiers in an attempt to defeat an
unseen foe. We became limited with our mobility as we followed what the government told us, not just
in compliance, but also in fear.

This meant that schools have to also temporarily close down. But that doesn’t necessarily mean
education will just have to halt or be hindered from there.

In the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) and the Commission on Higher Education
(CHED) who are both responsible for administering Philippine education on a national scale, both
instigated their plans in continuing education.

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